UnearthedArcana / B_Spells

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New 4th Lev Wiz #141

Closed Grammarsalad closed 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

Absorb Wounds (New)

Level: 4 Range: Touch Casting Time: 9 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1 creature Transfers 2 hit points of damage per level from the recipient to the caster. Caster cannot die from this spell (min hit point 1 just in case). (p308)

Destroy Undead (New)

Level: 4 Range: 60 ft. Casting Time: 3 Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: 1d4 undead Save: none Target undead with 4 or fewer hit die are destroyed instantly. Stronger undead take 1d8 magic damage per level of the caster.

Electric Arc (New; 2e pnp)

Level: 4
Range: Visual Range of Caster
Casting Time: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: Special
Save: 1/2

This spell causes one or more small flashes of lightning to erupt from the caster's fingertips and strike one or more opponent. The caster targets one enemy with this spell, and the spell hits up to 3 additional nearby enemies. Each arc inflicts 2d6 points of damage, +10 points of electrical damage. A saving thrwo vs. spell reduces damage by one half.

(p 593 wiz spells-M.'s e arc)

Elude Blow (New)

Level: 4
Range: 20 ft.
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: 20’ rad
Save: Spell

All enemy creatures in the area suffer a -20 to melee THAC0 if they fail their save vs. spell. (p 305 wiz)

Fumble (New)

Level: 4
Range: 30 ft.
Casting Time: 4
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 Round/level
Save: Special

Enemy becomes clumsy, immediately falling down for one round, taking 1d4 blunt damage. Each round, they must save vs. spell or fall again, again taking damage. Additionally, the creature is affected as though under a slow spell (no save).

Phantasmal Killer (New)

Level: 4 (See second post)

Wall of Fire (New)

Level: 4
Range: Visual range of Caster
Casting Time: 4
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: 1 Round/level
Save: Special

The wall of fire spell brings forth an immobile, blazing curtain of magical fire of shimmering color—violet or reddish blue. The spell creates either an opaque sheet of flame up to [SAME AS ORIG SPL].

Passing through the Wall of Fire does...

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

Okay. I really like that idea for Phantasmal Killer, the actual spell, which summons a 'horrifying illusion that can kill the target outright'. As such, the creature should have a death effect on hit that kills the target if they don't save, causing fear if they do save, and then dispelling itself. The PK is supposed to be impervious to attacks, and you can only disbelieve it once, but at 4th level, I think it's reasonable to allow a save each round. The Invisible Stalker 'animation' is perfect, as nobody knows what the PK looks like except the victim, and for them its pretty horrifying to describe.

You could protect other PKs if you make the area of the dispel small enough (the creature should be too fast--like super fast--to run away from--it's supposed to be inescapable as it is only in the targets mind, so it'll always be close by). Maybe reapply the immunity every round or so...IDK.

From Subtledr:

"This spell summons a monstrous creature next to the target. The creature is tagged with a spellstate ("phantasm"). Every round for 1 turn, a spell is cast area-wide which destroys creatures with that spellstate. These spells are cast on a 2-second delay. Meanwhile, every round, the target must make a saving throw. On a failed save an area-wide effect (with no delay) provides immunity against the "destroy all phantasms" spell.

End result: the phantasmal creature keeps attacking until the target makes a saving throw. Probably the target should be immune to the spell for 24 hours after being affected by it.

Possible downside: if you cast this on two enemies, then both phantasmal creatures would be destroyed if/when either of the targets makes a save. This could be seen as a feature or a bug. If a bug, then you could probably create an elaborate way to cycle through different spellstates or stat values to allow consecutive castings operate independently."