UmbraSpaceIndustries / MKS

MKS/OKS Colonization Systems
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Request: Add liquidfuel only and oxidizer only (to keep it consistent with liquidfuel only) options to the wet tanks? #469

Closed smjjames closed 9 years ago

smjjames commented 9 years ago

SInce the nuke engines from stock and other mods use liquidfuel only now, I thought it would be good to have that option available to use.

I also thought maybe add monoprop, but changed my mind since it would be quite a lot of monoprop in the two larger tanks. The smallest size tank, maybe.

Deadpan110 commented 9 years ago

I think Monoprop would be a good option for all sizes as well as single LiquidFuel and Oxidizer setups. I often create stations that craft dock with and always end up forgetting to send up more Monoprop so as to refuel the worker crafts. No big deal for my Mun and Minmus operations - but would be handy to keep a large amount in stock while trying to colonize the Jool system before I have facilities to replenish resources,

BobPalmer commented 9 years ago

LiquidFuel has been added - MonoProp makes sense. Not sure how I feel about an Oxidizer-only tank.

smjjames commented 9 years ago

I was iffy on the oxidizer only myself. Interstellar fuel switch makes oxidizer only an option for some tanks anyway.

BobPalmer commented 9 years ago

Added LF and Mono tanks