UnamSanctam / UnamWebPanel

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How to Switch Cpu MINER Config to Gpu Mining Config #290

Closed DARK-DEVIL-66 closed 8 months ago

DARK-DEVIL-66 commented 8 months ago

Can i switch Cpu MINER Config to Gpu Mining Config in web penal or remote config ?

UnamSanctam commented 8 months ago

No since they are two different miners, if you don't build the miner with a GPU miner inside it then the miner program does not contain the GPU miner (which is why the file is smaller).

DARK-DEVIL-66 commented 8 months ago

no brother i building time configred both cpu & GPU but By Defult to connect CPU Can i Switch ?

DARK-DEVIL-66 commented 8 months ago

etc & xmr

UnamSanctam commented 8 months ago

The XMR miner will use the "Default xmrig" configuration by default and the ETC miner will use the "Default ethminer" by default.

DARK-DEVIL-66 commented 8 months ago


DARK-DEVIL-66 commented 8 months ago

how to work that ? and miner is auto ? to select based on system configration ?

DARK-DEVIL-66 commented 8 months ago

can have any possiblity to switch

UnamSanctam commented 8 months ago

You can create new configurations and then change individual miners to any configuration. The miner will use the web panel configuration if it works otherwise it will try to use the configuration from the builder when you built the miner.

DARK-DEVIL-66 commented 8 months ago

ok bro thank"s