Closed petpetpeter closed 2 years ago
it's have problem with some package.xml, i have updated the project. i make the new ubuntu 18 in VMware, and install new ros environment, and follow the steps in readme. it can build the project. you can try it again . (if Gazebo not running on VMware, add "export SVGA_VGPU10=0" to ~/.bashrc)
I tried to follow of the latest package. after that we do the catkin_make
this error from building the workspace happen like this
OS Version: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS ROS: Melodic
it is miss the utra_msg_generate_messages_cpp on utra_controller CMakeLists.txt.
please git pull the new version , and catkin_make again
I can build the package successfully. Now, I try "Run RViz and connect with utra" and moveit but found this error when trying to move the robot.
The connection work fine and I could enable robot with the rviz plugin.
thank you. it fixed by updating latest controller firmware.
I try to build the package with the catkin build tool and I found this error
I guess it's related to this discussion
So, I remove the project name from every target_link_libraries in the CMakeLists.txt file in the utra_controller package and success with the build.
not sure if it also works for catkin_make as well.
OS Version: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS ROS: Melodic