Underqualified-Gunman / Half-Like

A reskin collage with heavy direction from half-life but also with aspects of other games such as R6:siege and Fallout
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npc skin set notes/todo #24

Open Underqualified-Gunman opened 2 months ago

Underqualified-Gunman commented 2 months ago

NPC pack

combine - nazi

gasmask - zmzomb/zm marine

beret - smg zombie

ski mask - shotgunner

cigar - chaingunner

medic - undead homeboy

uas unique marine sprite are combine.


imp - vorts with custom coloring for shackles depending on class green normal, red large/brawler, grey healer/small

baubin - headcrab

Pain elemental - gunship?

lost soul - rollermine

ninja pirate - bullsquid? might look into making a semi invis version like tg5's spectre

caco - controller

fatso - gonarch?

revenant - crabsynth?

arachnotron - hunter?

hell knight - agrunt

archvile - nihilanth

pain elemental - gunship?

baron - Voltigore

cybie - garg

mastermind - strider?

keen - scientist perhaps that's barnacled?

combine for marines

Underqualified-Gunman commented 2 months ago

Pinky - antlion?