UnearthedArcana / B_Spells

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New 7th Lev Wiz #142

Closed Grammarsalad closed 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

Chaos Blade (New)
(evocation) (Wild)

Level: 7 Casting time: 6 Duration: 1 turn Creates a special magical blade in casters hands. Does 5d4 magic damage, is +4 to hit, and creatures hit are affected by a wild surge.

Delayed Blast Fireball (New)

Level: 7
Range: Special Casting time: 7
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2

This spell creates a fireball, with a +1 bonus to eeach of its dice of damage, which releases its blast anytime from instantly to up to 1 turn later, according to the command given by the wizard. The wizard has such control over this spell that can make it avoid allies.

In other respects, this spell is identical to the 3rd level Fireball spell.

(Summons a creature that is invulnerable. When commanded to attack, it shoots a detonating arrow at target and destroys itself. The itself is projectile is party friendly)

Guardian Mantle (New)

Level: 7
Range: 0
Casting time: 7
Duration: 1 turn
Enemies in melee must save vs. spell -4 or be unable to make attacks for 1 round. (investigate with contingency creation and/or fire shield). P417

Love (New)

Level: 7 As dominate person, but cre will follow the caster anywhere. Only one creature at a time. Investigate P526

Unfailing Premonition

Level: 7 Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn +2r/lev Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None

By anticipating possible futures and outcomes of the caster’s actions, this spell provides the with a temporary sixth sense or feel for danger. The spell operates on a subconscious level, and the caster receives strong intuitive impulses when he contemplates courses of action that may bring immediate physical injury or harm to him.

The unfailing premonition is quite useful in combat; as long as obeys instincts and ducks, dodges, or withdraws when subconscious tells him to. While the spell is in effect, the caster gains a +4 bonus to Armor Class and saving throws, and gains a +1 bonus to casting speed and weapon speed for the duration.