UnearthedArcana / B_Spells

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New 2nd Lev Wiz #138

Closed Grammarsalad closed 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

Mage Spells

Level 2

Adhesion (New)

Level: 2

Similar to Grease, but sticky

Bind (New)

Level: 2
Range: Visual Range of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: Neg

When this spell is employed, the wizard can command any nonliving ropelike object, including string, yarn, cord, line, rope, or even a cable to enwrap a single creature if they do not make a save vs. breath. Affected creatures cannot move and are effectively held. The rope does not inflict damage on the creature.

Huge creatures are not affected by this spell.

Bladethirst (New)

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Casting Time:
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: None

+3 strike

Choke (New)

Level: 2

1d4/round (save ea round for 1/2 dam) victim -2 to hit 1 round/lev

Disrupt Life (New)

Level: 2
Range: Visual range of the caster
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One Living Creature
Saving Throw: None

This spell disrupts the life force that sustains a target living creature. Any living creature targeted by this spell suffers 2d6+2 points of magic damage, +1d6+1 per two levels (max 9d6+9 at 15th level).

Flaming Sphere (New)

Level: 2 Range:
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None

Summons a 'ball of flame', 'creature' that damages nearby creatures (is immune to attacks; AI should try to avoid it--sigh, do AI stuff).

Forget (New)

Level: 2

Target loses 1 first level spell

Hypnotic pattern (New)

Level: 2 Range: Visual Range of Caster Duration:
Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect:
Saving Throw: Neg (Like hypnotism but more targets. Targets can Save if attacked (aren't automatically cured if attacked))

When this spell is cast, the wizard creates a weaving, twisting pattern of subtle colors in the air. This pattern causes any creature looking at it to become fascinated and stand gazing at it for ....

All creatures affected must be within the area of effect, and each is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. A damage-inflicting attack on an affected creature frees it from the spell immediately.

Improved Phantasmal Force (New)

Level: 2 more 'real' phantasmal force See second post

Leomund's Trap

Level: 2 Range: Visual Range of Caster Duration: Special
Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect:
Saving Throw: Neg

This false trap is designed to fool a thief or other character attempting to pilfer the spellcaster’s goods. The wizard places the spell upon any small area. The effected area acts as though it were trapped, and can be 'detected' by a successful detect traps check. Though the trap is illusory, any creature that passes over the 'trapped' area will take non-lethal damage equal to 1d8 per 2 levels of the caster (maximum 5d8 at 10th level). Targets save vs. magic to 'disbelieve' the trap and avoid damage.

False trap must be cast outside of combat, or it will fail, much like a 'real' trap.

Moment (New)

Level: 2 Decent bonus to some action

Protection from Paralysis (New)

Level: 2 Range: Touch Casting time: 7 Duration: 1 hour Area of Effect: 1 Creature Saving Throw: None

Touched creature is immune to hold and paralysis spells for 1 hour

Illusory Fireball (New)

Level: 2 Range: as fb Casting time: as fb Effect: 1d4/2 lev non-lethal damage (save vs. magic negate) (max 5d4)

Creatures immune to fire are unaffected by Illusory Fireball, as they do not expect to be hurt by such a spell.

Ward Against Undead (New)
(Abjuration) Protection from Creature that is dispelled if the recipient attacks any creature (via contingency).

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

1) Illusions at a given level are 'stronger' than would be expected for that level. I think you said this somewhere Subtledoctor, but they should be about equal to a summon spell that is two levels higher.

2) Summoned creatures are 'dispelled' by certain divination magics. I think that the specifics should vary based on the spell, but True Seeing should dispel all creatures summoned by 6th level and below illusionists, and get to save each round or be dispelled (or, maybe reverse it, and allow the caster to dispel them if they save).

3) I think that 'disbelief' should be handled based on the spell level. Illusions become more complex at higher levels, and presumably this makes them more difficult to disbelieve. Further, many shadow versions actually gain a semblance of reality from 'shadowstuff' or whatever. As such, it should be relatively easy to disbelieve a 1st level phantasmal force, and increasingly difficult to disbelieve a higher level pf.

My thinking on low level PF is to give them 1hp. Basically, you swing your sword at them, it passes through without reaction from the creature, and so you and your friends automatically disbelieve it. Additionally, they can be disbelieved when attacked as below (perhaps even with a bonus to the 324 save).

Higher level illusory creatures can be disbelieved when attacked. I was thinking of something like this:

Spell A: destroys the illusory creatures created from a particular illusion spell. Spell B: protects the illusory creature from Spell A. These illusory creatures all have SpellB applied to them on creation, and perhaps at each new round. Spell C: Removes Spell B from all illusions from a particular spell in the area Spell D: Effect 1: 324 protecting against Spell D, but with a save vs. spell to avoid. Effect 2: 146 that casts spell C. Spell E: Casts spell A after a 1 second delay at self.

Illusory creatures have 2 Cast Spell on Condition spells that are triggered when they are attacked.

Condition 1: Target 'nearest enemy' spell 1: Casts Spell D.

Condition 2: Casts Spell E at self

Basically, if a creature is attacked, it will destroy itself if its nearest enemy saves vs. spell (they will see that it is not reacting right to the attack, and will disbelieve the spell). Higher level illusions will be more difficult to disbelieve, and the 324 effect will have a penalty to its save.