UncreatedStaff / UncreatedWarfare

Core gameplay functionality of Uncreated Warfare Server for Unturned.
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Flare Rework Suggestion #244

Open kukimajom69 opened 1 year ago

kukimajom69 commented 1 year ago

To ballance out the flare system missiles should be much faster so the pilots would have to flare before they are about to get hit or just be given a minimal time to react to the incoming missiles and maybe add a lock on sound if an enemy jet / aa has locked on to you.

With that i think people would stop complaining about how broken the flares are or the RNG system and it would make the game a lot more realistic while making anti air more efficent aganist jets. But we should also reduce the range of aas to give the jets a fair chance to destroy aas, the jet has a 15min cooldown afterall and u can buld an anti air for almost free and it takes only like 5mins.

Sorry for the bad english this is not my native language :c

Snap-2 commented 1 year ago

How would that make people complain any less about RNG if that makes it worse for jets? You already don't get that much time to flare, why give less?

Plus reducing aa range would make it more useless as jets would just fly shy of the lock-on range