UnderminersTeam / UndertaleModTool

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Add support for the GMS2.3.7 bool type #1717

Closed CST1229 closed 3 weeks ago

CST1229 commented 2 months ago


Adds both compiler and decompiler support for the "true" Boolean type introduced in GMS 2.3.7[src], backported from UTMT Community Edition (which I did very recently). In GMS2.3.7+ games, Booleans are no longer part of the asset type resolver and are now a native type (somewhat like the asset refs introduced much later in 2023.8). The way they work is kinda interesting; Booleans cannot be immediately detected, as they start off as regular 0/1 ints. Their Boolean-ness can only be detected once they are popped from the stack for use in an instruction, in which case the Boolean datatype will be used in the assembly, e.g pop.v.b self.bool_variable.

Also adds some logic to detect 2.3.7 based on chknullish instructions (as nullish comparison also got added in this version), as otherwise this would only work on 2022.1+ games.


Nothing major, as far as I know. There might be some additional place where integers should be able to be casted into booleans in the decompiler that I forgot, but I couldn't find any. Also the 2.3.7 check won't work if the game has no nullish comparisons, but that is probably okay since there are 2022.1+ checks anyways, and if it gets a false negative it just doesn't use the bool type like it did before.


This alone fixes probably like 50% of decompiler/compiler inaccuracies in modern GM games.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

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