When playing as T. Jacob, white invicible champions are fully unkillable, because Dark Esau seems to be considered an enemy within the room the player is currently in.
This one could be "dodged" by killing Dark Esau before the last update, but now it's complete softlock if :
When playing as T. Jacob, white invicible champions are fully unkillable, because Dark Esau seems to be considered an enemy within the room the player is currently in.
This one could be "dodged" by killing Dark Esau before the last update, but now it's complete softlock if :
Bug found by bortmania in Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/bindingofisaac/comments/qsolu5/run_is_softlocked_because_champion_that_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share