UncleGoogle / galaxy-integration-humblebundle

Humble Bundle integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Resolve duplications (owned game ids vs games from subscriptions) #115

Closed UncleGoogle closed 4 years ago

UncleGoogle commented 4 years ago


We have such sources of information:

And one more thing to check: unlockedContentEvents. In march it looks like that:

"unlockedContentEvents": [
    "contentChoicesMade": {
      "initial": {
        "choices_made": [

This additional planetcoaster_dlc is only there - it not matches any known machine_name.

Need to check if planetcoaster_worldsfairpack_choice_steam comes in API orders as a steam key when you have not chosen planetcoaster. That would be complication.

Similar case in january with dirt and grip games with DLCs. Need to ask someone who have not claimed it what he see when click "GET Extras". Are dirt DLC there or not?

UncleGoogle commented 4 years ago

After rethinking IMO best solution is "won't do". So Galaxy is responsible to group proper ids into one game whether it reported as subscription game or as key to reveal/ extras ect. User has to open proper id-game view to chose proper behavior on clicking Install.

Logic for install behavior depending on id should be:

Potential problem is someone want to open subscription/<month>-<year> page using Extras to check from which month it comes, but it won't work like that. Workaround is to link subproducts/keys objects with subscription name and in such case look for subscription extrases - if there is also such id there. But for now - won't do, as unnecessary complication.

Alternative solutions was:

As Galaxy allows to filter subscription_games I decided to leave current implementation (aka choice mode that cannot be changed)