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Wands (New, Revised and Item Creation components) #153

Closed Grammarsalad closed 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago

Wand Tiers

Wands are divided by tier, which is roughly analogous to spell levels. As such, tier I wands are the weakest, Tier II wands are better, etc. As you might expect, higher tiered wands typically cost more to buy, craft, and recharge (if you have the relevant components installed) and have fewer charges than lower tiered wands. Additionally, higher tiered wands require more skill and finesse to wield, meaning that typically fewer classes and kits can use them compared to lower tiered wands (see the proficiency and/or B_Kits for variant rules on magic item use that greatly expand on this idea).

New and Revised Wands

Wand Name Tier Effect
Animated Wand (N) ? Transforms into a blade that fights for the caster
of Banishment (Ns) ? Removes summoned creatures, evil outsiders save or destroyed/banished
of Peace (N) ? All creatures in area save or cannot attack for 3 rounds
Bonewand (N) ? Shards of Bone (6d4 piercing dam save for 1/2); Animate Dead as Spell
of Death (N) ? Death Spell?
of Darkness (N) ? Blindness; Smite good; Summon Shadow, evil only
of Salt (N) ? 6d8 dam plant cre (3d6 non plant) Save for 1/2
of Eyes (N) ? Wizard Eye; See Invisible
of Fireballs (N) ? Fireball 10d6
of Fog (Ns) I as Obscuring Mist
of Force (N) ? 2d6 crush damage and Push away cre (save 1/2 dam and no push)
of Freshness (N) I as ZoSA
Gremlin Wand (N) ? Summon Gremlins
of Illumination (N) ? As Sunburst
of Illusion (N) I Glammer; Ph. Force
of Knock(N) II As Knock
of Spiders (N) ? Spider Spawn; Web
of Mirrors (N) ? Shield and Mirror Image
Mistletoe (N) I Shillelagh
of Light (N) ? Light Blade; Sun Ray (beam does 2d6+2 magic) x2 undead; Prot from evil; good only
of Negation (N) ? Dispel Magic
of Revealing (N) ? Find Traps/D. Illusion 75%
of Steam (N) ? As Cloudkill, but fire damage 3 r: 6d6/4d6/2d6
of the Sun (N) ? Ray 6d4 fire +2d4 metal wearing x2 undead
of the Squid (N) ? 4d4 crush and hold (save 1/2 dam, no hold
of Teeth (N) I 2d6+2 missile dam (save 1/2)
of Secrets (N) ? as Find Traps
of Swarming (N) ? as Summon Insects
of Command (N) ? as Dominate
of Healing (N) II Cure 2d6+4 HP

Wand Names: (N) New Wand. Only installed if New Wands Component is installed (R) Revised Wand. Only installed if Revised Wands Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed (s) Only if SR is installed


Wand Creation

Wand Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost File
Rod of Shadowstep (E) ? ? ? ? OHDROD.itm
of Fear (E) ? Horror; ? ? WAND02.itm
of Magic Missiles (E) I Magic Missile; ? 5,000 gp WAND03.itm
of Whips (E) ? ? ? ? OHNWAND1.itm
of Glitterdust (E) ? ? ? ? OHDWAND1.itm
Animated Wand (N) ? ? Short Sword +1; Masterwork Short Sword(x) 15,000 gp B_WAN06.itm
of Banishment (Ns) ? Banishment (s); ? 30,000 gp B_WAN12.itm
of Peace (N) ? Sanctuary, protection from evil 10'; ? ? -
Bonewand (N) ? ? ? 12,000 gp B_WAN07.itm
of Death (N) ? ? ? 100,000 gp B_WAN16.itm
of Darkness (N) ? ? ? 30,000 gp B_WAN18.itm
of Salt (N) ? ? ? ? -
of Eyes (N) ? Wizard Eye, See Invisible; ? 20,000 gp B_WAN09.itm
of Fireballs (N) ? Fireball; ? 20,000 gp B_WAN05.itm
of Fog (Ns) I Obscuring Mist(s) ? 8,000 gp B_WAN11.itm
of Force (N) ? ? ? 30,000 gp B_WAN08.itm
of Freshness (N) I ZoSA; Gust of Wind(s) ? 7,500 gp B_WAN10.itm
Gremlin Wand (N) II Any summon lev 3+ ? 10,000 gp B_WAN17.itm
of Illumination (N) ? ? ? ? B_WAN19.itm
of Illusion (N) I A. Glammer(n), Phantasmal Force(n) ? ? -
of Knock(N) II Knock; ? 15,000 gp B_WAN02.itm
of Spiders (N) ? Spider Spawn(o), Web; Monster Summoning IV(or higher) (s), Web; Monster Summoning II(or higher) (o), Web; ? ? B_WAN14.itm
of Mirrors (N) ? ? ? ? -
Mistletoe (N) I Shillelagh; ? 15,000 gp B_WAN03.itm
of Light (N) ? ? ? ? -
of Negation (N) ? Dispel Magic; Remove Magic ? ? -
of Revealing (N) ? Find Traps; Detect Portals(n) ? ? -
of Steam (N) ? Cloudkill; ? ? -
of the Sun (N) ? ? ? ? -
of the Squid (N) ? ? ? ? -
of Teeth (N) I ? ? 15,000 gp B_WAN01.itm
of Secrets (N) ? Find Traps; Detect Portals(n) ? ? -
of Swarming (N) ? Summon Insects; Creeping Doom ? 25,000 gp B_WAN15.itm
of Command (N) ? Dominate; ? 50,000 gp B_WAN04.itm
of Healing (N) Highest Heal ? ? B_WAN13.itm

Wand Names: (N) New Wand. Only installed if New Wands Component is installed (R) Revised Wand. Only installed if Revised Wands Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed (s) Only if SR is installed


Required Spells: x, y; z = [(x and y) or (z)] (n) New Spell Component. This wand is not craftable unless this component is installed.
(I) Icewind Dale Spell (r) Revised Spell Component (s) Spell Revisions Spell (o) original version: i.e. not a spell replace by some other mod (e.g. by SR or B_Spells)

Components: Optional additional components, either experience points, or some special part or item gained through adventuring or purchase.

(x) For mods that have this item

Cost: Standard Cost of item. Cost to create is 75% of this cost, unless Components are also installed, in which case its either negated (i.e. fully accounted for by the cost of the components) or is equal to 1/2 this cost.

Recharge Wand

Wand Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost File
(E) ? ; ? ? ?

Wand Names: (N) New Wand. Only installed if New Wands Component is installed (R) Revised Wand. Only installed if Revised Wands Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed (s) Only if SR is installed


Required Spells: x, y; z = [(x and y) or (z)] (n) New Spell Component (I) Icewind Dale Spell (r) Revised Spell Component (s) Spell Revisions Spell

Components: Optional additional components, either experience points, or some special part or item gained through adventuring or purchase.

Cost: Standard Cost of item. Cost to create is 75% of this cost, unless Components are also installed, in which case its either negated (i.e. fully accounted for by the cost of the components) or is equal to 1/2 this cost.

Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago


New Wands

Animated Wand
This wand looks like a short sword sitting in a scabbard. When activated, the sword 'draws' itself from the scabbard and fights for the wielder.

Charge abilities:

9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 15,000 gp


This black wooden wand releases a cone of boneshards in a 30-ft long cone doing 6d4 points of damage (save for 1/2).

Bonewand can also be used to Animate a single level 3 skeleton warrior.

Charge abilities:

9 Intelligence and 9 Wisdom

Weight: 1
Cost: 12,000 gp


Gremlin Wand
This stout ebony shaft looks as though it has been filed down, with a barely discernable wooden claw at the tip, into which is set a sphere of quartz or some other crystal. This wand will summon 1d4 gremlins under the complete control of the wielder. While virtually worthless in single combat, gremlins are quite adept at causing havoc when unleashed on unsuspecting enemies. They can sneak, backstab, and set traps as a thief, making them quite deadly if they can catch an enemy unaware.


Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Wisdom or 9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 10,000 gp


Gremlins: 20 hp, claw 1d6, THAC0: 14, Move Silently/Hide: 60%, backstab x3, Set Snare x2 (80%), Resist magic: 25%

Mistletoe This wand looks like a brittle stick that might shatter at any moment. It is surprisingly study, however, and when activated, it transforms into a stout club that can be used to bash your enemies.

Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Wisdom

Weight: 1 Cost: 15,000 gp


Wand of Banishment Upon command, a ball of magical energy unerringly hits the target creature. This spell is wasted on non-summoned creatures, but any summoned creature is instantly banished from whence it came if it does not save vs. wand.

Even if it does save, it is stunned for 3 rounds.


Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Wisdom or 9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 30,000 gp


Wand of Command
This wand allows the wielder to dominate any humanoid creature that does not save vs. wands. This control is maintained through a telepathic link between the wand wielder and the victim. Unlike the 4th-level priest spell Mental Domination, the target has no option for release, even if made to do something against their morals. This effect can only be reversed by Dispel Magic.


Charge abilities:

9 Intelligence
(or 9 Wisdom)

Weight: 1 Cost: 50,000 gp


Wand of Darkness
This wand radiates evil, and can be found in the clutches of many an evil wielder of magic. They are typically made of ebony or carved and polished bone, and a few have small, ornamental claws at one or both ends.

A wand of darkness has three separate functions. It can be used to blind ones enemies, hurt creatures of good alignment, or it can be used to summon shadows.


Charge abilities:

9 Intelligence
(or 9 Wisdom) Evil alignment

Weight: 1 Cost: 30,000 gp


Wand of Death
This wand produces a death ray, that slays any living creature that fails their save vs. death. Even if that creature does save, they take 4d6 points to cold damage. Any creature that is hit by a Wand of Death and survives is immune to further Death Rays for the next four hours.


Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 100,000 gp


Wand of Eyes
This wand has a number of abilities. First, it can create a Wizard Eye as a 6th level caster. Second, it can cure blindness in any creature touched. Finally, this wand can allow the wielder to Detect Invisibility as the spell.


Charge abilities:

9 Intelligence

Weight: 1
Cost: 20,000 gp


Wand of Fireballs The wand will cough forth a huge, burning ball of fire that streaks out to the desired range (to a maximum of 90 ft.) and bursts in a fiery, violent blast, just like the Fireball spell. The Fireball inflicts 6d6 points of damage. The victim(s) may make a Save vs. Wand in order to take only half damage.


Charge abilities:

9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 16,000 gp


Wand of Fog
When activated, this wand creates a thick cloud of fog that obscures vision. Creatures caught in the radius of the fog suffer -2 to their attack rolls, and can only see 1/2 as far as normal. All attacks made against creatures within the fog, or against creatues outside the fog, suffer a -4 penalty.


Charge abilities:

9 Wisdom

Weight: 1 Cost: 8,000 gp


Wand of Force When this dangerous wand is used against a target, that target is slammed with pure kinetic energy taking 2d6 magic damage (save for half), and if that creature is smaller than huge sized, it is knocked back 10'.

STATISTICS: Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 30,000 gp


Wand of Freshness
When activated, this wand repels all noxious elements from poisonous vapors (including magically created vapors such as Cloudkill). This spell will dismiss all clouds in the entire area that the caster is currently in. The spell offers no protection against poisonous vapors created by a dragon's breath weapon (such as the chlorine gas of a green dragon).


Charge abilities:

9 Wisdom

Weight: 1 Cost: 7,500 gp


Wand of Healing
When this incredible wand is pointed at a target creature within 15', it heals them for 3d6+3 points of damage.


Charge abilities:

9 Wisdom

Weight: 1 Cost: 50,000 gp


Wand of Illumination When this wand is activated, the wielder bursts into a brilliant flame, doing 6d6 points of fire damage to all undead within 15'. Living creatures, magical constructs, and others are unharmed.

Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 10,000 gp


Wand of Knock

Sometimes called the 'thief on a stick', this wand will open all but the strongest locked doors on command.

Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 15,000 gp


Wand of Spiders
This disturbing wand can be used to summon spiders and entrap single targets in a web of for 1 full minute.


Charge abilities:

9 Intelligence

Weight: 1
Cost: 25,000 gp


Wand of Swarming
When the wielder points this wand at their intended target and utters the command word, a swarm of nasty, stinging insects harasses target unless they save vs. wands -4.

If they fail their save, the target takes 1 point of damage every 3 rounds, suffers a 30% spell failure, and takes a -1 penalty to THAC0 and AC for 1 minute.


Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Wisdom

Weight: 1 Cost: 25,000 gp


Wand of Teeth When activated, the wand will eject a tooth-like missile at the target, hitting them for 2d6+2 points of damage (save vs. wands for 1/2).

STATISTICS: Charge abilities:

Requires: 9 Intelligence

Weight: 1 Cost: 15,000 gp


Grammarsalad commented 5 years ago
