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[Another Question] What to write into Remote Configuration Textbox? #283

Open ghost opened 9 months ago

ghost commented 9 months ago

![Uploading Capture.PNG…]()

ghost commented 9 months ago


UnamSanctam commented 9 months ago

A URL to a "Remote Configuration" if you have one, for example on sites like pastebin https://github.com/UnamSanctam/SilentCryptoMiner/wiki/ETH-Miner#remote-configuration.

ghost commented 9 months ago

Yep, I don't have (auto-generated) config, should I write it on my own?

UnamSanctam commented 9 months ago

Sure that works fine, you can also test the JSON you write in any online JSON validator to make sure it's formatted correctly. Or you can enter the settings into the miner builder and go to the "JSON" tab for the auto-generated one.

ghost commented 9 months ago

That's great, I like the second idea lol Thank you !

ghost commented 9 months ago

@UnamSanctam Sorry buddy, Last question!!! Everything worked fine, the panel works also my test (VM) miner appeared but the (Hashrate is 0 H/s), should it be? And in general everything is as it should be? Capture

ghost commented 9 months ago

I also cant see the miner on the xmr.2miners.com, When searching for my address, it throws an error "No miner data available

You need to submit at least a single share to see the stats."

UnamSanctam commented 9 months ago

Yes one share needs to be found first, what are the specifications on that VM? Does it have enough RAM and CPU resources to mine RandomX?

ghost commented 9 months ago

Lemme send you the ss

ghost commented 9 months ago


ghost commented 9 months ago

Oh and ram is currently 5.28GB, Is it lower?

UnamSanctam commented 9 months ago

As long as there's at least like 2.3 GB of RAM free for RandomX it should work, and how many CPU cores did you give the VM?

ghost commented 9 months ago

image Only One..

ghost commented 9 months ago

Problem found? XD

UnamSanctam commented 9 months ago

Try increasing the cores to 2 (or more) and see, since that single core is probably already being used so it won't be used for mining.

ghost commented 9 months ago

So, I have to delete that one and build another one right?

UnamSanctam commented 9 months ago

You can stop the VM and then increase the CPU cores in the menu you took a screenshot of.

ghost commented 9 months ago

Alright, I thought I needed a new miner build

ghost commented 9 months ago

It works now bud.. But most people don't even know how or why to change the number of processors in their computer, and if I'm not mistaken it's set to 1 by default everywhere on Windows.

UnamSanctam commented 9 months ago

No, no real CPUs only have 1 core, only VMs that have been set to 1 core only have that.

ghost commented 9 months ago

Okay, Thank you so much <3