UndeadWizard / Occultus-Insaniam

The newest take on the Occultus series of mods
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Flavor Events Megathread #27

Open UndeadWizard opened 4 years ago

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Atlantis Lore Flavor Events

Antillia Flavor Events

Mu Flavor Events

Lemuria Flavor Events

R'lyeh Flavor Events

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

The First Doom

According to Legend, nearly two millennia ago the Trident Gulf did not exist. Instead Atlantis was whole, with its innards filled with piles of gold and jewels encrusted into the ground. However, the ancestral Greeks and Phoenicians did not thank the gods for this bounty, and soon grew greedy. The Fire God Moloch appeared before the King of the Greeks and Phoenicians and demanded that a massive golden statue of Moloch be forged, which was to be thrown into the flames of his domain.

In the King's hubris he was too proud to part with that much gold,and instead had a iron statue plated with gold forged; believing that Moloch would easily be fooled by this deception. When this statue was thrown into Moloch's domain, Moloch appeared before the King once more. but this time in the form of a dragon. Angry at the King, Moloch willed his domain to spill forth, bathing the region in fire and damning the King to Tartarus. The flames raged for years, swallowing the former-king's Kingdom, until one day the son of Yamm pleaded with his father to stop the flames before they threatened the homelands of the eastern kingdoms.

Yamm taking pity on the humans, had the seas rise to smother Moloch's flames. In Moloch's fury he swore he would have Yamm's head during the end days, then sank the gold and jewels into the earth so that no Atlantean would be able to get them. The depression formed from this promptly flooded and thus the "Eye of the Trident" was formed.

"A tale for the ages."


UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Ides of April - Lore Version

Every April, the Atlanteans celebrate with feasts and invite enemies to break bread together, up until the Ides of April when they part ways hopefully finding common ground. This has its roots to the assassination of Imperator Ahumm, who ascended to the throne after winning the First Atlantean Civil War. After exiling his brother Numitor, who fled to Meropis, Ahumm grew in his paranoia; fearing that his brother would return with a massive host. In 445 CE, after executing several perceived rivals, Ahumm declared the dissolution of the Atlantean Senate founded by his father. The former-Senators fearing that they would be come for next decided to ambush Ahumm while he was in the garden and stabbed him 32 times. Afterwards, Numitor's son was invited to take the Atlantean throne, and became a Senatorial puppet thereby starting the first of many corruption problems in Atlantis.

"A fine tradition!" "Meh, not this year."


UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Ides of April - Flavor Version 1

A member of [RULERNAME]'s dynasty has refused to even acknowledge [RULERNAME] for the last few months, while [RULERNAME] is clueless to what they did wrong. The upcoming Ides of April would be the perfect opportunity to mend fences with your kin. However, there is the question of how to get this dynasty member's attention. Your chamberlain suggests granting a gift from your treasury to invite them to a Ides of April feast, while your Stableman suggests sending them a horse due to this particular dynasty member's affinity for them.

"A Horse for a Friend?" "That encrusted goblet will do the trick!" "Eh, too much work."


UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

Legacy of Akakios

Atlantis is reborn after centuries of instability. Under the reign of Imperator [RULERNAME], they have accomplished something done only once before by Imperator Akakios Argyris, the Forger of Atlantis. Descended from the mythical Romans, beset from all sides, with sword in hand your armies have marched from coast to shining coast bringing the rebellious Atlantean states to heel. There is no question about it, not one mummer in your court or rumour in the outer provinces. Imperator [RULERNAME] follows the legacy forged by Akakios, and soon the enemies of Atlantis will know it too.

"Hurrah! Hurrah! Atlantium Invicta!"


UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago

For the first time since Saint Ansis' exodus from Iberia, Antillia is united. Though the blood of many a holy man was shed to accomplish such feat, all now bow to [Root.Monarch.GetName]. Loyalists throughout all of Antillia are throwing celebrations, praising the name of the "Great Uniter" that brought peace to Antillia. New banners are being hosted all across the land, for no more is there a Ansalli or Aira; there is only Antillia. Yet there is no time for [Root.Monarch.GetName] to rest on their laurels, for there is much to still be done.

The newly established Antillian Court is divided on what path to glory Antillia will take, a debate that has raged on for months. To the south lies an untouched land of splendor, fabled to hold untold fortunes of wealth to fill our coffers. Many Priests have spoken at length about the necessity of securing colonies, if not for the silver but the safety of the Antillian homeland. Their opponents retort that to truly secure the safety of Antillia, it would be to invade the re-surging Atlantis to the north before it gets too strong and overwhelms Antillia.

"Our settlers will plow the fields of the South" "We must go to Atlantis, before Atlantis comes to us."


Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

You know, I really like that event, but if they're coming to northeastern Brazil for the silver, they'll be sorely disappointed. Can I offer you a diamond in those trying times?