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Incorporate Social Equity Content #9

Closed lewlefton closed 3 years ago

lewlefton commented 3 years ago

Change headings to read "Social Equity". This replaces the incorrect capitalization of social_impact and the inconsistent "Social Impact Stuff"

Here is abbreviated content which can be on the main page under Social Equity <Is this too long still? If so, feel free to edit further>:

Historically marginalized student populations are among the most vulnerable students in post-secondary education. They transfer in more hours which don't apply to their degree programs, resulting in longer times to graduation and greater debt. When combined with inefficient and ambiguous transfer credit processes, the result is a significantly inequitable outcome for such students. Blockchain technology combined with curricular analytics offers a more transparent transfer process resulting in fewer “lost” credit hours and increased student agency, ultimately improving student graduation rates.

Here is longer content which could be on a landing page for Social Equity: Social Equity

Historically marginalized student populations are among the most vulnerable students in post-secondary education. These students tend to transfer in more hours which don't apply to their degree programs. They have longer times to graduation, are more likely to not complete, and tend to have greater debt. When these disadvantages are combined with inefficient and ambiguous transfer articulation processes, the result is a significantly inequitable outcome for such students.

Blockchain technology, when combined with curricular analytics, offers more transparent transfer process and outcomes, fewer “lost” credit hours, increased student agency and control of their student records, and ultimately increased graduation rates. When students can clearly see how credits will transfer towards a particular degree program, they can better understand the time, resources, and ramifications of choosing a transfer institution and potential major. A visualization of potential paths to graduation empowers the student to quickly “shop” their next institution and know exactly how their current credit will apply before engaging in the traditional (and often daunting) process of applying to a transfer institution.