UndeadWizard / Occultus-Insaniam

The newest take on the Occultus series of mods
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Extend the Atlantean Event Chain #2

Open UndeadWizard opened 4 years ago

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Gotta finish it sometime bro!

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Possible Herakleios Death Event

In the dead of night, Herakleios awoke. There was a soft dripping sound that was coming closer, and a slow creak of the floorboards. Herakleios turned to look, and saw the unmistakable figure of a man creeping towards him. Although the shadows masked their face, Herakleios recognized his family heraldry on his chest, a brazen black octopus wielding a trident. An assassin who snuck in? A guard bought to hasten his demise? Herakleios could make out a dagger in the dim light, slick with blood. Did he kill the guards in the quarantine? Is this how it ends? The man was standing over him now. Herakleios could feel a pillow be removed from under him. A feeling that could only be the finest Atlantean silk touched his face in a firm embrace. Then the rising tide of pain as his lungs struggled for air. And finally the gentle, sweet release of darkness.

"An Imperator that outlives his empire is a tragedy."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

An Heir Event

When Herakleios awoke that morning, he noticed a small boy who sat bored in a chair next to his bed. "Water?", Herakleios’ voice cracked. The boy immediately perked up and nodded, "Right away m'lord". The boy slid out of his chair, and went to fetch the water. Herakleios could feel his eyes growing heavy, and he drifted off to sleep once more. When he awoke again, he noticed that someone was sitting beside him once again. Except this time it was a tall, stern looking warrior.

"My Imperator, you're finally awake." said the warrior.

"Aquila, you're looking blood-soaked as ever." "Your Council dogs made sure of that" "And how are they?" "Dead as stones."

Herakleios smiles for a moment, but quickly changes to a pout.

"My friend, I'm not long for this world. You need to be the guiding hand that secures the future of Atlantis or else all is lost."

Herakleios coughs into his hand, coating it in a thin mist of blood, as Aquila looks on with a grimace.

"I will do as you ask, but who shall be the next Imperator of Atlantis?"

"My Grandson, Vlassis" "You, my friend." "The volatile Crocodile in the moat." #Joke

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

The Grandson Event

Over the course of the next few days Aquila led an investigation that concluded that Imperator Herakleios was not inflicted by the Red Plague but instead was poisoned by the Court Physician appointed by the Council. Council-Loyalists were promptly rounded up and executed for treason against the Crown, although many fled to neighboring Atlantean kingdoms for refugee. It was decreed by Herakleios via Aquila that Vlassis shall be the successor to the throne, which was publicly protested by the Chrysa family - who desired the Atlantean Imperatorship to go to one of their members.

The poison, which was no longer administered, still had taken a significant toll on Herakleios' body. Story has it that when the first light of Spring touched Atla, Herakleios died during the sunrise with a grin on his face. For despite ruling a collapsing empire and facing on seditious plot after the other, he had persevered every trial. Vlassis, now known as Imperator Vlassis, was coronated in the Grand Temple of Jupiter and anointed with the ten oils of Atlas.

"A New Era Begins."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

A Wife!

Vlassis, though young, was not naive. He knew many of his vassals bore no love for him. After all, he came from the family that ruled Atlantis during the Collapse; to them he represented the old, the corrupted, and the incapable. But there was something he could do to stabilize the realm. Despite having the heart of many a maiden (among other things), he was still unmarried. This meant that,in sacrifice of his bachelorhood, he could marry one of the close relatives of the Lords of Ionmym or of Diaprepes. However, marrying one would mean making the enemy of the other.

"The Fair and Noble Lady, Adelpha Ulfila, from Ionmym" "The Red-Haired Beauty, Eudocia Attaleiates, from Diaprepes."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Secession Event

At dawn, a small detachment led by a minor Chrysa noble arrived at the gates of Atlantium. A small commotion broke out as it became increasingly clear that the Lord of Chryososes has refused to recognize the sovereignty of Imperator Vlassis, claiming that Aquila had placed him on the throne as a Acenian puppet. Even worse yet the Lord of [Ionmym/Diaprepes] has joined the Chyrsa in their treason, and both now ruling their territories as independent kings.

"I will have their heads!"

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Rise of the Council

The sudden death of Imperator Herakleios threw Atlantium into a state of anarchy. While there were plenty of pretenders to the throne of Atlantis, it was no simple task picking one. The wrong choice and the realm is thrown into civil war. For this reason, the head of the Council Dix Proditi self-appointed himself as the Chief Justiciar of Atlantium. However, as time went on, it became overwhelmingly clear the members of the Council had no interest in ceding power. The few remaining vassals that stayed loyal under Herakleios refused to recognize the sovereignty of the Council and seceded from the Empire.

The charade came to end when Dix Proditi announced the foundation of a new republic, one beholden to the interests of the people and not the elite. Council-Loyalists rounded up whichever nobles had not fled Atlantium and publicly executed them for being enemies against the state. The Argyis octopus once present throughout all the halls of Alantium were ripped down and replaced with the symbol of the Council, Daedalus' labyrinth.

"The Atlantean Empire is Dead!"

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Events Plan


Latest Changes

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

The Bishop

A Holy Man wrapped in the finest Atlantean silk and speaking with an Antillian accent has been in Vlassis' court for months now preaching the word of 'God'. Some of your court has been swayed by his words and have converted to the faith of the Antillians, Heptarchicism; much to the dismay of your Priests. Some have petitioned you to exile the Heptarchics from your lands, before their influence grows too strong. While the Holy Man has approached you with an offer to teach you the specifics of his faith. Perhaps this new faith is what the Atlantean empire truly needs to be whole again?

"This foolery has gone on long enough. Begone Bishop!" "Tell me more of Jesus and his battle with Cerberus?"

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Status of the Pagans

Upon Vlassis' conversion to the Heptarchic faith, many of your Atlanic subjects and priests grew worried. After all their Imperator now speaks of Jesus, the Holy Virgin, and how Saint Peter and Jesus worked together to slay the Jerusalem Lion. Your newly appointed Bishop has spoken at length of how to save your subject's souls. If they do not stray from their heathenous beliefs they are doomed to Hell, a gaping abyss where the wicked and demons are punished for all of eternity. The Atlanic priests in your court however have suggested the passage of a "Freedom of Faith" decree, proposing that as long as a citizen pays their taxes they are free to worship however they please.

"To save the souls of my Empire, I require the strongest will." "As long as taxes are paid, they are free to do as they wish."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Revitalizing Atlantium

Atlantium has seen better days in the past: The canals once filled with sparkling clear water are now muddled with all kinds of filth, homes lie empty and crumbling throughout the city center, and even the Grand Palace is lined with cracks infested with overgrown vines. The ascension of Imperator Vlassis has seen a considerable rise in the power of Atlantium, but it is still not enough. A Empire cannot be built if its capital does not shine with its inherent splendor. Aquila of Acens advises that the way forward is to invite destitute farmers and their sons to live and maintain in empty homes, as well as pay them wages to act as laborers. This will cost a significant sum, but will significantly improve the infrastructure of Atlantium. Alternatively, a Aterpean merchant has proposed granting trading licences to less established merchants from the southern-republic. This will upset many of your local merchants, but end up gathering a considerable sum for your treasury.

"I shall invite the destitute to build anew." "The Aterpean Merchants will be granted licences."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Atlantean Industry

Atlantium's economy has been struggling for nearly a century. The rapid depopulation brought on by the Red Plague reduced demand for Atlantean silk to new historical lows, as most nobles have switched to wearing more dependable materials. However, with the onset of the Atlantean warlords, silk has been steadily becoming as a sign of legitimacy for their positions. While we do not publicly recognize these Warlords as truly independent, we could spend resources to expand the silk district to increase supply to fund future war efforts. Alternatively, a buck-toothed mammoth of a man by the name of Castor Nassos has proposed the reconstruction of the Atlantean gladiator pits closed decades ago under his stewardship. According to your advisers, Castor is a powerful merchant that already controls 20% of Atlantium's industry. Giving him control over the gladiator pits will certainly bring new wealth to Atlantium, but will diminish your control over its industry.

"The traitors shall fund their demise through our silk!" "I look forward to a good showing by the Gladiators."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Walls of Atlantium

The walls surrounding Atlantium have served as a bulwark against the Ayadoni Barbaroi before the Latin Conquest, but since then they have served more of a decoration than as a defense. Ever since the Red Plague, cracks line many of its great stones, and parts of the wall have already collapsed. With the state of the Atlantean Empire, it is arguably advantageous to repair the walls now to secure your position in Atlantium. You have also been given offers from entrepreneurial merchants wishing to reuse the wall-material to expand their existing businesses, while you'll surely benefit monetarily, rebuilding the walls in the future will be more expensive.

"The walls of Atlantium shall stand as tall as they did during the Latin Era." "Relics of the past are better suited for the pursuit of more wealth."

Add new fort building, some manpower dev, lose like 20-30 gold Add some tax base dev, gain 10 gold, and maybe a market building thing?

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

A Royal Decree

With the reconstruction of Atlantium going well, it is time to look outwards. Your advisers have been urging you to issue a royal decree on the fate of the other Atlantean lords, reasoning that you are not truly seen as the Imperator until you have issued judgement. Many of the warriors in your court eager for a great reconquest have steadfastly argued for the execution of every traitor against Atlantis. While the Priests have taken a more pacifistic approach, reasoning that many of the lords nearby are already wavering and would be more than happy to accept an absolution to serve under you once more. This debate has been waging for months now, and before it escalates any further there is a need to make a decision.

"Issue the Amen Magna (Great Absolution)" "Issue the Magna Poena (Great Punishment)"

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

The Republic

Republics in Atlantis are not unheard of, Hermusa to the north is known for their complex glassware while Aterpea to the south is an island stronghold that subsists on trade throughout the gulf. However, as the nearby Warlords begin to march their armies, those Republics are venerable to attack; making them poor allies. In addition, our recent coup made us a enemy of the Atlantean nobility. Unfortunately, making alliance-building a pipe dream for the unforeseeable future. The Council is, in a few words, alone in our struggle.

While Atlantium has been secured, and the fighting has died down in the outer Atlan regions, we have not yet established a new order. The traditional Atlantean Republic has always been headed by a Patrician elected by the landowners, and adopting such as system would make it easier for the Atlantean nobles to accept our claims as the initial shock wears off.

However, Chief Justiciar Proditi has proposed a radical new form of governing. First, a Atlantean Constitution would need to be drafted outlining the rights given to citizens, and the structure of state. The re-institution of a Senate, like its Atlantean counterpart dissolved by the Imperator two centuries ago. As well as the reorganization of the Council into a section of government dedicated to determining whether passed laws are constitutional or not. Then the election of a singular head similar to the legendary Consuls of the Roman Republic to lead the reconquest of Atlantis.

Many in the Council have decried the Chief Justicar as a madman. However with an impassioned speech, some well-placed bribes, and blackmail it is not an impossible task to push the proposal through.

"Friends, Atlanteans, countrymen, lend me your ears" "On second thought, perhaps they have the right idea."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

The Elites?

The establishment of a Republic in the Atlantean fashion has garnered some good will with our neighbors, however the Council has run into a fundamental problem. Our numbers are few, leaving us at risk of being overthrown by an upstart noble who won the love of the people through bribes. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a secure class of 'Elites' to ensure the stability of our Republic. There are many upstart Aterptean merchants willing to move to Atlantium and bring their riches along with them, however this brings the risk of the peasantry viewing the republic as under foreign control. Some Council members have endorsed 'uplifting' some of the poorer Atlanti merchants into the Council to pad our numbers, but we do this at the risk of losing foreign investment.

"Come right on in Aterpeans!" "The Atlani come first."

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Seized Noble Gold

During the Council Coup many treasuries were seized from the nobility. The Council has withheld the sum from the state treasury, reasoning there were other uses the money could be contributed to. Councilman Proditi has advocated distributing the sum back to the poor of Atlantium, after all the oppressive taxes instituted by the nobility was what helped contribute to their poverty. Other members of the Council have advocated investing the money in local businesses, which coincidentally also include their own. This of course will enrich the merchants of Atlani, but greater the income inequality between them and the poor.

"The money belongs to the poor." "Yes, yes, the merchants need that money to create jobs!"

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Government-Mandated Monopolies?

Castor Nassos, a powerful Merchant on the Council, has proposed the issuance of government-mandated monopolies for industries within Atlantium. While this is controversial among the weaker factions within the Council, it has gotten much traction with the upper-class merchants. A league of small merchants have banded together proclaiming that such a proposal would ruin entrepreneurship and leave power within the hands of a few powerful elites on the Council. While the upper-class merchants have argued that government-mandated monopolies are key in preventing Atlani trade from being overwhelmed by states such as Aterpea. The incoming vote can go either way, with factions bribing and blackmailing their way towards victory.

"There will be no monopolies!" "We shall protect Atlani trade!"

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago


Unsurprisingly, many of the elite-class have started abusing the positions they have been appointed to. Many in the Council have shrugged off complaints of corruption among-st the magistrates, tax collectors, and government officials. However, a small but steadily growing anti-corruption faction within the Council has been clamoring to take strict measures. After all ensuring the success of a state is key for guaranteed prosperity.

"Give me a slice." "It is time to draw a line in the sand."

Note: Most of the oligarchy chain is more of a throw away thing for AI to go down. Probably will not be coded for a bit.

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

The Articles of Union

ARTICLE I. The Stile of this confederacy shall be "The Commonwealth of Atlantis." ARTICLE II. Each Province retains its Sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the Atlantean Commonwealth in Parliament assembled. ARTICLE III. The said provinces hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other, against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever. ARTICLE IV. In times of strife, the Atlantean Commonwealth reserves the right to conscript able-bodied men in service of Atlantis. ARTICLE V. ARTICLE VI. ARTICLE VII. ARTICLE VIII.