UnearthedArcana / B_Spells

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New 3rd Lev Wiz #140

Closed Grammarsalad closed 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown (New)

Level: 3
Gain insight to create a temporary potion (lasts 8 hours)

Blinding Flash (New)

Level: 3
Range: 30 ft.
Casting time: 3
Area of Effect: 20’ radius
Saving Throw: Special

All enemies in area blinded for 1 round (no save). Further, all enemies must save vs. spell, or be blinded for an additional 1 round, +1 per 3 levels (max 8 rounds at 18th level) (p378) Blind immune

Explosive Runes (New)

Level: 3
Range: Touch
Casting time: 3
Area of Effect: 10’ radius
Saving Throw: None

By tracing these mystic runes upon a surface, the wizard prevents unauthorized persons from entering the area.

When an unauthorized creature walks on the area, the explosive runes detonate, delivering 6d4+6 points of fire damage to the creatures, and any creatures within 10'.

Much like a thief trap, explosive Runes cannot be placed in the presence of enemies.

Fabricate (New)

Level: 3
Casting time: 3
Creates non-magic items, weapons, shield, armor, for 8 hours. Weapons have no special bonuses, though they hit creatures as though a +1 weapon.

Illusory Fireball (New)

Level: 2 Range: as fb Casting time: as fb Effect: 1d6/2 lev non-lethal damage (save vs. magic negate)

Iron Mind (New)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Casting time: 3 Duration: 1 hour Effect: Touched creature gains immunity to hold and charm spells for the duration.

Pain Touch (New)

Level: 3

About equal to Loviatar touch

Spectral Force (New)

Level: 3 Range: Casting time: Duration: Effect: Even Better illusion

Extra good phantasmal force