UmbraSpaceIndustries / USITools

Shared components for KSP mods
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Missing ConstructionSkill.cs #107

Open khr15714n opened 7 years ago

khr15714n commented 7 years ago

KSP.log [ ] Game State Created. [ERR 10:34:50.864] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ConstructionSkill' as it does not exist.

[ERR 10:34:53.496] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ConstructionSkill' as it does not exist.

[ ] editor started [ERR 10:34:58.635] ExperienceTrait: Cannot add effect 'ConstructionSkill' as it does not exist.

GameData\000_USITools\TraitsAndEffects.cfg @EXPERIENCE_TRAIT[Pilot] { [...] }

@EXPERIENCE_TRAIT[Engineer] { EFFECT { name = FundsBoost } EFFECT { name = GeologySkill } EFFECT { name = ConstructionSkill }

@EXPERIENCE_TRAIT[Scientist] { [...] }

khr15714n commented 7 years ago

Either you wanna support allista's ConstructionSkill: or USITools/USITools/Traits/ConstructionSkill.cs USITools/USITools/Experience/ConstructionSkill.cs are missing or were lost ...

BobPalmer commented 7 years ago

Yep, this is to support Allista's mod

fat-lobyte commented 7 years ago

Well is there a way to hide these warnings?