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Revised 1st Level Priest Spells #177

Closed Grammarsalad closed 4 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Armor of Faith (Revised)


When casting this spell, the caster of the Armor of Faith spell receives significant protection against magic and physical attacks. This magical protection is a force of energy that absorbs a portion of the damage intended for the caster. At 1st level, the protection is 10%, and every 5 levels of the caster improves by another 5% (maximum 30% at 20th level). This spell does not protect against energy damage, like fire or electricity. Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative.

Revision Notes: I like the SR version, but I don't like that it doesn't improve over levels. As such, this spell is identical to the SR version except that the protection it provides improves at higher levels.

1st level cantrips:

Curse (Revised)


When uttering the Curse spell, the caster lowers the moral of enemy creatures and any Saving Throws and attack rolls they make by 1. At the instant the spell is completed, it affects all creatures in a 15-ft. radius centered on the point selected by the caster. Affected creatures leaving the area are still subject to the spell's effect; those entering the area after the casting is complete are not.

Revision Notes: Just changes curse to twin the SR version of bless.

1st level cantrips:

Doom (Revised)


This spell causes a feeling of doom to overwhelm the target. For the duration of the spell, the target receives a -2 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. There is no Saving Throw for this spell.

Revision Notes: This is identical to the SR version, except no save is allowed. This spell needs to compete with Curse, and I feel that it can best do that with the faster casting time, increased penalty, and the absence of a save to resist.

Know Evil (Revised)


When this spell is cast, the caster is empowered with an instinctive combat prowess when fighting an evil creature. Against evil opponents, gain a +1 bonus to THAC0, +1 to damage, and can hit evil creatures that can only be hit with a +1 weapon (+1 at level 3 and every two levels after that).

Revision Notes: The Spell Revisions revision is fine. That is, it is as good as can be expected for a recognizable replacement for Detect Evil. It's just that there isn't much of a benefit to knowing the alignment of alignment of NPCs (well, spells like this make that information more useful--but, if you install SR, then you will still have access to these spells).

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, with initial bonuses doubled and the spell can target any ally. Spell Revisions: If Spell Revisions is installed, Know Evil is installed as a new spell.
Faiths and Powers: This spell is in the Knowledge Sphere if FnP is installed.

Protection from Evil (Revised)


When this spell is cast, a magical barrier forms around the recipient and moves with . The barrier has two effects: First, it bestows a +2 bonus to the recipient's Armor Class and Saving Throws against attacks from evil-aligned opponents; second, it grants a +2 bonus to saves vs. enchantment spells.

Revision Notes: This is one of the few instances where I don't quite like the SR version of the spell. I like that it removes complete protection from demonic attack (see revised Gate), but I don't think that it quite gives enough 'oomph' for a 1st level spell. I don't like the complete immunity to charm based spells as granted by the IWDEE version either, so I settled on granting a +2 bonus vs. enchantment spells. Note that I'm not confident that the +2 to save vs. evil creatures is in effect, but I have an idea to implement that (321 that checks for evil alignment of caster, and if true casts a spell that grants a +2 to all saves for 1 sec if target has prot vs. evil i.e. with a second 321)

1st level cantrips: Converted to a second level spell, unchanged