UnamSanctam / UnamDownloader

A Free Silent (Hidden) Open Source Downloader (Binder) - Includes Windows Defender Bypass - Build Native - Unam Downloader
MIT License
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Suggestion #46

Open JustAregularDude7 opened 2 years ago

JustAregularDude7 commented 2 years ago

Would you be able to add protections such as Anti Virustotal Anti Windows Server Anti VM or something like Anti Low-ram

These features would help a lot to have them in downloader because many of builds are going to virustotal and they are pretty much spamming with opening

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Ah sure I can think about that, though it's usually a bit harder for VirusTotal since many have hardened VMs. It will probably just be inside the C(++) build though since doing that inside C# gets detected instantly I'm pretty sure.

Bobdidit69 commented 2 years ago

So if I run the miner through a crypter then bind it after with a delay. It shouldn't be detected right because it "drops" and executes after exclusions are put in? Doesn't it "drop" as soon as the download completed? My crypter has this feature dont understand it lol whats the difference between binder and downloaded?

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Well yes it adds the exclusions before it downloads the files. A binder is used to bind files together into one inside the binary and a downloader is used to download files from the internet instead, some combine them into one as well (binder+downloader) which is usually still only called a binder.