UndeadWizard / Occultus-Insaniam

The newest take on the Occultus series of mods
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Atlantis Religious Events v2.0 #32

Open UndeadWizard opened 4 years ago

UndeadWizard commented 4 years ago


"Ever since contact was established with the East, more and more foreigners have landed on our shores preaching of their god. Though at first a minor nuisance, small communities of peasants converted to these foreign faiths have formed all over the nation. Many of the pious in [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s court have risen concern over the current inaction believing that, if the missionaries were to continue coming into Atlantis unabated, new homegrown threats will come."

Catholic missionary efforts were successful in [PROVINCE] as many of the peasantry and even a local Lord have been performing their holy sacraments and pledging alliances to the Pope in Rome. This feat has energized many missionaries in the East, believing that this is the foothold for a Atlantis saved from the heathen and heretic. Even now, missionaries arrive in [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s court to try and convince the Lords and Ladies of the realm to accept their salvation.

Orthodox missionary efforts were successful in [PROVINCE] as many of the peasantry and even a local Lord have been performing their holy sacrament. Word has it a newly-appointed autocephalous Patriarch for Atlantis is now organizing efforts to spread the faith into neighboring provinces. This feat has energized many missionaries in the East, believing that this is the foothold for a Atlantis saved from the heathen and heretic. Even now, missionaries arrive in [Root.Monarch.GetName]'s court to try and convince the Lords and Ladies of the realm to accept their salvation.

"The Orthodox have converted most of the peasantry in [PROVINCE], creating an increasingly stronger Atlantean Patriarchy."

"The Catholics have converted most of the peasantry in [PROVINCE], creating an increasingly stronger Papacy."

"A disunited Atlantis makes it difficult to stem the tide of missionaries, but perhaps now is the time to take more aggressive action against this foreign menace. After all, people will be less likely to seek this 'salvation' if the purveyors of it end up in dungeons, gladiator shows, or in extreme cases, on wooden stakes."

"The threat of the foreign Orthodox and Catholics, has subsided. Through aggressive persecution and securing what we can of our borders, the tide of missionaries has slowed to a trickle. Our people hold strong to our faith, and are free from the chains of the East that might seek to use them for their own ends. "