UnearthedArcana / B_Spells

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New 5th Lev Wiz #146

Closed Grammarsalad closed 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

Advanced Illusion (New)

Level: 5
Cast time:
Area of Effect:

(Even More better illusory monsters)

Fear Aura (New)

Level: 5
Range: 0
Cast time: 5
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect:

(Casts cloak of fear each round on caster for duration)

Feign Undeath (New)

Level: 5
Casting time: 5
Duration: 1 turn
Area of Effect:

(Touched creature gains prot vs. undead, immune to energy drain, paralysis, poison, pain effects, fear, emotion effects. (p350))

Steal Life (New)

Level: 5
Range: 10 ft.
Casting time: 1
Area of Effect:

(Effect steals hp from target cre, equal to 1d6/lev (can go over current hp by 1/lev for one hour) p511)

Telekinesis (New)

Level: 5
Range: Visual Range of Caster
Casting time: 1
Duration: 1 or 5 rounds (see below) Area of Effect:
Save: Special

This spell exerts an unseen force against a single creature, pushing any creature of less than huge size away from the caster for 5 rounds at 10' per round.

Huge creatures are pushed back 10' and and are only affected for 1 round. Such creatures do not risk being knocked prone.

Affected creatures take 1d6 crushing damage each round they are affected.