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Craft and Recharge Wands #190

Closed Grammarsalad closed 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Wand Creation

The Process

Wands are the most difficult consumable items to create, but they are arguably the most useful.

Level Requirements: Both priests and wizards must be at least 13th level to create wands. If Proficiencies is installed, however, then characters will instead need to have the requisite number of proficiency points in Implements in order to create wands.

Research: Before a character can craft a wand, he or she must discover what processes, materials, and special ingredients are required, and how these must be combined for success. This research requires a cost of 1000 gp per tier, but if the character uses a contact other plane spell to speed their research, the cost is only 500 gp per tier.

If the character has the wand in question to use as a sample, the research costs nothing (except for the possible cost of the wand itself). Note that the wand must have at least 1/2 of the charges left.

Occasionally, wand recipes can be found lying around in a wizards keep or on the person of a wealthy alchemist. In addition, certain specialists can be convinced to teach recipes to generous potential student.

Once a character has researched a wand's construction, they need not research it again; they can create that particular wand as often as they wish, as long as they can provide the right materials.

Processes and Materials: Wands typically require one exotic component, more if the wand has multiple functions.(See Special Ingredients at the end of this section.)

Characters can synthesize materials if they do not have them, but that triples the cost of construction.

Cost: Assuming that the character is able to obtain any special or unusual materials required for the potion, it will cost them a number of gold pieces as determined by the table below. They will also need to pay the experience requirement outlined below, as well.

Success or Failure: The base chance for a successful brewing is 60%, +1% per character level, plus the crafter's intelligence score, - 1 % for every 1,000 gp the wand costs (this includes the cost of synthesis, if applicable). Note that a failure will always produce something. See the Table: Miscrafted Wands for details.

Wand Creation

Wand Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost XP File
Animated Wand (N) VI ? Short Sword +1; Masterwork Short Sword(x) 15,000 2,500 B_WAN06.itm
Bonewand (N) V ? ? 12,000 2,000 B_WAN07.itm
Gremlin Wand (N) II Any summon lev 3+ ? 10,000 3,000 B_WAN17.itm
Mistletoe (N) I Shillelagh; ? 15,000 1,500 B_WAN03.itm
Rod of Shadowstep (E) ? ? ? ? ? OHDROD.itm
Wand of Banishment (Ns) VI Banishment (s); ? 30,000 5,000 B_WAN12.itm
Wand of Command (N) VII Dominate; ? 50,000 5,000 B_WAN04.itm
Wand of Darkness (N) VII ? ? 30,000 5,000 B_WAN18.itm
Wand of Death (N) VII ? ? 100,000 20,000 B_WAN16.itm
Wand of Eyes (N) IV Wizard Eye, See Invisible; ? 20,000 3,000 B_WAN09.itm
Wand of Fear (E) II Horror; ? 15,000 3,000 WAND02.itm
Wand of Fireballs (N) III Fireball; ? 20,000 2,000 B_WAN05.itm
Wand of Fog (Ns) I Obscuring Mist(s) ? 8,000 1,750 B_WAN11.itm
Wand of Force (N) ? ? ? 30,000 3,000 B_WAN08.itm
Wand of Freshness (N) I ZoSA; Gust of Wind(s) ? 7,500 ? B_WAN10.itm
Wand of Glitterdust (E) ? ? ? ? ? OHDWAND1.itm
Wand of Healing (N) VI Heal ? ? ? B_WAN13.itm
Wand of Illumination (N) V ? 10,000 2,000 ? B_WAN19.itm
Wand of Illusion (N) II A. Glammer(n), Phantasmal Force(n) ? 20,000 3,000 ?
Wand of Knock(N) II Knock; ? 15,000 2,500 B_WAN02.itm
Wand of Light (N) VII ? ? 30,000 5,000 ?
Wand of Magic Missiles (E) I Magic Missile; ? 5,000 4,000 WAND03.itm
Wand of Mirrors (N) ? ? ? 20,000 3,000 ?
Wand of Negation (N) ? Dispel Magic; Remove Magic ? 15,000 3,500 ?
Wand of Peace (N) ? Sanctuary, protection from evil 10'; ? ? ? ? ?
Wand of Revealing (N) ? Find Traps; Detect Portals(n) ? 25,000 3,000 ?
Wand of Salt (N) ? ? ? 40,000 5,000 ?
Wand of Secrets (N) ? Find Traps; Detect Portals(n) ? 40,000 5,000 ?
Wand of Spiders (N) IV Spider Spawn(o), Web; Monster Summoning IV(or higher) (s), Web; Monster Summoning II(or higher) (o), Web; ? ? ? B_WAN14.itm
Wand of Steam (N) ? Cloudkill; ? ? ? -
Wand of the Sun (N) ? ? ? ? ? -
Wand of the Squid (N) ? ? ? ? ? -
Wand of Swarming (N) ? Summon Insects; Creeping Doom ? 25,000 ? B_WAN15.itm
Wand of Teeth (N) I ? ? 15,000 ? B_WAN01.itm
Wand of Whips (E) ? ? ? ? ? OHNWAND1.itm

Wand Names: (N) New Wand. Only installed if New Wands Component is installed (R) Revised Wand. Only installed if Revised Wands Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed (s) Only if SR is installed


Required Spells: x, y; z = [(x and y) or (z)] (n) New Spell Component. This wand is not craftable unless this component is installed.
(I) Icewind Dale Spell (r) Revised Spell Component (s) Spell Revisions Spell (o) original version: i.e. not a spell replace by some other mod (e.g. by SR or B_Spells)

Components: Optional additional components, either experience points, or some special part or item gained through adventuring or purchase.

(x) For mods that have this item

Cost: Standard Cost of item. Cost to create is 75% of this cost, unless Components are also installed, in which case its either negated (i.e. fully accounted for by the cost of the components) or is equal to 1/2 this cost.

Recharge Wand

Wand Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost File
(E) ? ; ? ? ?

Wand Names: (N) New Wand. Only installed if New Wands Component is installed (R) Revised Wand. Only installed if Revised Wands Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed (s) Only if SR is installed


Required Spells: x, y; z = [(x and y) or (z)] (n) New Spell Component (I) Icewind Dale Spell (r) Revised Spell Component (s) Spell Revisions Spell

Components: Optional additional components, either experience points, or some special part or item gained through adventuring or purchase.

Cost: Standard Cost of item. Cost to create is 75% of this cost, unless Components are also installed, in which case its either negated (i.e. fully accounted for by the cost of the components) or is equal to 1/2 this cost.

Miscrafted Wands

Wand Name Tier Wand Type Effect File
Good Enough [Wand] Any Offensive Wands Chance to Backfire on Wielder Varies
Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


See Brew Potions

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Miscrafted Wands Chance to backfire if fail to properly create wand No Pure Failures. Items not crafted correctly will have lesser or sometimes unpredictable effects (and/or can be cursed in interesting ways).






https://www.dndbeyond.com/magic-items/544998-wand-of-forgetting Takes up inventory slot. Cursed and otherwise does nothing. Use Remove curse

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago

Wand Creation

Wand Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost XP File
Animated Wand (N) VI ? Short Sword +1; Masterwork Short Sword(x) 15,000 2,500 B_WAN06.itm
Bonewand (N) V ? ? 12,000 2,000 B_WAN07.itm
Gremlin Wand (N) II Any summon lev 3+ ? 10,000 3,000 B_WAN17.itm
Mistletoe (N) I Shillelagh; ? 15,000 1,500 B_WAN03.itm
Rod of Shadowstep (E) ? ? ? ? ? OHDROD.itm
Wand of Banishment (Ns) VI Banishment (s); ? 30,000 5,000 B_WAN12.itm
Wand of Command (N) ? Dominate; ? 50,000 ? B_WAN04.itm
Wand of Darkness (N) ? ? ? 30,000 5,000 B_WAN18.itm
Wand of Death (N) VII ? ? 100,000 20,000 B_WAN16.itm
Wand of Eyes (N) ? Wizard Eye, See Invisible; ? 20,000 3,000 B_WAN09.itm
Wand of Fear (E) ? Horror; ? 15,000 3,000 WAND02.itm
Wand of Fireballs (N) ? Fireball; ? 20,000 2,000 B_WAN05.itm
Wand of Fog (Ns) I Obscuring Mist(s) ? 8,000 1,750 B_WAN11.itm
Wand of Force (N) ? ? ? 30,000 3,000 B_WAN08.itm
Wand of Freshness (N) I ZoSA; Gust of Wind(s) ? 7,500 ? B_WAN10.itm
Wand of Glitterdust (E) ? ? ? ? ? OHDWAND1.itm
Wand of Healing (N) VI Heal ? ? ? B_WAN13.itm
Wand of Illumination (N) ? ? 10,000 2,000 ? B_WAN19.itm
Wand of Illusion (N) ? A. Glammer(n), Phantasmal Force(n) ? 20,000 3,000 ?
Wand of Knock(N) ? Knock; ? 15,000 2,500 B_WAN02.itm
Wand of Light (N) ? ? ? 30,000 5,000 ?
Wand of Magic Missiles (E) I Magic Missile; ? 5,000 4,000 WAND03.itm
Wand of Mirrors (N) ? ? ? 20,000 3,000 ?
Wand of Negation (N) ? Dispel Magic; Remove Magic ? 15,000 3,500 ?
Wand of Peace (N) ? Sanctuary, protection from evil 10'; ? ? ? ? ?
Wand of Revealing (N) ? Find Traps; Detect Portals(n) ? 25,000 3,000 ?
Wand of Salt (N) ? ? ? 40,000 5,000 ?
Wand of Secrets (N) ? Find Traps; Detect Portals(n) ? 40,000 5,000 ?
Wand of Spiders (N) ? Spider Spawn(o), Web; Monster Summoning IV(or higher) (s), Web; Monster Summoning II(or higher) (o), Web; ? ? ? B_WAN14.itm
Wand of Steam (N) ? Cloudkill; ? ? ? -
Wand of the Sun (N) ? ? ? ? ? -
Wand of the Squid (N) ? ? ? ? ? -
Wand of Swarming (N) ? Summon Insects; Creeping Doom ? 25,000 ? B_WAN15.itm
Wand of Teeth (N) I ? ? 15,000 ? B_WAN01.itm
Wand of Whips (E) ? ? ? ? ? OHNWAND1.itm

Wand Names: (N) New Wand. Only installed if New Wands Component is installed (R) Revised Wand. Only installed if Revised Wands Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed (s) Only if SR is installed


Required Spells: x, y; z = [(x and y) or (z)] (n) New Spell Component. This wand is not craftable unless this component is installed.
(I) Icewind Dale Spell (r) Revised Spell Component (s) Spell Revisions Spell (o) original version: i.e. not a spell replace by some other mod (e.g. by SR or B_Spells)

Components: Optional additional components, either experience points, or some special part or item gained through adventuring or purchase.

(x) For mods that have this item

Cost: Standard Cost of item. Cost to create is 75% of this cost, unless Components are also installed, in which case its either negated (i.e. fully accounted for by the cost of the components) or is equal to 1/2 this cost.

Recharge Wand

Wand Name Tier Required Spell(s) Components Cost File
(E) ? ; ? ? ?

Wand Names: (N) New Wand. Only installed if New Wands Component is installed (R) Revised Wand. Only installed if Revised Wands Component is installed (E) Exists in at least one EE game.
(i) Only if IR is installed (s) Only if SR is installed


Required Spells: x, y; z = [(x and y) or (z)] (n) New Spell Component (I) Icewind Dale Spell (r) Revised Spell Component (s) Spell Revisions Spell

Components: Optional additional components, either experience points, or some special part or item gained through adventuring or purchase.

Cost: Standard Cost of item. Cost to create is 75% of this cost, unless Components are also installed, in which case its either negated (i.e. fully accounted for by the cost of the components) or is equal to 1/2 this cost.

Grammarsalad commented 4 years ago


Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Material Components and Other Items

Name Required for Cost Locations File
Diamond Tier II Wands 1,000 gp Shops; Various MISC42.itm
Emerald Tier III Wands 1,500 gp Shops; Various MISC43.itm
King's Tears Tier V Wands 4,000 gp Shops; Various MISC44.itm
Moonbar Gem Tier I Wands 375 gp Shops; Various MISC40.itm
Opal, Black Tier I Wands 300 gp Shops; Various MISC38.itm
Opal, Water Tier I Wands 350 gp Shops; Various MISC39.itm
Rogue Stone Tier VI and VII Wands 5,000 gp Shops; Various MISC45.itm
Star Sapphire Tier IV Wands 2,000 gp Shops; Various MISC41.itm; TTTREAS.itm


The name of the material component or special object.

Required For

The potions that require this particular component.
(c) This spell can replace a component (or this component can replace a spell).
(any) This component can be used to create any potion whatsoever, and can replace any single ingredient in the creation of another potion.


The base cost of the component where available. The Value is given in Gold Pieces.


Where this component can be found


The filename of the component

Item Descriptions

Diamond is a hard clear gem which can be clear blue-white, rich blue, yellow, or pink. The hardest of all the gemstones, and among the most valuable, diamonds are usually found in the northern mountains by underground races and then traded to the surface world. Diamonds can be used to create various wands of Tier

  • STATISTICS: Weight: 0

An emerald is a brilliant green beryl, cleaved along straight box-like lines, with rectangular cutting in the finished gem. Emeralds are often connected with health. Diamonds can be used to create various wands of Tier

  • STATISTICS: Weight: 0

King's Tears
King's tears are very rare and found only in the realms, where they are sometimes called frozen tears. Clear, teardrop-shaped, smooth-surfaced, and totally unbreakable so far by any means, these stones are said to be the crystallized tears of long-dead necromancer kings. In each gem can be seen that which the weeping king loved long ago. Their true nature is unknown, but suffice it to say that sages prize these gems above all others. Diamonds can be used to create various wands of Tier

  • STATISTICS: Weight: 0

Rogue Stone
A small, shifting, rainbow colored, iridescent gemstone. The fluid shades of color appear almost liquid under normal sunlight; it is truly a beautiful sight to behold. Rogue stones are extremely rare and are used for the gemjump spell, hence one of the most sought after gems in the realms. Diamonds can be used to create various wands of Tier

  • STATISTICS: Weight: 0

Star Sapphire
Star sapphire is a precious variation of the sapphire; however, it is more translucent, with a white star highlighted in its center. A star sapphire has been known to ornament devices that protect against magic. Diamonds can be used to create various wands of Tier

  • STATISTICS: Weight: 0
Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Moved to IE Designs