UmbraSpaceIndustries / MKS

MKS/OKS Colonization Systems
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Fix inconsistency between editor and flight behavior regarding Wolf depot creation #1570

Open mhoram-kerbin opened 1 year ago

mhoram-kerbin commented 1 year ago

In the editor it is perfectly fine to attach a Wolf Depot and a Wolf Converter to the same ship.

However when one tries to establish a depot with such a vessel, one receives a message, that these parts can not be on the same ship.

There seem to be two solutions:

This PR is a first step for implementing the second option.

This patch changes the behavior of Depot-creation in the following way:

The this patch aims to leave the previous behavior for connecting converters the same.

(*) I am not quite happy with this behavior, but lack currently an idea for how to do this better. So I will leave this PR as a draft for the moment.

zajc3w commented 1 year ago

Not allowing o attach any onverter/crew to a depot would be a PITA when trying to establish wolf system in one launch. Default behavior is fine, just have to remember to make depot detachable self contained unit with probe core, some EC and attachement computer. IMHO Info in depot description in VAB/SPH in red would suffice.

mhoram-kerbin commented 1 year ago

@zajc3w I am not sure if I understand you correctly. The idea of the PR was to allow mixing depot, crew and converters in a single ship, so that all gets deployed in a single step without the need to detach parts of the ship.