Undertone0809 / promptulate

🚀Lightweight Large language model automation and Autonomous Language Agents development framework. Build your LLM Agent Application in a pythonic way!
Apache License 2.0
336 stars 35 forks source link

ROADMAP 2024 #20

Closed Undertone0809 closed 7 months ago

Undertone0809 commented 1 year ago

The issue is for the development plan of promptulate v2.0.0. The In Development status indicates that there is ongoing progress on the feature, while Planned Development signifies the functionalities intended to be completed in this version but have not yet started. If you are interested in any of the points, you are welcome to create an issue about that content with a simple proposal, describing your general implementation ideas for discussion.

Please note:

  1. If you want to develop a certain feature, I highly recommend you start a new issue mentioning that content to avoid duplicate development efforts. On the other hand, issues provide a channel for developers to communicate.
  2. If someone proposes to develop a content listed under Planned Development, I will move it to In Development.
  3. There are some other development plans in the official documentation that are not yet included in the current version's development plan. If you see a feature you would like to work on, we would be very happy to add it to the development plan for this version!

If you have more interesting feature ideas, you are very welcome to suggest them, as well as submit related issues and pull requests!


In Development

Planned Development







Translate into English version.

Undertone0809 commented 10 months ago

Next stage, we are going to focus on promoting Agent module and pne.chat() module

Undertone0809 commented 7 months ago

Now we use Github Kanban to manage promptulate roadmap. https://github.com/users/Undertone0809/projects/3