UncreatedStaff / UncreatedWarfare

Core gameplay functionality of Uncreated Warfare Server for Unturned.
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Reconnaissance drones #246

Open Lusienum opened 1 year ago

Lusienum commented 1 year ago

modern-drone-icon-isometric-social-program-vector Drones will be the new part of the game. Somebody can say that we don't need drones, we can just use helicopters instead, but there are a lot of issues: helis are big, helis are loud, helis are weak and helis are not for finding fobs, we need them to deliver supplies to the points. So drones will really help us in game. Enemy has a fob and I need to find it, it will take a lot of time to walk and find this fob and I can be easily killed, I will waste a lot of tickets by requesting some vehicles to find fobs and I can be killed easily, drones are fast and small so you can easily find these fobs and still be alive. Another situation: my friend has a mortar and he don't know where to shoot at, but my drone can help him, I will correct his fire to hit enemies right in the face. Enemy tank has arrived to the point, but we don't see him, my drone can easily find him and help our armored vehicles to kill him. My friend wanna deliver some supplies to the fob, but he don't know if there's enemy near his way to the point, my drone can help him find enemies and drive safely on another way to our fob where enemies can't kill him. Our troops on the last point don't see from what way is enemy coming, but my drone can help to find the way from where enemy is coming, so our troops can build some Turrets, TOW missle and warn our troops to look at this way. Now everyone sees why drones are so important in military life. Thank you for paying attention!

HamzaXSniper commented 1 year ago

Yea close this shit retard its already a thing

Scromker commented 1 year ago

you know its suggestions like these that stop 420 from actually reading the good ones

HamzaXSniper commented 1 year ago

This mf thinks its bakhmut with these ideas holy shit, Corrective fire can be done with your eyes or the kill feed in chat. Also i dont think theyll add deployable drones in the sense you think they will if you want that go play battlebit