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Revised Mage Spells #182

Closed Grammarsalad closed 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago
## Revised Arcane Spells This section details changes to arcane (mage, bard and sorcerer) spells. ## b_spells_settings.ini You can choose not to install one of many changes detailed below by setting the relevant variable to 0 in b_spells_settings.ini. For example, if you do not want to install the expensive material requirement for the identify spell, then open b_spells_settings.ini and change this: `OUTER_SET identify_mucho_gold = 1` to this: `OUTER_SET identify_mucho_gold = 0` You can also choose to install different variants for certain spells. Find the details for each change below ## Patching Wherever possible, I will patch, rather than overwrite, a given spell. What this basically means is that whatever modifier introduced will be adding the extra effect to the spell itself (i.e. to whatever version of the spell you have installed). So, for example, if you have the SR version of the Chill Touch spell, all of the chill touch modifications will modify that spell, meaning that the spell will be otherwise identical to the SR version of the spell. Or, if you don't have the SR version, that's fine; the vanilla Chill Touch spell will be modified instead. I will endeavor to let you know if the revision notes if the changes are patched, or overwritten (and why if the latter).


### Level 1

Armor (Revised)


By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical field of force that serves as if it were scale mail armor (AC 6). It is cumulative with Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class and, in the case of Fighter/Mages, with the shield bonus. The Armor spell does not hinder movement, adds no weight or encumbrance, and doesn't prevent spellcasting. It lasts until successfully dispelled or until its duration expires. Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative.

Revision Notes: The pnp version works on any touched creature, so I figured that I would allow the player to do the same. The spell and description will be patched, so it'll modify whatever version of the spell you have installed (e.g. SR or vanilla). The description is also patched to indicate that multiple castings are not cumulative.

Specific Changes 1) Touch Range: If armor_touch_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips: If 1st level cantrips is installed, then Armor will Not be touched by this component. If 1st level cantrips is later installed, then the change to Armor will be reverted back to the original spell (i.e. caster only).

Chill Touch (Revised)

Revision Notes: The main issues that I have with the original spell are both that it is weak, and that it is only useful when the mage has made a mistake and gotten themselves into melee. As such, it's a plan to fail spell. On the other hand, there a number of cool modifications possible for this spell, but all of them together make the spell too powerful for a first level spell (much less a cantrip!) Because of this, those modifications have been divided into two spells: one that can either replace Chill Touch, or be added as an additional spell, and the other which just modifies the Chill Touch spell itself.

For the replacement spell (Spectral Hand), see the New Spells section. This section will just outline possible alterations of the spell itself (also see the cantrip section--even if you choose to replace Chill Touch with Spectral Hand, the Chill Touch spell can still reappear as a cantrip, and any modifications you make with this component will apply to the Cantrip version of the spell).

Chill Touch Patches: All revisions are patched into the existing spell (or chill touch item). I have as many as 4 different revisions for this spell. The first modification allows chill touch to affect undead creatures (either causing them to flee or holding them in place). The second modification gives Chill Touch a damage progression, meaning that it causes more damage as the character levels up. There are two options for this increase: one gives the spell an additional die of damage at levels 6, 12, and 18. The other increases damage like the vanilla burning hands spell (+2/level, to a max of +20). The final modification removes or modifies the save when chill touch has landed. You can choose to have the spell either deal 1/2 damage on a successful save, or not allow a save at all. Finally, there is the Consistent Damage patch. This spell has different effects in IWDEE compared to BG(2)EE, including how much damage it causes. In IWDEE, it causes d4 damage, and in BG(2)EE, it causes d8 damage. This component sets the amount of damage to a specific amount (default is d8, but you can set it to virtually any die size).

Specific Changes: Changes to Chill Touch Spell 1) Affect Undead: If chill_affect_undead_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini, then undead affected by chill touch will flee from the caster. If chill_affect_undead_patch is set to 2, then undead are held in place as if they fail to save (but are otherwise unaffected.) (set to 1 by default) 2) Increased Damage Progression: If chill_increased_dam_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini, then the spell will do an additional die of damage at levels 6, 12 and 18. (set to 1 by default) 3) No Save: If chill_no_save_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini. If chill_no_save_patch is set to 2, then chill touch is changed to save for 1/2 damage (and extra effect). (set to 1 by default) 3) Consistent Damage: If chill_con_dam_patch sets the damage size. So, if is set to 3 in b_spells_settings.ini, then chill touch will do d3 damage. (set to 8 by default)

1st-Level Chill Touch Spell Description with all of the default changes


For Reference #### Text Alterations **Affect Undead**: If this patch is installed, the following will be added to the end of the spell description: _This spell has a special effect on undead creatures. Undead touched by the caster suffer no damage or Strength loss, but they must successfully save vs. spell or held/flee for 2 Turns._ **Damage Progression**:

IWDEE: IWDEE already applies a fear affect to the Chill Touch Spell. As such, the spell is typically modified only applies this effect to the spell if SR is installed (as SR overwrites the spell). Similarly, the spell does d4 damage, so spell damage will not be modified if consistent damage is set to d4. BG(2)EE: The spell does d8 damage in BG(2)EE. As such, the spell will not be modified in this game if consistent damage is set to d8.
0-Level Cantrips: The following modifications will not be available if chill touch is converted to a 0-Level spell: No Save (though, save for 1/2 damage is available), and Hold Undead effect. These modifications will be reverted if 0-Level Cantrips is installed, and they will not be applied if 0-Level Cantrips is installed. Specifically, no save will be converted to save 1/2, and hold undead will be changed to undead fear.
1st-Level Cantrips: The following modifications will not be available if chill touch stays as a 1st level spell: No Save (though, save for 1/2 damage is available). These modifications will be reverted if 1st-Level Cantrips is installed, and they will not be applied if 1st-Level Cantrips is installed. Specifically, no save will be converted to save 1/2. Touch Spells Modification: It is not recommended to remove all saves from Chill Touch if the "Change all touch spells to Targeted Spells" global modification is installed (as this could make the spell imbalanced in the other direction).

Color Spray (Revised)


Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from hand. 1d6 creatures within the area are affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard. All creatures in the area of effect that have 4 Hit Dice or less must make a successful Saving Throw or be rendered unconscious for 5 rounds.

Blind or unseeing creatures are not affected by the spell.

Revision Notes: This version just adds (patches) immunity for blind creatures. The spell clearly needs a change, but I think the SR version is fine. Patches existing the existing spell.

Specific Changes 1) Blind Immune: If color_blind_immune_patch is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default)

1st level cantrips:

Find Familiar (Revised)

Revision Notes: The find familiar spell is an oddity. It is a very useful spell, but it is the kind of spell that (ideally) you only need to cast once. As such, it doesn't really work great as a 'normal' spell, nor as a cantrip. Also, it has the limit that only one member of the party (specifically, the protagonist in BG(2)EE) can have a familiar at a time (even if you have a party of mages). As such, this mod will modify the spell (or other portions of the game, as needed) to rectify these shortcomings. Specifically, there are two patches offered by this mod to the spell: first, it a patch will convert the spell to an innate ability (though, cast via the mage spell menu) that can be cast once per day by any mage, bard or sorcerer that can cast 1st level arcane spells. Second, a patch (available in EET only) will allow the party to have as many familiars as mages are in the party.

Specific Changes: 1) Innate Find Familiar: if b_ffam_revision_patch_innate is set to 1, this component will convert the find familiar spell to an innate that can be cast once per day and is available to any kit or class that can cast 1st level arcane spells (i.e. mages and sorcerers at 1st level, and bards at 2nd level). (set to 1 by default)
2) Multiple Familiars: if b_ffam_revision_patch_innate is set to 1, this component will allow multiple familiars in the party (EET only) (Set to 1 by default).

Identify (Revised)


When an identify spell is cast, magical items subsequently touched by the wizard can be identified. The spell can identify 1 item of the target allied creature at 1st level, It can identify an additional item at 5th level, and every 5 levels after that (max 5 items at 20th level).

This spell requires the expenditure of 100gp, and it will not function if you do not have 100gp on hand_

Revision Notes: There are two major changes to this spell, both of which are (semi) optional. The first major change is that it allows you to identify multiple items at higher levels, as well as identify items in an allies' inventory. The second major (and, I'm sure controversial) change is the 100gp requirement. Even if you don't install any changes, however, some components of this mod, like the 1st level cantrips component, may change the identify spell. That said, even in these instances, you can control whether or not it identifies multiple items and if it requires a 100gp sacrifice to cast separately. Note that there is no feasible way to patch the identify spell.

1st level cantrips: This spell moves to level 2 (unchanged) if 1st level cantrips is installed.

Specific Changes 1) Multiple Items: If identify_multi_items is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default), then the identify spell can identify multiple items in an allies' inventory. 2) Expensive Component: If identify_mucho_gold is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini, then this spell will require an expenditure of 100 gold to cast. If identify_mucho_gold is set to 2, then this spell will require an expenditure of 100 gold to cast. If identify_mucho_gold is set to 0, then this spell will not require an expenditure of gold to cast. (set to 1 by default)

Special thanks to Bubb for this spell. It wouldn't be possible without his sorcerery


Revision Notes: The main 'tweak' to this spell is essentially a replacement spell: Devil's Eyes (see the New Spells Component). I do like SR's replacement, True Strike, but I feel that a low level divination spell that actually grants infravision should be available. Of course, the spell itself is a bit lackluster as is, so I've made it substantially more potent (perhaps too potent if I'm being honest). That said, METweaks gives an option to revise infravision to the point that the original spell may actually be worth a first level slot. Additionally, Devil's eyes may actually be too strong for a 1st level slot, so I've also given an option to add Devil's Eyes as a second level spell (see b_spells_settings.ini section in Notes). All this to say that there is no specific 'revision' of Infravision, but see Devil's Eyes in the New Spells section.

Shocking Grasp (Revised)

Revision Notes: The main tweak to this spell is essentially a replacement spell: Jolt. I do like SR's revision of Shocking Grasp, and I strongly encourage the user to either not install Jolt, or install it as an additional spell if SR is installed (this latter option will be the default). The main issue that I have with the Shocking Grasp spell, which it shares will all similar spells, is that it requires that the mage engage in melee, which is something most mages should generally avoid. While the SR version helps the wizard to escape melee, by potentially stunning the target, the spell is hopefully one that wizards won't find themselves needing often. But, that's just the problem. As such, I've endeavored to create a spell that can find a bit more use for the mage that finds themselves constantly in mid-range combat.

Specific Changes Note: jolt_spell set to 1 by default 1) Replace Shocking Grasp: This spell will (under normal circumstances) replace the Shocking Grasp spell with Jolt, if jolt_spell is set to 1 or 2. If jolt_spell is set to 1, it will not replace Shocking Grasp if (and only if) SR is installed, but will instead be added as a new spell (i.e. otherwise it will replace Shocking Grasp with Jolt). If jolt_spell it will replace Shocking Grasp even if SR is installed. 2) Jolt (see below) added as a New Spell: Jolt will be added as a new spell if jolt_spell is set to 3 or 4. If jolt_spell is set to 3, then the spell will be added as a level 1 spell. If jolt_spell is set to 4, then the spell will be added as a second level spell. Note that in this case, Shocking Grasp will not be touched at all (whether or not SR is installed). Note, that it is recommended to install Jolt as a 2nd level spell (i.e. again, by setting jolt_spell to 4 in b_spells_settings.ini) if SR is Not installed (as otherwise, it will completely outclass Shocking Grasp). If Jolt is added as a second level spell, the damage is increased (see below)

Jolt (New/Revised)


Upon casting this spell, the caster generates a jolt of electricity in the body of a nearby enemy. The jolt causes 1d4 points of electrical damage (+1d4 at 3rd level, and every 2 levels after that--max 5d4 at level 9), and halves their speed for a crucial 6 seconds if they do not save vs. polymorph.

0-level cantrips: This spell becomes a cantrip if 0-level cantrips is installed. In this case, the target gains a +2 bonus to their save (-1 at levels 10 and 20). Damage is increased by 1d4 at levels 6, 12 and 18 2nd Level Version: If this spell is added as a second level spell, it does d8 damage instead of d4 damage.

Sleep (Revised)

Note to self: see 5e version

Spook (Revised)


A Spook spell enables the wizard to play upon natural fears to cause the target creature to perceive the caster as someone or something inimical, which then appears to advance upon it in a threatening manner. Creatures of a lower level than the caster do not get a save, and flee from the caster for 3 rounds. Creatures of an equal or higher level than the caster are allowed a save. Affected creatures flee at maximum speed as far from the wizard as possible The creature suffers a Saving Throw penalty of -1 every 2 levels of the caster, up to a maximum of -6 at 12th level. Although the caster does not actually pursue the fleeing creature, a phantasm from its own mind does. Undead are completely unaffected.

Revision Notes: This spell needs a little 'oomph' to compete with sleep (especially the SR version of sleep). So, I made it so that there is no save for creatures of a lower level than the caster. This change will override any other changes you may have made to the spook spell. That is, this change does not patch the spell. (but set spook_no_save to 0 to avoid install)

Specific Changes 1) No save: If spook_no_save is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default).

1st level cantrips:


### Level 2


### Level 3

Flame Arrow (Revised)

Revision Notes: I just wanted to make something that is a bit closer to the 2e pnp version of the spell. Because I made the arrows missile weapons, it is possible for them to miss their target entirely. As such, I removed the save for 1/2 damage (your AC acts as something of a Save to Negate).

Specific Changes: Hurled Flame Arrows: If VAR is set to 1 in b_spells_settings.ini (set to 1 by default).

Hurled Flame Arrows Spell Description

Flame Arrow (Revised)


This spell enables the caster to hurl fiery arrows at one or more of enemies. The caster can fire one bolt for every five experience levels (two bolts at 10th level, three at 15th level, etc.). gains a +4 bonus to this attack roll. Each bolt inflicts 1d6 points of piercing damage plus 4d6 points of fire damage.

The caster must throw all bolts in the round that they are created. Any bolts does not throw in the round are lost.

1st level cantrips:


### Level 4


### Level 5

Feeblemind (Revised)

Revision Notes:

Specific Changes :
1) Feral Feeblemind: If VAR is set to 1 (set to 1 by default). This modification makes the spell more similar to the 5e version. Targets can still move and attack, but they can only use unarmed attacks (without the benefit of monk training) and they cannot use spells or special abilities.

Feral Feeblemind Spell Description


### Level 6


### Level 7


### Level 8


### Level 9
Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Chromatic Orb Level: 1 Components: V, S, M Range: 0 AoE: One creature Save: Neg. Casting Time : 1 Duration: Special This spell causes a 4-inch-diameter sphere to appear in the caster's hand. Within the limits described below, the sphere can appear in a variety of colors; each color indicates a different special power. The caster can hurl the sphere at an opponent up to 30 yards away, providing there are no barriers between the caster and the target. If the target is no more than 10 yards away, the caster's to hit roll is made with a +3 bonus. If the target is 10-20 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +2 bonus. If the target is 20-30 yards away, the caster's roll is made with a +1 bonus. If the chromatic orb misses its target, it dissipates without effect. If the target creature makes a successful saving throw, the chromatic orb is also ineffective. Otherwise, the color of the orb determines the amount of damage inflicted and its special power, as summarized on Table 16; details about the special powers are listed below. The caster can create a single orb of any color listed for his level or lower; for instance, a 3rd-level wizard can create an orange, red, or white orb. The material component for this spell is a gem of the appropriate hue or any diamond. The gem must have a value of at least 50 gp. Light from the orb causes the victim to become surrounded by light to a radius of 20 feet, as if affected by a light spell. The effect lasts for 1 round, during which time the victim makes his attack rolls and saving throws at a -4 penalty, and his AC is penalized by 4. Heat from the orb is intense enough to melt 1 cubic yard of ice. The victim suffers a loss of 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Dexterity (or for victims without these attributes, -1 to hit and a penalty of 1 to AC) for 1 round. Fire from the orb ignites all combustible materials within 3 feet of the victim. Blindness from the orb causes the victim to become blind as per the spell. The effect lasts for 1 round/level of the caster. Stinking cloud from the orb surrounds the victim in a 5-foot-radius noxious cloud. The victim must save vs. poison or will be reeling and unable to attack until he leaves the area of the vapors. Magnetism from the orb has an effect only if the victim is wearing armor made from iron. The iron armor becomes magically magnetized for 3-12 (3d4) rounds. Other iron objects within 3 feet of the caster will stick tight to the magnetized armor; only dispel magic or a similar spell can release the stuck items. At the end of the spell's duration, the stuck items are released. Paralysis from the orb causes the victim to become paralyzed for 6-20 (2d8 + 4) rounds; a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation halves the number of rounds. Petrification from the orb turns the victim to stone. If the victim successfully saves vs. petrification, he avoids turning to stone and instead is slowed (as per the spell) for 2-8 (2d4) rounds. Death from the orb causes the victim to die. If the victim successfully saves. vs death magic, he avoids death and instead is paralyzed for 2-5 (1d4 +1) rounds. Table 16: Chromatic Orb Effects Level of Color of Orb Hit Points Special Caster Generated of Damage Power s White 1-4 Light n Red 1-6 Heat r Orange 1-8 Fire t Yellow 1-10 Blindness t Green 1-12 Stinking Cloud t Turquoise 2-8 Magnetism t Blue 2-16 Paralysis t Violet slow Petrification t Black paralysis Death

Protection From Cold (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell confers complete invulnerability to cold damage.

Protection From Fire (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell confers complete invulnerability to fire damage.

Larloch's Minor Drain (Necromancy)

Level: 1 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

With this spell, the wizard drains the life force from a target and adds it to own. The target creature suffers 1d4 magic damage, while the wizard gains 1d4 Hit Points. If the wizard goes over maximum Hit Point total with this spell, loses them after 1 turn. This spell has no effect on constructs or undead.

Demi-Shadow Monsters (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 5 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None

This spell is similar to the 4th-level wizard spell Shadow Monsters, except the summoned creatures are much more powerful.

Flame Arrow (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 3 Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: Instant Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special

This spell enables the caster to hurl fiery arrows at one of enemies. Each bolt inflicts 1d6 points of piercing damage plus 4d6 points of fire damage. Only half of the fire damage is inflicted if the creature struck saves vs. Spell. The caster can fire one bolt for every five experience levels (two bolts at 10th level, three at 15th level, etc.).

Protection From Normal Missiles (Abjuration)

Level: 3 Range: Touch Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, the wizard bestows total invulnerability to non-magical hurled and launched missiles such as arrows, bolts, bullets, darts, throwing axes, and throwing daggers. Note, however, that this spell does not convey any protection from such magical attacks as Fireball, Lightning Bolt, or Magic Missile, nor does it protect against magical missiles such as arrows +1.

Protection From Evil (Abjuration)

Level: 1 Range: Touch Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

When this spell is cast, a magical barrier forms around the recipient and moves with . The barrier has three effects: First, it bestows a +2 bonus to the recipient's Armor Class and Saving Throws against attacks from evil-aligned opponents; second, it prevents summoned fiends from attacking the recipient; third, it makes the recipient immune to charm-based spells or effects (e.g. Charm Person, Charm Person or Mammal, Domination, and so on).

Protection From Petrification (Abjuration)

Level: 2 Range: Touch Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None

This spell grants the recipient immunity to all petrification attacks. This includes basilisk and medusa gaze, cursed scrolls of petrification, etc.

Detect Evil (Divination)

Level: 2 Range: 0 Duration: Instant Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Visual range of the caster Saving Throw: None

When Detect Evil is cast, any evil creature within the range of the spell will glow red briefly.

Majber commented 4 years ago

Maybe it will be better to include option for b_spells_settings.ini like that additional cost for materials - during instalation?

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

@Majber Yes, that's the plan.

Virtually everything will be optional. Every spell revision, and in many places, different revisions to the same spell will all be optional. If you're reacting to the descriptions that do not specify a way to 'opt out' in b_spells_settings.ini, that's just because I haven't gotten to that spell yet with any concrete details (i.e. the variable name for each modification, etc.)

The only thing that might not be optional is very specific cases, like with the Identify Spell and 1st-Level Cantrips. That spell will work a bit differently (though, the difference is purely aesthetic--it will do the exact same thing). That sort of thing should be pretty rare, though. I'll be listing any specifics as I develop the mod further.

Majber commented 4 years ago

Nice, I cant wait for new release then :) Keep up great work, and dont forget to do release when it will be ready :)

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


Agannazar's Scorcher 1) Reduce Caster Pause

Animate Dead 1) Casting time 5 rounds 2) Allow them to follow as a familiar 3) Material requirement: one onyx per creature (or 25 gp)

Antimagic Shell 1) protection from summoned creatures

Armor 1) Bonus HP but dispelled when hp are depleted 2) Target allies

Barkskin 1) Target takes 1/2 dam from blunt or piercing but double dam from fire

Bigby's Spells
1) Faster Casting Times

Bigby's Crushing Hand 2) No saves

Bless/Chant/Prayer 2) additional bonus every 5 levels

Black Blade of Disaster 1) summoned blade that fights for you

Blindness (and/or deafness)
1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level
5) Deafness no save

Burning Hands
1) Allow mage to move away sooner (shorter pause effect)
2) Does d4/2 levels max 5d4

Call lightning 1) 1x/round call a bolt of lightning that does 3d8 dam save for 1/2 (duration in rounds not turns

Carrion Summons Incorporate into summon monster

Chain lightning 1) 1d8/Level

Charm Person: Patch
See Charm Global 1) No save bonus 2) No hostility after charm

Chill touch 1) affect undead 2) range 10' 3) additional damage at level up (as standard cantrip) 4) target can't heal for 1 round (rather than strength drain) 5) No save required (or save 1/2) 6) d10 cold damage

Chromatic Orb: Not Patched
1) Complete Revision (select orb from list--that grows as you level up) for a number of different effects. Damage is constant, and save vs. spell for extra effects (no save bonus). No insta-death or turn to stone

Cloudkill 1) Take 3d8 poison damage each round (save for 1/2). 2) no auto-kill OR any creature immune to poison is immune to auto kill

Cone of cold 1) d8 damage 2) faster casting time Note: also see disintegration global

Conjure Elemental 1) Combine: 5th and greater at 7th p166-167 2) better summons (see bg1) including magic weapons

Control Undead 1) Change to level 4 2) Ignore Magic Resistance (not lich) Also see control evil, a new 7th level spell replacement

Color Spray: No patch 1) Change similar to Chromatic Orb, but better effects (some auto effect even if save); much shorter pause, weaker creatures no save,

1) Save ea round over 5 rounds, take attribute dam each round, d8 damage 2) Each round target fails save, it casts another contagion that affects all nearby enemies (i.e. their allies)

Death Spell 1) 2d8 damage to living creatures with 9+HD

Demi-Shadow Monsters (IWDEE) 1) Shadow Trolls (notes shades has them)

Detect Evil
1) Reveal Evil (chance to dispel evil invisibility--or just invisibility, save to negate) 2) Know Evil (Gain offensive bonuses vs. evil creatures--maybe penalize their saves vs. spell)

Dire Charm
1) Not Just Charm: Charm and berserk as p246 (only if charm revision installed)
2) Save pen -2

Dispel Magic 1) does not dispel positive effects; only neg effects of allies

Disintegration 1) massive damage if target saves Note: also see disintegration global.

Domination 1) Faster casting time

Emotion Spells
See P306 - 307

Enchanted Weapon 1) Gives +3 to Dam/strike
2) Revert to 'Older' version, summons x enchanted weapons (optionally, requires a mundane item of same type).

Energy Drain
1) Drain Constitution/HP and Empower the Caster 2) Ranged

1) Use unarmed, melee attacks only (no spells or special abilities). Even monks use 'fist' rather than mfist (use magic item slot)
2) as the spell is, but move slowly (movement of 1) no actions 3) -4 to save 4) Reduce to level 4 5) 4d4 magic damage (no save)
6) duration: 8 hours

Finger of Death 1) Create zombie if the spell kills target p358 2) 3d10 damage on failed save

Find Familiar: Patch 1) Familiar can set off traps 2) Can be cast by other than main character (IWD version?) 3) Innate 4) 5e version 5) multiple familiars (?) 6) See Familiar Enhancer p 340+ 7) See Undead familiar p355 8) No penalty to con if familiar dies 9) Universal Spell (castable by all)

Fire Shield(red/blue) 1) Merge into 1 spell, select blue or red

Flame Arrow 1) gain magic item slot fire arrows Duration: 1 round Effect: Caster can hurl individual bolts of fire at enemies, similarly to the minute meteors spell, each doing 1d6 piercing dam +4d6 fire. (no save vs. spell for ½ dam (bolts can miss)). Attacks per round set to number of bolts summoned, and the caster has to throw them all in that round or they are lost. All must be thrown in same round as cast (casting time 0).

Friends 1) Add Friends Spell (iff SR). Because it's a useful spell

Freedom: Removes any impeding magics/projectile (web, paralysis, hold, etc.) from party/area

Ghoul Touch 1) Level 1/Cantrip 2) Damage (d6) + paralysis 3) Substantial Duration (as many uses as wanted) 4) Ghast Stench--nearby enemies must save vs. death or are -2 to hit. 5) No save Also see Global Touch Spells

Glitterdust: 1) not actual blindness, but 'difficulty seeing'. -2 AC/to hit and can't invisible if no save. Pen to save at higher levels

Globe of Invulnerability/Minor 1) protection from AOE spells of relevant level
2)GoI: protects vs level 5 spells

Grease: When fall, -4 to AC (because you're on the ground)
Save x times/second, but if save immune for 6 seconds (so creatures immediately effected).

Hold monster: 1) -4 to save

Hold Undead 1) Bypasses Magic Resistance (vs. undead weaker than lich)

Ice Storm 1) +2d4 Piercing damage (after ice storm)
2) +1 round/3 lev after 7th

Identify: 1) Option to have gold cost of 50 or 25gp.

Imprisonment 1) Traps the target in a state of Suspended Animation (pause target). A super paralysis that cannot be removed by lesser magics. Creature type is irrelevant (golem, undead all affected).
2) Target drops valuables 3) Some effect if target saves

Improved Invisibility See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration

Invisibility See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration

Infravision: 1) See about original BG version, (picking out creatures on the map)

Know Alignment --> Detect Life (see new spells)

Larloch's Minor Drain: Patch
1) Make it stackable

Lightning Bolt 1) No Bounce

Luck: Patch 1) 1 turn/level

Magic Weapon 1) Gives bonus to attack and damage = to enchantment

Maze 1) Target is stuck in a maze of the mind (paralyzed w pause target). Only affects creatures w/minds. 2) range of 10 ft

Meteor Swarm
1) Party Friendly
2) Faster Cast time 3) Ignores MR 4) Does Crushing Damage = to fire damage (ie doubles damage)

Melf's Acid Arrow 1) No attack roll (is there one?) 2) Moar damage! (1d6 piercing damage + the acid damage).

Minor spell turning 1) Target party members

Mislead 1)

Monster Summoning I, II, III 1) Check original game (BG1, not EE)

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer/Chaos Shield/ICS
1) Revise the Surge Table (to still suck, but not be deadly because that's no fun)
2) No Aura Cleansing
3) Remove Improve Chaos Shield, but Make CS improve at higher levels (max 25 bonus)

1) Make it an illusionist Spell (auto if Universal School is installed)
2) Protect vs. True Sight(?) Or Can allow Save to avoid True Sight (possible???)

Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 1) Allies no save(no save in IWDEE--check BG(2)EE)

Phantom Blade 1) Mordy sword summon 2) +6 Blade, 3 attacks

Power Word: All: Patch Increase HP affected by caster level Save if above HP limit

Power Word: Sleep: Patch 1) Creature does not wake if affected 2) Increase HP affected by level 3) Save if above HP limit

Polymorph Self/Other
1) One spell, but different vs. allies or enemies: baleful vs enemies; beneficial for allies (also, polymorph self works for allies). Also see p673+ 2) Polymorph: Self/Beneficial (bonus to THAC0) 3) Additional Forms at higher levels 4) Create forms with thief skills

Project Image 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Simulacrum Maybe fewer and weaker spells

Protection from Evil: Patch
1) Longer Duration
2) Stackable(?) Check BG1 Implementation (not EE)

Protection From Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity--> Protection from Elements Choose Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity (as a lev 3 spell) Remove level 7 spell (or set to 100%) 8th level, Protection from energy (100% all elemental and magic damage).

Protection From Normal Missiles
1) Grants an additional 30% missile damage reduction (vs magic missiles)
2) Or +10 missile Defense 3) Protection from certain missile spells (magic missile, Melf Spells).
(In any case, change name to Protection from Missiles)

Protection from normal weapons 1) -10 AC bonus vs non missile weapons

Protection from Petrification

Ray of Enfeeblement 1) No save first round (save for additional round/level)
2) No movement while affected

Reflected Image 1) replace with displacement (as r/image but self-renewing) (delay = spell duration removes)

Shadow Door 1) casting time: 1

Shapechange 1) Give special abilities to different forms 2) Cast while shapechanged

1) Hits entangle opponent (if they fail save)
2) Increased damage (e.g. cantrip)

Shield 1) Gives a +2 bonus to AC (stackable and can be used in conjunction with (e.g.) armor and similar spells. +4 AC vs. missiles 2) Contingent Shield (when see enemy, or some other condition)

Shocking Grasp
1) Damage increase as cantrip 2) Ranged
3) 1 round, penalty to speed (casting and weapon)

Skull Trap 1) Cap damage as per fireball (10d6)

Simulacrum 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Project Image Maybe no spells, but improved fighting ability

Sleep 1) HP based (increased hp limit as level up) --creatures wake if struck (like 5e version)

Slow 1) No Save

Slow Poison
1) Change spell to protection from poison/disease (p709)

Spell Immunity 1) Does not make you immune to your own spells 2) Alteration: Immunity to time stop 3) Conjuration: Protection from summoned creatures. Insect plague 4) Divination: 5) Enchantment: 6) Evocation: Immunity to your own spells (with 1) including cloudkill 7) Illusion: 8) Necromancy: Protection from undead

Spider Spawn --> Giant insect 1) Can create giant spiders, as well as beetles (scorpions?)

Spirit Armor 1) No damage to target 2) Costs the target some fatigue

Spook: Patch
1) No save (creature of lower level). Normal save for cre => level or cre 20hd+

Spider Spawn 1) add poison to Sword Spiders (including enemy sword spiders)

Stinking Cloud: patch 1) Save each round or be nauseated (no attack or cast spell, but can move at 1/2 speed).
2) -2 saves

Similar to SR, but requires a save every round, and also slows movement.

Stone to Flesh/Flesh to Stone 1) Combines these spells and has different effects depending on whether cast on Ally or enemy 2) Does damage to Stone golems and Earth elementals

Strength 1) Does not lower Str (+1 up to Str 23 for any cre w Str 18+). and only castable on allies

Sunfire 1) Targeted like fireball 2) Extra damage to undead (or only affects undead)

Symbol Spells 1) Grouped all together, choose which to cast at time of casting 2) Revived save penalties (pen death (-2)<stun(-4)<fear(-6)) 3) Can't dodge (change to projectiles)
4) Party Friendly

Tenser's Transformation 1) Dispel disabled casting if dispelled

Wail of the Banshee 1) -4 Save 2) Party Friendly
3) Ignores MR

Web 1) Save each round (vs. breath -2). Success means that creatures move at 1/2 speed. Failure means creatures cannot move and are -4 to attack, AC (except missile attacks, +10), and suffer 20% spell failure for round.
2) Huge creatures and creatures with str 20+ are immune.
3) fire spells remove web

Wraithform 1) Cast spell while protected by this spell 2) 50% resistance to physical damage 1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Moved to IE Designs