UnamSanctam / UnamBinder

A Free Silent (Hidden) Open-Source Native Binder - Includes Windows Defender Bypass - Unam Binder
MIT License
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any way to make it fud #49

Open RDisOP opened 1 year ago

RDisOP commented 1 year ago

is there any way to like make it fud from windows defender

UnamSanctam commented 1 year ago

Change the code, use a crypter or wait for the next release. Though I'm focusing on the downloader and web panel at the moment so they will get updated first.

folkdragon commented 1 year ago

is there any free crypter out there

0x9080 commented 1 year ago

Change the code, use a crypter or wait for the next release. Though I'm focusing on the downloader and web panel at the moment so they will get updated first.

In which cs file should there be a change to make binder FUD?

UnamSanctam commented 1 year ago

In which cs file should there be a change to make binder FUD?

This is the file that gets built if you choose to build it as Managed (C#): https://github.com/UnamSanctam/UnamBinder/blob/master/UnamBinder/Resources/Code/Program.cs