UnearthedArcana / B_Spells

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IWDEE vs. BGEE Style Spells #133

Closed Grammarsalad closed 5 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

There are numerous differences between IWDEE spells and BG(2)EE spells. This component will give the option to alter all spells of one version to the other version (note, though, that this component will not change aesthetic features of a given spell, such as sound effects or graphics). There will be subcomponents to allow the user to change all spells to the 'IWDEE' standard, the 'BG(2)EE' standard, or to decide on a case by case basis. If SR is installed, then there will also be an option to keep the SR variant whenever a given conflict also has been altered by SR. This will also be available as a complete package or on a spell by spell basis.

Special Note regarding SR: There are a few spells that SR completely replaces. In all cases, those new spells will be preserved. There will be a separate component to reintroduce those missing spells where appropriate.

Opposition Schools: Opposition schools are mentioned here, but will be addressed in a separate component.

Priest Spells

Level 1

SPPR102 Command

IWDEE: Targets are not awakened when hit

BGEE: Targets are awakened when hit


IWDEE Version: Make targets not awaken on hit

BGEE Version: Make targets awaken on hit

SPPR104 Detect Evil

IWDEE: Casting time: 9

BGEE: Casting time: 2

SR: Casting time: 1


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: Change casting time to 9

BGEE Version: Change casting time to 2

SPPR105 Entangle

IWDEE: No bonus to save; only holds targets that do not save (for 6 sec); Huge creatures specifically immune; cast time 4

BGEE: Targets get +3 to saves, and a failed save imposes a -2 to AC in addition to no movement (for 9 seconds); cast time 4

SR: -2 attack/AC and no move if fail save (vs breath not spell), 50% move if save Huge immune duration 8 seconds; cast time 5


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: As above

BGEE Version: As above

SPPR106 Magic Stone

IWDEE: Creates single stone that does 3d4 crush, 6d4 crush to undead.

BGEE: Creates single stone that does 1d4 crush

SR: Creates magic weapon stones that can be thrown: 3/round, 1d4+2 dam (1d4+5 vs. undead)


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: As above

BGEE Version: As above

SPPR107 Protection vs. Evil

IWDEE: Castable by all priests; +2 AC/Saves(?) vs. evil, protection from demons, immunity to charm, 3 rounds/level

BGEE: Castable by cleric/pal only; +2 AC/Saves(?), protection from demons, no immunity to charm; 3 rounds/level

SR: Castable by cleric/pal only; +2 AC/saves(?) vs evil creatures; no prot from demons nor immunity to charm; 5 turns


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: As above

BGEE Version: As above

SPPR108 Remove Fear

IWDEE: Duration: 1 turn

BGEE: Duration: 1 hour

SR: Duration: 5 turns, called Resist Fear (more accurate name and description; except probably has effect radius wrong--likely it's 15' rad.)


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: Change duration to 1 turn

BGEE Version: Change duration to 1 hour

SPPR109 Sanctuary

IWDEE: Duration: 2 rounds (+1/level)

BGEE: Duration: 1 turn

SR: Duration: 6 rounds


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: Change duration to 2 round (+1/lev).

BGEE Version: Change duration to 1 turn

SPPR110 Shillelagh

IWDEE: Druid only; 4r +1r/level, 2d4 damage, Club counts as +1 weapon, club proficiency,

BGEE: All can cast, 4r +1/level, generic prof, 2d4+1 dam (does not count as +1 weap, but +1 to hit)

SR: Druid only, 2d4 dam, 2 turns, 2d4 dam, counts in all ways as +1/+2 or +3 weapon as level up, entangle if no save on hit,


If SR installed: No change (though, compatible with IWDEE version (club proficiency)

IWDEE Version: Change to druid only; change prof to club; SHILLEL.itm becomes a +1 weapon

BGEE Version: SHILLEL.itm becomes a non-magic weapon, gains largesword proficiency

Mage Spells

Level 1

SPWI101 Grease

IWDEE: Usability Flags: Break Sanctuary; Range: 25'; Duration: 1 Turn; Effect: sv. vs spell every round or move = 1

BGEE: Usability Flags: Hostile; Range: 30'; Duration: 3 rounds (+1/level); Effect: sv. vs spell +2 every round or move = 1

SR: Usability Flags: none; Range: 20'; Duration: 1 Turn; Effect: sv. vs Breath +2 every round or 'unconscious' for 1 round, otherwise movement =1


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: as above

BGEE Version: as above

SPWI103 Burning Hands

IWDEE: Flag: Break Sanctuary; School: Alteration; Range: 5; Effect: 1d3 fire (+2/lev max +20); Target: Area

BGEE: Flag: Break Sanctuary; School: Alteration; Range: 5; Effect: 1d3 fire (+2/lev max +20); Target: Creature

SR: Flag: Hostile; School: Invocation; Range: 2; Effect: 1d6 fire (+1d6/2 lev max 5d6); Target: Area


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: as above

BGEE Version: as above

SPWI104 Charm Person

IWDEE: Opposition School: Necromancy; Flag: Break Sanctuary; Range: 60'; Duration: 1 Turn

BGEE: Opposition School: Invocation; Flag: Break Sanctuary; Range: 60'; Duration: 5 rounds

SR: Opposition School: Invocation; Flag: none; Range: 30'; Duration: 5 r


If SR installed: No change (though compatible with either change below--duration)

IWDEE Version: Duration: 1 turn

BGEE Version: Duration: 5 rounds

SPWI105 Color Spray

IWDEE: Flag: Break Sanctuary; Range: 12'; Effect: Lower or equal lev to caster: unconsciousness for 5 r, +2 levels above caster: blind 3 rounds, greater: stun 1 round. No save if below 6 hd or fewer levels than caster

BGEE: Flag: Break Sanctuary, hostile; Range: 30'; Effect: 4 or fewer hd save or unconscious for 5 rounds.

SR: Flag: hostile; Range: 10'; Effect: Lower or equal lev to caster: slow for 5 r, +2 levels above caster: blind 3 rounds, greater: confusion 1 round. 22HD+ save or confusion only Duration: 1 turn


If SR installed: No change

IWDEE Version: as above

BGEE Version: as above

SPWI106 Blindness

IWDEE: Depreciated, converted to a second level spell (SPWI226). Added to hidespl.2da so not selectable. (2nd lev spell: Exclude Abjurer; Flag: Hostle; Range 100'; Duration: 8 hours)

BGEE: Stays a 1st level spell (Flag: Exclude Necro; not hostle; Range: 30'; Duration: 2 hours)

SR: Converted to Obscuring Mist


If SR installed: NA

IWDEE Version: Moved to a second level spell (Created if SR installed)

BGEE Version: Moved to a 1st level spell (Created if SR installed)

SPWI107 Friends

IWDEE: Opposing School: Necromancy; +5 charisma; 3 rounds (+1/level)

BGEE: Opposing School: Invocation; +6 charisma; 1d4 rounds (+1/level)

SR: Converted to Summon Monster I


If SR installed: NA

IWDEE Version: As above (Created if SR installed)

BGEE Version: As above (Created if SR installed)

SPWI108 Protection From Petrification

IWDEE: Depreciated, converted to a second level spell (SPWI227). Added to hidespl.2da so not selectable. (2nd lev spell: Exclude Illusionist; Duration: 3r/lev )

BGEE: Stays a 1st level spell (2nd lev spell: Exclude Transmuter; Duration: 1 hour)

SR: Converted to Expeditious Retreat


If SR installed: NA

IWDEE Version: Moved to a second level spell (Created if SR installed)

BGEE Version: Moved to a 1st level spell (Created if SR installed)

SPWI111 Infravision

IWDEE: Range 1 ("Touch"), Duration: 8 hours

BGEE: Range 30, Duration: 2 hours

SR: Converted to True Strike


If SR installed: NA

IWDEE Version: Range 1, Duration 8 hours (Created if SR installed)

BGEE Version: Range 30, Duration 2 hours (Created if SR installed)