Uncodin / bypass

Skip the HTML, Bypass takes markdown and renders it directly on Android and iOS.
Apache License 2.0
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Nested emphasis not rendered correctly #210

Open lukaszkalnik opened 8 years ago

lukaszkalnik commented 8 years ago

I ran into problems when trying to parse nested emphasis, e.g. like this:

Bold text bold italic text

The formatting broke after the first single asterisk until the end of paragraph.

So I have written a small utility method to linearize the nested asterisks in source Markdown before I pass it on to the Bypass lib for parsing. It changes the above Markdown like this:

Bold text bold italic text

Maybe someone will find it useful, I have published it as a gist on my profile: https://gist.github.com/lukaszkalnik/d60471385877e7684c402ec5400dd94c