UndeadWizard / Occultus-Insaniam

The newest take on the Occultus series of mods
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Atlantis pulse events thread #33

Open Zephyrum opened 4 years ago

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

To be done in the near future, posting this at 5:35am

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

image "near future"... yay me for vagueness.

Time to actually do some of them. Just a few observations for myself: -Actually use [PROVINCE] and [Root.Monarch.GetName] rather than vague parenthesis -Religions: "atlanic" and "heptarchic" -Culture: atlantean_group (high_atlantean; alyshi; alyric; nautean; poenici; meropisean; ayadoni; anthrean) and antillia_group (antillian). -Tech group: atlantean

@UndeadWizard - consider moving the cultures that are original to OI to a separate file? Should not be a particularly long endeavor (I can do it in the actually-near future if needed) and adds modularity/ease to update.

General ideas to apply: -Pulse events on a vanilla level fire with large gaps (10+ years, sometimes) and are plentiful not due to low pulse, but due to nations qualifying for mutiple "event groups". For example, Byzantium qualifies for "Byzantine", "Purple Phoenix", "Orthodox" and "Eastern" events. -Using religion when an event should be locked for a Catholic/Orthodox/Pr*testant convertee nation. -Using culture allows for an easy distinction for "this is for Atlantis" and "this is for Antillia", while also enabling individual minor cultures to get their own goodies. -Using tech group when it should be unavoidable for the tags in Atlantis to stop getting an event. The way out is forming some obscure piece of shit formable tag like Bukhara or Tripoli that most people even forget exists or some imperial Asian tag. Honestly, though, if some maniac actually forms the fucking Mongol Empire as Tadipouro, they've earned no longer getting those events.

Time to start writing for me. I'm not leaving this tab until I get at least 4 events posted here! 😠

Zephyrum commented 4 years ago

1: Ancient Relic found! -Owns at least one province in Atlantis -Is atlantean tech group With little ties to the ancient homelands of the many peoples that now inhabit Atlantis, few are the opportunities we have to experience the past. Relics from bygone ages that have survived the test of time remain buried or sank, and when one is discovered, it is often a cause for celebration in its location. Even the pettiest of Atlantean warlords are willing to buy those oftentimes, useless as they might be, for the sake of an piece of history to add to their collection. One such artifact has been found by a local lowborn.

2: European visitors -Owns at least one province in Atlantis that is coastal -Is atlantean tech group -Can see a coastal province in Europe that is owned by a Western, Eastern or Anatolian An European vessel came to our shores today, intent on trading some exquisite goods from the East with us. Some local traders made a good profit out of it.

3: Trident Tossing Tournament -Capital is in Atlantis and not currently occuppied -Is atlantean tech group Things have been uneventful for a while, so a courtesan suggested a tournament of one of Atlantis' foremost sports: trident tossing. The competitors are to compete in turns on who can launch a trident the furthest while landing it so that the tines get suck into the ground (else they'd be disqualified), thus creating a game that requires both physical strength and dexterous hands.

4: Navy Goes Fishing -Owns at least one province in Atlantis that is coastal -Is atlantean tech group -Has at least one ship employed in the navy -Is at peace In times of peace, our war navy doesn't have much to do while they sit and await new orders. Disbanding it is not an option for Atlanteans. Some sailors in one of our ships has decided to start fishing during downtime and selling surpluses for some extra income.