UndeadWizard / Occultus-Insaniam

The newest take on the Occultus series of mods
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The Oracle #28

Closed Zephyrum closed 4 years ago

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

Outcome 1: Legitimacy

The Oracle's bloody hands finally rise out of the small corpse of a young deer. [Root.Monarch.GetName], whose mind had been drifting for minutes, notices the Oracle's job is nearly done. "Can you also see this, [Root.Monarch.GetName]?" - the Oracle starts, in a more casual tone than usual - "This shape, it's one of a grand crown". [Root.Monarch.GetName] notices the shape of the blood does fit in well - one of the ends is almost straight, while the other is messier, albeit maintains some cohesion, forming shapes that do look like a crown's top part. "As clear as it could possibly be, this is a sign that even the untrained eye can recognize. The Gods approve of your rulership, the ultimate confirmation of the legitimacy of your reign." [Root.Monarch.GetName] lets out a short, confident smile.

Only Option: Excellent news. Gain 10 Legitimacy and 10 Prestige.


Outcome 2: Warrior

[Root.Monarch.GetName] stares attentively at the movements of the Oracle's hands, as she finishes the evisceration of a rabbit, trying as hardly as possible to keep cool despite growing impatience. Finally, in what felt like hours - despite being a matter of several minutes - the Oracle announces the deed is done, and the signs are there. "My lord, what I see here is great news for you"; for [Root.Monarch.GetName], it's not much more than bloody gore. Yet it seems the Oracle has seen something. "These signs are the ones we see in the great warriors of the past, kings and soldiers align. It is that of Minrva expressing her will to see your success; with divine help, there will be no foe you cannot smite."

Only Option: I'm not going to disappoint Minrva. Gain +5% Land Morale until monarch death.


Outcome 3: Conqueror

"My lord" - the Oracle starts - "The news I bear are certainly of your interest". [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s attention is immediately earned, yet still a cautious one at that, unsure whether to expect good or bad news. "It's not too often that we are graced with a sign quite like this one", the Oracle continues, eyes giving equal time to the ruler and the gory mess that used to be an eagle. [Root.Monarch.GetName] can't really make anything out of it, it just seems like the aftermath of slicing and slamming the bird's body for a while. Attitudes change, however, as the Oracle's next sentence comes out: "This is a dual blessing, from both Jupiter and Juno, at the same time. This predates the age of a great conqueror."

Only Option: My time to shine has come. Gain -10% Core Creation Cost until monarch death.


Outcome 4: Naval

[Root.Monarch.GetName] was unsure whether a bringing a fish was really a good choice. The Oracle had said it's as fine as most other animals, and that it's execution would still provide valuable signs. But [Root.Monarch.GetName] could not shrug off the thought that it seemed disrespectful, as, usually, the sacrifices are more gracious, majestic, or at least, cuter. Only one thing could dispell those thoughts, and it was the Oracle's proclamation following the evisceration. "This fish was destined to be here" - the Oracle stated - "It's no coincidence. Yamm himself has influenced your mind to bring it here. Which is a sign as much as these bowels are. You have Yamm in your side, and as long as that remains true, you'll dominate the seas of Atlantis."

Only Option: The unexpected good news are always the best ones. Gain +10% Naval Morale until monarch death.


Outcome 5: Nothing

Sweat drops dance around the face of the Oracle. For more minutes than is comfortable, the process of evisceration had yet to be finished. [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s curiosity only kept growing, and expectations were high - either something really good or really bad was to happen. The Oracle's head tilted upwards, as words started to come out: "Apologies for taking this long". [Root.Monarch.GetName] immediately replied: "Are you done? After this long, I suppose we have major news incoming?". The Oracle let the mouth's sides move around, forming some awkward smirk: "Quite the contrary. Big signs are easily visible. The reason it took this long is because I couldn't find anything." [Root.Monarch.GetName] was a bit surprised - the legendary Oracle couldn't find signs? Are the upcoming years no more than a blank slate?

Only Option: Reality is often disappointing. No reward.


Outcome 6: Famine

A worrisome look forms itself on the face of the Oracle, and the attentive [Root.Monarch.GetName] follows suit. Something that scares the one who can see the future must be alarming, one would think. And correct it was. A young, freshly-killed calf lies next to the Oracle, who projects a face somewhere between that of disturbing concern and sheer uncertainty. In an act that shook [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s core, the Oracle creepily brought the disenboweled head of the animal closer and closer and licked one of it's bloody sides. "This is the taste of a famine, [Root.Monarch.GetName]!", the Oracle exclaimed. Dizzily, the ruler could not do much but drift in thought between the awful scene that just ocurred and the even worse proclamation received.

Only Option: Oh no! Gain +10% development cost and -10% national tax modifier until monarch death.


Outcome 7: Shit army

A confident smile moved towards the Oracle's seemingly expressionless face. [Root.Monarch.GetName] had come with great expectations, not so much hoping to receive good news but essentially expecting them, and the optimistic mood certainly was refreshing for someone living this much under the constant drama of court life. Yet, it seemed the Oracle was determined on ruining the mood, as before even touching the animals, a bad prediction came along: "This confidence is the first sign. I have yet to start, yet I can already see the red flags of one about to face many unexpected failures." [Root.Monarch.GetName] was not amused, but not sure how to proceed either. After the evisceration of a sacrificial horse, the Oracle merely restated what was said before with no remorse.

Only Option: My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Gain -5% Discipline until monarch death.


Outcome 8: Assassination

As costumary to many rulers, [Root.Monarch.GetName] went pay the Oracle a visit to see the future, in the hopes of either seeing a good fate or at least prepare for the worse. Little did most know that [Root.Monarch.GetName] would not return. After [Root.Monarch.GetSheHe] split up from his companions to reach the Oracle in privacy, [Root.Monarch.GetName] did not return, and no bodies have been found. Some believe the Oracle to be responsible somehow, while many don't discard that assassins hit the ruler offguard during the short walk...

Only Option: Ominous. Ruler dies. If no heir, generate new ruler of the same dynasty.