UncleGoogle / galaxy-integration-humblebundle

Humble Bundle integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0
GNU General Public License v3.0
185 stars 19 forks source link

Not able to connect too humble drm-free games of my account anymore: I get something like "Se ha denegado el acceso a dl.humble.com" (Access Denied to dl.humble.com) #112

Closed darksgan closed 4 years ago

darksgan commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Provide steps to reproduce.

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Plugin installed directly from Galaxy / manually from your repository releases

Provide logs

UncleGoogle commented 4 years ago

Hi @darksgan

you probably forgot to fill the issue template.

I can still login to humble. Where you see "Se ha denegado el acceso a dl.humble.com"? Please paste logs and give a screenshot

waden34 commented 4 years ago

I too am seeing this error.

I can log in to my Humble account and download games from my Library.

From within Galaxy, if you click on the Install button for a DRM game, Galaxy opens a link in the browser to download the game. That link results in a 403 error:

Access to dl.humble.com was denied You don't have authorization to view this page. HTTP ERROR 403

The TTL & T query parameters in the link are different from a working link straight from the Humble Bundle site.

This working link came from my Humble library: https://dl.humble.com/Anomaly_Korea_Setup_1371072846.zip?gamekey=7azW2CPfnMXadKuf&ttl=1590360950&t=66751031637937b8342b21305e35c832

This link that Galaxy spawned did not work: https://dl.humble.com/Anomaly_Korea_Setup_1371072846.zip?gamekey=7azW2CPfnMXadKuf&ttl=1590131453&t=023353f293f6e11d436135b443f4a7c8

UncleGoogle commented 4 years ago

Ah, now understand.

Yes, it is known, already fixed (#94) but not released yet. Try with this: https://github.com/UncleGoogle/galaxy-integration-humblebundle/releases/tag/v0.8.0-alpha

waden34 commented 4 years ago

Cool. The new v.8.0 version worked for me.

darksgan commented 4 years ago

Sorry for my late answer, I forgot to look at this again.

But, indeed, with the new 0.8.0 version, it works perfectly fine :)

Thanks and regards.