UmbraSpaceIndustries / MKS

MKS/OKS Colonization Systems
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Most containers only have electric charge #1555

Open Isufy opened 2 years ago

Isufy commented 2 years ago

all my Inflatable Habitations are buggy the first bug I found I fixed, which was the inflatable ring was rotated 90 with bugged snapping sides. second all the other Inflatable Habitations they deploy when i put the parts and they dont have button to deploy/undeploy and they dont suport any crew.

Isufy commented 2 years ago

i mixed several parts of different mod versions and my inflatable Habitations are now working, but i hadn't seen that they also had containers and more other things, most of the containers are buggy and have nothing but electric charge. and as I don't know this mod, I don't know if the transport of supplies is buggy or if I just don't know how it works, I've been trying to fix this for 5 days in a row, I even downloaded 3 different versions of the game and 3 different mod versions and mix all mod parts many times to see if the mod would work without too many non-working parts, but it didn't. so I'll leave it that way and try to play, but if anyone has a folder to fix the containers I would like to have.

zajc3w commented 2 years ago

I'm afraid you installed something wrong. Inflatables need engineer(or any kerbal? , not sure) in EVA to deploy, all but storage inflatables need material kits and EC to inflate. Required quantities are listed as animation cost

Isufy commented 2 years ago

I know that inflatables need to be deploy in Eva, but the parts literally did not have Deploy button or any other button, and all inflatable they automatic deploy in hangar. but i already fix that bugs and some others mixing many parts from diferents version from this mod and i see that was missing some dll files in MKS and onther things that i forget. but the wolf transport i give up i I tried to fix it but I couldn't

zajc3w commented 2 years ago

You shouldn't mix versions. It works straight out the box(zip) as intended.

Isufy commented 2 years ago

Kerbal Space Program Screenshot 2021 12 18 - 10 01 25 79 - Copia Kerbal Space Program Screenshot 2021 12 18 - 10 43 36 50 i mix versions because the mod aren't working well look the first is the mod with no alteration an second is my version with some version mixed Still missing wolf dashboard on my version but i try play normally just with bugs like the resourse only gerate if im close of my ship

ValaRezaee commented 2 years ago

hey, I believe the Resource switching is implemented in FireSpitter core. I don't know if you've installed it or not but Thought I'd let u know. I had a problem where kontainers couldn't store anything at all because I think the resources weren't introduced into the game until I reinstalled firespitter core from CKAN. Hope this helps!