UncleGoogle / galaxy-integration-humblebundle

Humble Bundle integration for GOG Galaxy 2.0
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing install button in main window and subscrition settings also -- no way to re-configure the plugin #167

Open Corbian opened 2 years ago

Corbian commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for this plugin UncleGoogle !

Describe the bug

Expected behavior Something to access the plugin settings, as explained in the readme (Install button, and subscription settings available) I saw the configuration window once when I started the plugin the first time, but now I feel screwed 😕

Plugin installed today, directly from Galaxy, the log says ver 0.9.5 using Galaxy ver (updated December 21st 2021)

Provide logs

UncleGoogle commented 2 years ago

Hi, I know about problem. This should be fixed by #138 once done. I've just put one more commit, it would be great if you could test this build: https://github.com/UncleGoogle/galaxy-integration-humblebundle/releases/tag/v9.5-dev1 Installation instruction is in Readme.

To recall configuration window click twice on Install button for any humble game.

ChocoSauce commented 2 years ago

Hi, I know about problem. This should be fixed by #138 once done. I've just put one more commit, it would be great if you could test this build: https://github.com/UncleGoogle/galaxy-integration-humblebundle/releases/tag/v9.5-dev1 Installation instruction is in Readme.

To recall configuration window click twice on Install button for any humble game.

I tried the new update and it still only shows the metadata option with no subscriptions list.

UncleGoogle commented 2 years ago

try to disconnect and reconnect again - similar problem was caused by Galaxy some time ago - I mean, that not only plugin update was needed but also reconnection.

If the problem still occur, please drop me the log file: plugin-humble-f0ca3d80-a432-4d35-a9e3-60f27161ac3a.log.txt and plugin-humble-f0ca3d80-a432-4d35-a9e3-60f27161ac3a.log.txt.1

all sensitive data (gamekeys) should be trimmed automatically. @Corbian - You can also remove lines with your games manually.

Corbian commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the long delay to answer 🕰 @UncleGoogle I've disconnected the plugin in Galaxy, then closed the client. Updated the files to the v9.5-dev1 you linked (erasing everything in the folder before). Re-started Galaxy and re-connected the plugin. Noticed the % increasing up to 4% then down to 0% (one by one), then went up again to 100%. Sadly, no change seen in the setting dialog, only the metadata is shown as in my previous screenshot.

To recall configuration window click twice on Install button for any humble game.

Found it. But it works only if the game is not also owned on another platform. For example I own games both on HB and Epic : in this situation, it opens the Epic launcher and asks where to install the game (if not already on disk). That's why I didn't got it the first time 🙄

Additionally, it shows at least one software and one game for which I revealed the keys, but i didn't checked that box when importing ! No time now to investigate more one that, sorry.

UncleGoogle commented 2 years ago

Sadly, no change seen in the setting dialog, only the metadata is shown as in my previous screenshot.

thanks for checking. Bad news. But I can't check when have no logs. Please sent to me something, otherwise I can't fix that.

Noticed the % increasing up to 4% then down to 0% (one by one), then went up again to 100%.

that is expected - sadly Galaxy doesn't deal well with the importing of games via add_game notification the API provides. Galaxy % progress bar works the best when all games are imported in one batch from get_owned_games method which is called by Galaxy on predefined moments. This plugin uses add_game/remove_game notifications to be able to manage different set of games (keys, drm-free ect) depending on user settings.

Found it. But it works only if the game is not also owned on another platform. For example I own games both on HB and Epic : in this situation, it opens the Epic launcher and asks where to install the game (if not already on disk)

Galaxy deduplicates different games versions/releases from different platforms and put all of them under one view. IIRC it prefers 1) installed game 2) GOG game to be shown by default To select different release/game version from different store select icon like this: 4334164b106d9491495b1243b9e6d04a

if you think you can extend the Readme instruction to mention this UI trap, then PR are welcomed.

Additionally, it shows at least one software and one game for which I revealed the keys, but i didn't checked that box when importing

when you have some time, please create separate issue for that. I can't guess what happen without logs unfortunately