UnamSanctam / UnamWebPanel

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Error on RDP webpanel #1

Closed Sh4r3cat closed 2 years ago

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Unbenannt can you help me or on my webpanel its like this and i cant login ![Uploading Unbenannt.PNG…]()

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago


UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Are you sure all the files are there?

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

yes all are in.

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Your PHP version is too old. You can see that in the first warning.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Unbenannt fixed now but now i put the db in xampp and it said error

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Which error? Make sure that it has the correct name and everything.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

its correct error = The SQLite database file specified in the configuration could not be found.

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Try dirname(FILE, 2) instead of 1. Could be the problem since it's using FILE maybe.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

thx worked

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Now i can't connect with api i get invalid bla bla if I open it in browser and in the miner I put url with http and one time without http and it does not work

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

You entered http://URL/api/endpoint.php into the miner? The invalid data is supposed to happen so that's correct.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Yes i entered it but i didn't saw a connection or a miner running in processhacker

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Run the [MINER]-checker.exe file that was generated when building the miner, it will show up there unless you had "Install Rootkit" enabled since then all the processes are hidden. Are you hosting the website on the same computer as the one you are running the miner on or a different one?

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

I host it on my RDP xampp and used http://187.xxx.xx.xxx/api/endpoint.php And I also used without http and it didn't worked

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

And if I add first etc mining and after that eth it will only min etc on 6gb+ gpus ? So it detectes what brings more profit ?

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Hmm that should work fine, I host it with my XAMPP when testing and calling it works fine.

Well it can't "detect" since the miner cannot know that you want to mine ETH (the ethash algorithm is just for many coin) and neither does it know what DAG size ETH has until it has connected to the pool and started mining. The miner doesn't know that ETH can't be run on 3GB and below (since it hasn't started mining yet and thus haven't received the DAG size from the pool). But if you have both an ETH miner and an ETC miner then it will start both but since the ETH doesn't have enough VRAM it will just wait. But the ETC will have enough VRAM so it will start mining. Only problem that could arise by adding both miners to the list is if they have more than ETH+ETC DAG size amount of VRAM, so 4.5+3GB=7.5GB of VRAM. If they have above 7.5GB of VRAM then it could start mining with both miners at once with this method.

ETH will "soon" (keeps getting delayed) move to ETH 2.0 where it can't be mined anymore which is why I haven't focused on it.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Okay thank you.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Unbenannt after running ur root kit ?! how to fix this?

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Don't know, I'm guessing it might be hiding some file that your VM uses maybe. The rootkit is still highly experimental (hence the red name and the warning in the wiki) so things like that are to be expected, especially in VMs since they aren't real computers.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

and the unstaller does not remove the root kit?

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

if i start virualbox as admin i cant even see the window only the process in processhacker

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

The uninstaller removes the rootkit yes.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

but why i cant run any virtual box?

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

it said something like can read memory

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

puh lucky i found my unstaller and now i can start my VM

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Great, it's also possible to run the rootkit uninstaller directly from here https://github.com/UnamSanctam/SilentCryptoMiner/raw/master/SilentCryptoMiner/Resources/rootkit-u.zip.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Oh! okay thank you!

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

is it possible that i can do it like in the eth miner like {Computername} ?

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Yes, {COMPUTERNAME}, {USERNAME} and {RANDOM} still exist (in all the miners).

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

okay thank you for the fast responses :D

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Haha no problem, and good luck with everything.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

Unbenannt thank you but here is the next problem the miner will start his self again after some mins root kit enabled

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Make sure you run every uninstaller you have. If it starts up again then the watchdog is still running.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

its a new and clean vm it was the first test so where was no miner before

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Then what is the problem? That the miner starts itself?

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

no, it creates alot of conhost.exe files and after unstall the miner i see many nslookup.exe things

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

If you use the rootkit then I would advice you to disable the watchdog, I don't use the rootkit myself for production builds since it's experimental.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

and a other thing is i use {USERNAME} and the vm name is King but i see in the dashboard workername = UKing

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

okay i will do this

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

and a other thing is i use {USERNAME} and the vm name is King but i see in the dashboard workername = UKing

Yes that's intended because pools usually only allow alphanumeric worker names, so let's say that if someone's username is 测试用户 then if it did not add the U before the username then it would submit a blank worker name to the pool in which case the connection could be refused by the pool.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

oh okay

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

can you add please the gpu name for the workers name? it would be sooo nice but anyways very very good job from ur site props

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

It's possible but it could be too long for a worker name, sometimes worker names are limited to 8-16 characters for some pools

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

okay next problem now i uploaded the miner so some pcs and not a single pc is connected in my panel :/

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

not even my vm with a vpn only my ip can connect to the panel

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

Is the website pointing online? Can you visit the endpoint.php page on your VM?

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

yes i can maybe its issue form the root kit because i really like this feature

UnamSanctam commented 2 years ago

No the rootkit shouldn't affect that in any way. Only real thing I can think of is that you cannot reach the page from the miner in your VM with the VPN, make sure you use http if you don't have an SSL certificate.

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

i use http and yes also other pcs does not connect from my clients

Sh4r3cat commented 2 years ago

now i used vpn and test on my main pc so with root kit it does not connect idk why and without root kit i see the client in dashboard