UndeadZeratul / ThereWillBeBlood

A Simply Brutal Minecraft Modpack
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Fired clay bucket doesn't have doesn't have a recipe #161

Closed Nincodedo closed 7 years ago

Nincodedo commented 8 years ago

From Ep 4 of your LP

Roshag commented 7 years ago

Open file "TWBB BetterBeginnings Tweaks.zs" is "scripts" folder, after line "var clayBucket = ;" add line "var clayBucketUnfired = ;"; in the end of file add line "Kiln.addRecipe(clayBucket, clayBucketUnfired, 0.35);"

UndeadZeratul commented 7 years ago

Looks like I forgot to tie a recent commit to this issue... whoops.

Either way, I've already got that covered in the hotfix branch.

Sadly I've actually been trying to focus more on TWBB's successor pack, so it's stuck in a hotfix branch for now. However, feel free to download the repository at that commit and build the pack yourself if you'd like.

I'm going to close this since it's basically done, just not merged into master.