UmbraSpaceIndustries / MKS

MKS/OKS Colonization Systems
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Duna modules seem to have the Top and Bottom node names reversed #1581

Open dunmatt opened 1 month ago

dunmatt commented 1 month ago

Hello! Huge fan of this mod, but I'm running into something I don't think you expected. I'm playing with Connected Living Spaces, and the Duna modules don't behave the way their attributes suggest that they should. Their CLS attributes (and the design of the models) say that the top node is passible and the bottom node is impassible, however, if you flip one Duna module over and put it on top of another one, you cannot transfer a kerbal between them, and when you connect two Duna modules "bottom to bottom" (ahem) you can transfer kerbals between them. That seems bass-ackwards from the intent.