UncreatedStaff / UncreatedWarfare

Core gameplay functionality of Uncreated Warfare Server for Unturned.
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Battle Royale Gamemode #17

Open DanielWillett opened 2 years ago

DanielWillett commented 2 years ago

pubg/warzone inspired gamemode with kits, (fobs as some kind of respawn point?), random item and vehicle spawns, etc

IlosdVay commented 2 years ago

I personally wouldn't play it. Battle royale itself is a really overused mode now. Let's just focus on what we currently have, and make it 10x better, instead of adding a totally new mode.

benvalkin commented 2 years ago

Might be cool as an event-like game mode, but I don't think anyone would enjoy it enough as a core game mode to be worth the (most likely difficult) implementation with multiple teams, spawn points, etc.