UmbraSpaceIndustries / NuclearRockets

Nuclear Pulse Drives for KSP!
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Orion firing like a machine gun, Medusa not working #51

Open B-STRK opened 7 years ago

B-STRK commented 7 years ago

This could be the same as Issue #46. Uploaded an output log from a clean-install playthrough though in case it's useful (if it turns out to be a bug from a conflict with updated dependencies).

  1. Orion's pulse animation and imparted thrust are too rapid, bombs firing out like a machine gun. (Sound of explosions seem to be at the regular pace, but cannot be sure.) Happens with all classes of bombs (NPU 500 to 2500).

  2. Medusa (a) does not work at all, despite sound playing and ablative oil registering a decrease (but the bombs resource is not displaying any decrease); (b) starts in both Editor and Launch scenes with sail already deployed. Additional shaking on the pad. Only tested the NPU-250.

Uploaded the output log after testing the above. Craft in both cases is composed of the big probe core, one magazine each of the NPU 255, 500, 1000, 2500, and either the Orion or Medusa engine. Test of the Orion took place after cheating to orbit. One Medusa was cheated to orbit before firing the engine, the second was fired on the pad. In both Medusa tests, the sail was already deployed and the craft was shaking violently on the pad.


MagentaRex commented 5 years ago

I second this. There is no real throttle, just full on or off.

MagentaRex commented 5 years ago

It appears to be an issue with the timing range specified in the engine module of the parts. I have tweaked these in my own files to test and confirmed this. The medusa is better used with very heavy craft with plenty of gyroscopes for steering, as it is incredibly powerful but has no gimbal. The Orion on the other hand can gimbal to make up for the insane power, and therefore is a better bet for "smaller" craft.

For example on the Orion engine. MODULE { name = USI_PulseDrive transformName = thrustTransform shockAnimationName = shockAnimation cartridgeYield = 10000 powerFactor = 2.75 densityMultiplier = 250
maxPulseTime = 0.025 //This should be a higher number because it relates to the lowest possible thrust. minPulseTime = 0.025// This is maximum thrust. It should be a shorter time but again, be mindful of full throttle and heavy pulses with light vessels. These engines ARE designed to move heavy craft quickly. particleLife = 0.03 heatMultiplier = 0.01 powerCurve = 0.4
animationSpeed = 6 FuelRate = 0.25 fuelList = NPU-250;NPU-500;NPU-1000;NPU-2500 }