UnderwaterApps / overlap2d

Overlap2D Game development toolkit for UI and Level design
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[Bug] Follower not matching the Object #351

Open kschoos opened 8 years ago

kschoos commented 8 years ago

After my fix on issue 345 I introduced a bug that shows the CompositeObject's BasicFollower at the wrong position, offset from where it belongs.

It now depends on how we want this to be fixed. The most straightforward way I can think of is setting the BasicFollower to encapsulate all the objects, including the origin of the compositeItem itself. This would handle rotation and scaling the best. I'll post a pic.

What do you think?

azakhary commented 8 years ago

hmm, I am bit in the middle of something, thus having trouble switching my mind to this. Please post pics, so it's easier to understand what's going on and why :))

kschoos commented 8 years ago


the origin of the CompositeItem is at [0,0] the coloured square is moved up and to the left inside it.

azakhary commented 8 years ago

wait this is on composite item? how does fix on #345 affecting this? the follower is using composite width and height, which are calculated with recalculate size method in composite system. Your fix did not touch things there, so I am not sure how this happens.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

width and height are the width and height of the boundingbox right ? They are calculated based on those afaik ?

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Yes, there we go. In CompositeSystem::recalculateSize we recalculated the width and the height of the object

azakhary commented 8 years ago


here: https://github.com/UnderwaterApps/overlap2d-runtime-libgdx/blob/master/src/com/uwsoft/editor/renderer/systems/CompositeSystem.java#L120

we should have:

dimensionsComponent.boundBox.set(0, 0, dimensionsComponent.width, dimensionsComponent.height);

isn't this correct?

azakhary commented 8 years ago

I mean it was previously. but now I see what is going on :D ok let me think for a sec

azakhary commented 8 years ago

yeah this change is good, followers need to be changed so that they take this offset into account. agree.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Okay. My fix is still okay right? The one I did in CompositeSystem?

azakhary commented 8 years ago

actually. I don't seem to have Adobe Flash at this moment. Is there any chance you have it? My rule is, when in doubt, see how Adobe did it.

azakhary commented 8 years ago

I think this might lead to problems. you always want to be able to see where the (0,0) point of a composite is. that is why the bounding was from 0,0 and that is why followers followed that rule

azakhary commented 8 years ago

if you want your things to be exactly in it, why not just offset the children to the needed position?

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Because that whats makes this not 0, 0 anymore, but rather the actual boundaries of the object. It was 0, 0 because of accident actually, you checked Math.Min() against 0, so that it would always show 0 when above 0 and always the value when below 0. I thought that must be an oversight.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

I was talking about my prior fix here /\

kschoos commented 8 years ago

I offset the children, thats what posed the problem in the first place

azakhary commented 8 years ago

Yeah I see now. It was unintended bug, but it lead to good user experience. Which means this is up to debate. I see the only problem the scenario where: you put things inside composite in very far coordinates, and then get out of it, and it looks really cool and all, but then your actual 0 point is in minus million or something.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Hmm I dont see what you mean

azakhary commented 8 years ago

Previously it was a nice feature, because you could make composite "bigger" artificially by moving things to the top right, now you will not be able to do it, because it will be always the visual bound.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

You can still do that right? You move stuff inside the composite and the composite grows along

kschoos commented 8 years ago

But I think I understand what you mean.

azakhary commented 8 years ago

here is my suggestion. I will be touching this thing soon anyway, because I wanted to kill this all "recalculate" thing, and give people ability to play with composite size visually anyway. So at this moment, it's just a question to do this intuitive at this moment with current setup. Let's do the next best semi solution, that breaks least things. And then later i'll do my thing with "custom" sized composites.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

That's why I asked and didn't just jump in, because I feel like this little oversight, bug or whatever you want to call it in CompositeSystem leads to some problems down the road. So before I go into "fixing rampage" I wanna make sure we actually want to fix this ( I would :P )

kschoos commented 8 years ago

For example, when fixing this, I encountered a problem where, when you grab one handle of the Follower, the handle offsets itself by some amount before you can drag it. I think this is also due to the same thing.

azakhary commented 8 years ago

well we totally have to fix this now that followers are far from actual object and object does not look "inside" the follower :D here is what logic tells me:

Current temporary fix, just to make things ok. 1) items should always be inside the visual follower. 2) let's keep bounds to be from 0,0 to the right-top most point. so that when you move things right, composite grows. (follower becomes bigger, because of the bounds, which start at 0)

Future, more appropriate fix: 1) Composite Size-BOX, and composite Bounds-Box should be different things 2) Composite size is something that starts at 0 and wraps around items. 3) Follower represents composite size. 4) Composite size get's recalculated just once, per creation and then stays the same unless user changes it with special handles we make for it. 5) Composite Bounds is something else, it can have custom placement and custom size, relative to the composite, it is for collision reasons and things like that. 6) We later use composite-size box, for things like - align right, align top, margin e.g. 7) We use bounds-box for things like physics.

Does this make sense?

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Not completely... By 0,0, do we mean World(0, 0) or composite(0, 0)? What's the benefit of a fixed size composite box? // Got it, over read (6)

azakhary commented 8 years ago

composite 0,0. It's not fixed size, it's size is equal to it's childrens top-most point. (in this tmp fix)

kschoos commented 8 years ago

okay 1) and 2) is what I wanted to fix and showed you in the pictures. That can be done - however it leads to newly created bugs as stated above.

I don't really get the difference between composite size and composite bounds. Is it that composite bounds size does not rotate with the objects whereas composite bounds does ?

kschoos commented 8 years ago

I'm willing to fight though. FOR OVERLAP!

azakhary commented 8 years ago

I say - you do the fix you proposed anyway is it will be better then the current state. Do the PR, we'll look at it, Java is easier to understand then english. ^^ As soon as I get time to actually look at the code, I'll do it and go over it. I may be talking nonsense right now, as my thouhgts are elsewhere :)) When I look at it next time, things will be clearer.

InnerScript commented 8 years ago

I was just working on part of this, fixing the bounding and transform boxes when you edit polygon paths.

My thought was that the TranformComponent and DimensionsComponent should be updated to reflect the current size of the polygon object as it's edited.

My current progress: http://imgur.com/0HY4bdd

Next, I need to update the Transform/Dimensions, and fix the issue where growing the polygon in certain directions offsets the polygon x/y. I asked a question about where the drawables are rendered in a related issue. https://github.com/UnderwaterApps/overlap2d/issues/165#issuecomment-174226089

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Looks good InnerScript. Can't help you with your question though. I got another question: What is CompositeTransformComponent.transform and when is it set to true ?

I get a weird bug where my objects are not updated when I set their scale from something arbitrary to 1, 1.

Commenting out the conditionals in Overlap2DRenderer::drawRecursively and Overlap2DRenderer::drawChildren gives me a lot more sane behaviour.

I mean these conditionals: if (curCompositeTransformComponent.transform || transform.rotation != 0 || transform.scaleX !=1 || transform.scaleY !=1)

Why, when an object is not rotated or scaled it has to go through a giant process whereas when it is either rotated or scaled, it does not? Why are transforms only computed if the object was scaled or rotated, Translation is a transformation too, shouldn't it all be handled the same way? Scale something -> scale children recursively. Rotate something -> rotate children recursively. Translate something -> translate children recursively.

azakhary commented 8 years ago

this part is kind of an optimization. You see in order to do this complex transformation to entire composite a GPU call has to be made in order to change the matrix, so if we do it for each composite, this will become a very bad performance runtime. As a solution, because most of composites are neither rotated, nor scaled, we do this check. Mainly we check for rotation and scale. Although we also have this "user-defined" boolean just in case (which probably has no use)

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Got it! So I should rather use the boolean instead of fiddling with that code i guess ?

azakhary commented 8 years ago

No. What you mean by not getting updated? If your composite is neither rotated, nor scale. It should not go though this process. As there is nothing to transform.

azakhary commented 8 years ago

Maybe there is another way to do it. Just give more details on what the exact issue is.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

If I scale something to 1 / 1 from an arbitrary value, it's scale is set to 1 / 1 and therefor runs past the conditional

azakhary commented 8 years ago

runs past conditional and fails to do what exactly?

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Fails to update the visuals. It updates the DimensionComponent and TransformComponent, that I know because the Follower's size is changed. However the Sprite itself is not deformed correctly ( scaling ), it's not updated at all.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

For example, when I enter a deformed composite it does not update the composite's content's scaling. The Follower looks right but the sprite looks the same as it looks from outside the composite. It's hard to explain. Let's say you have

Composite [scale 0.5, scale 1.0] |> Composite [scale 0.5, scale 0.5] |> |> Sprite

Now at ROOT the thing should look like scale 0.25, 0.5 right? But when I enter Composite0, it still looks 0.25, 0.5 although it should look 0.5, 0.5. The follower looks 0.5, 0.5 thought.

Does that make any sense ?

azakhary commented 8 years ago

I see, that's weird, and new, maybe happened after changes @gevorg-kopalyan did lately.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

So can you reproduce it? It's not something I may have mistakenly done locally ?

azakhary commented 8 years ago

I have tried doing this on the version that can be downloaded from the website (last build) and was not able to reproduce. there it worked well. But I cannot test on the latest sources right now on this computer, till monday. So it's either something you did locally. Or related to latest changes on runtime. You can clone a fresh copy to test if it's you or the repo.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Was able to reproduce with fresh sources. Also commenting out the conditionals fixes the error.

azakhary commented 8 years ago

So, that's totally something @gevorg-kopalyan should take a look at. Hopefully we get update about this tomorrow.

kschoos commented 8 years ago

Okay I'll not touch it then :)