UncreatedStaff / UncreatedWarfare

Core gameplay functionality of Uncreated Warfare Server for Unturned.
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Gamemodes #255

Open AngelAbov3 opened 10 months ago

AngelAbov3 commented 10 months ago

Github post (Discussion post is in discord)

At the start of the season we added 2 new gamemodes and readded an existing mode just polished up.

The two new gamemodes got disabled within a short amount of time due to them not flowing well and generally being hated. Since playing the same 3 gamemodes is getting boring I think we should test and add the following

Kill Confirmed

Each team starts with 250 tickets

1 killing a downed enemy drops 1 tag,

1 tag is equal to 2 tickets

After 20 seconds a friendly can reclaim their teammates tag


Greater than 24 Player Mode.

Each team starts with 300 tickets

tickets drain is -2 per minute while holding the Obj,

30 second to neutralize 30 seconds to cap

Overhead icon displaying the OBJ (This is done with Insurgency)

Team Death Match

2 options

I know this is partially implemented just not finished

Greater than 24 Player Mode

Each team starts with 250 tickets

-1 tickets per death


Race to X amount kills

First team to hit the amount wins