UnearthedArcana / B_Spells

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Dev overview #211

Closed Grammarsalad closed 3 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Revised Spells


Agannazar's Scorcher 1) Reduce Caster Pause

1) Increasing bonus as level up (as bless) 2) Increased duration

Animate Dead 1) Casting time 5 rounds 2) Allow them to follow as a familiar 3) Material requirement: one onyx per creature (or 25 gp)

Antimagic Shell 1) protection from summoned creatures

Armor 1) Bonus HP but dispelled when hp are depleted 2) Target allies

Barkskin 1) Target takes 1/2 dam from blunt or piercing but double dam from fire 2) Longer Duration

Beast Claw
1) Increase str by +1 if str 18+
2) Increased duration

Bigby's Spells
1) Faster Casting Times

Bigby's Crushing Hand 1) No saves

Bless/Chant/Prayer (global) 1) longer duration 2) additional bonus every 5 levels

Black Blade of Disaster 1) summoned blade that fights for you

Blindness (and/or deafness)
1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level
5) Deafness no save

Burning Hands
1) Allow mage to move away sooner (shorter pause effect)
2) Does d4/2 levels max 5d4

Call lightning 1) 1x/round call a bolt of lightning that does 3d8 dam save for 1/2 (duration in rounds not turns 2) damage 6d8 only (can be combined with 1)

Carrion Summons Incorporate into summon monster

Chain lightning 1) 1d8/Level

Chaos 1) affect all (enemy) creatures in 20' radius

Charm Person: Patch
See Charm Global 1) No save bonus 2) No hostility after charm

Charm Person or Mammal: Patch
See Charm Global 1) No save bonus 2) No hostility after charm

Chill touch 1) affect undead (fear like affect) 2) range 10' 3) additional damage at level up (as standard cantrip) 4) target can't heal for 1 round (rather than strength drain) 5) No save required (or save 1/2) 6) d10 cold damage 7) as 4, but strength drain and no heal

Chromatic Orb: Not Patched
1) Complete Revision (select orb from list--that grows as you level up) for a number of different effects. Damage is constant, and save vs. spell for extra effects (no save bonus). No insta-death or turn to stone

Cloak of Fear
1) 2 rounds/lev caster radiates fear (as fear aura wiz spell p346)

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance 1) Complete revision, creating an unmoving 'wiz eye' with no range or line of sight restrictions p 96 ad&d 3e

1) lightning only strikes enemies 2) Much more damage vs. fire/cold creatures 3) No save for lightning
4) Outdoors only?

Cloudkill 1) Take 3d8 poison damage each round (save for 1/2). (~5e) 2) no auto-kill OR any creature immune to poison is immune to auto kill

Command 1) Select from list of commands (as 5e p223)

Cone of cold 1) d8 damage 2) faster casting time Note: also see disintegration global

Conjure Elemental 1) Combine: 5th and greater at 7th p166-167 2) better summons (see bg1) including magic weapons

Control Undead 1) Change to level 4 2) Ignore Magic Resistance (not lich) Also see control evil, a new 7th level spell replacement

Color Spray: No patch 1) Change similar to Chromatic Orb, but better effects (some auto effect even if save); much shorter pause, weaker creatures no save, 2) 2HD or less (knock out x rounds, then blind/stun for y more rounds) 3-4 HD blind/stunned for x rounds 5+HD stunned for 1 round (ad&d 3e)

1) Save ea round over 5 rounds, take attribute dam each round, d8 damage 2) Each round target fails save, it casts another contagion that affects all nearby enemies (i.e. their allies)

Death Spell 1) 2d8 damage to living creatures with 9+HD

Death Ward: 1) Minhp (1) effect for duration (but if reduced to 1 hp, then effect ends).

Demi-Shadow Monsters (IWDEE) 1) Shadow Trolls (notes shades has them)

Detect Evil
1) Reveal Evil (chance to dispel evil invisibility--or just invisibility, save to negate) 2) Know Evil (Gain offensive bonuses vs. evil creatures--maybe penalize their saves vs. spell) 3) Detect hit points/conditions of evil creatures and/or vulnerabilities of creatures

Dire Charm
1) Not Just Charm: Charm and berserk as p246 (only if charm revision installed)
2) Save pen -2

Dispel Magic 1) does not dispel positive effects; only neg effects of allies Maybe do a global for this one affecting multiple similar spells

Disintegration 1) massive damage if target saves Note: also see disintegration global.

Domination 1) Faster casting time

1) Make compatible w/bless

Emotion Spells
See P306 - 307 also ad&d 111 1) Combine them

Enchanted Weapon 1) Gives +3 to Dam/strike
2) Revert to 'Older' version, summons x enchanted weapons (optionally, requires a mundane item of same type).
3) change in level (level 1) with +1 bonus

Energy Drain
1) Drain Constitution/HP and Empower the Caster 2) Ranged

1) Penalty to hit and AC for all cre in area (save or no) 2) maybe some check vs strength rather than save (or as a global with other sim spells like web)

1) Use unarmed, melee attacks only (no spells or special abilities). Even monks use 'fist' rather than mfist (use magic item slot)
2) as the spell is, but move slowly (movement of 1) no actions 3) -4 to save 4) Reduce to level 4 5) 4d4 magic damage (no save)
6) duration: 8 hours

Finger of Death 1) Create zombie if the spell kills target p358 2) 3d10 damage on failed save 3) Make available to druids

Find Familiar: Patch 1) Familiar can set off traps 2) Can be cast by other than main character (IWD version?) 3) Innate 4) 5e version 5) multiple familiars (?) 6) See Familiar Enhancer p 340+ 7) See Undead familiar p355 8) No penalty to con if familiar dies 9) Universal Spell (castable by all)
3e or 5e version?

Find traps
1) 5e version. Ask kjeron if I can use his code 2) Bypass Traps (is that the code I was thinking of?)
Er, give the caster and all nearby allies a spell state that gives them immunity to traps (modify all traps).

Fire Shield(red/blue) 1) Merge into 1 spell, select blue or red

Flame Arrow 1) gain magic item slot fire arrows Duration: 1 round Effect: Caster can hurl individual bolts of fire at enemies, similarly to the minute meteors spell, each doing 1d6 piercing dam +4d6 fire. (no save vs. spell for ½ dam (bolts can miss)). Attacks per round set to number of bolts summoned, and the caster has to throw them all in that round or they are lost. All must be thrown in same round as cast (casting time 0). 2) Create temporary magical fire arrows

Flame Blade
1) Delivers touch spells
2) 3d6 fire dam (1 slashing), no strength
3) Magic weapon

Friends 1) Add Friends Spell (iff SR). Because it's a useful spell

Freedom: 1) Removes any impeding magics/projectile (web, paralysis, hold, etc.) from party/area

Ghoul Touch 1) Level 1/Cantrip 2) Damage (d6) + paralysis 3) Substantial Duration (as many uses as wanted) 4) Ghast Stench--nearby enemies must save vs. death or are -2 to hit. 5) No save Also see Global Touch Spells

Giant Insect
1) Can create giant spiders(scorpions?)

Glitterdust: 1) not actual blindness, but 'difficulty seeing'. -2 AC/to hit and can't invisible if no save. Pen to save at higher levels 2) Affected creatures hide/move silently at -50%

Globe of Invulnerability/Minor 1) protection from AOE spells of relevant level
2)GoI: protects vs level 5 spells

1) allow berries to be enchanted with other spells which target the person that consumes it (and cures 1hp)
2) Removes fatigue
3) Can't sell them 4) Eat all w/ no action

Grease: 1) When fall, -4 to AC (because you're on the ground)
Save x times/second, but if save immune for 6 seconds (so creatures immediately effected).

Greater Restoration
1) Restores petrified creatures
2) Removes charms/domination
3) Removes curses
4) Restores reduced attributes (including from feeblemind)

Hold monster: 1) -4 to save

Hold Undead 1) Bypasses Magic Resistance (vs. undead weaker than lich)

Holy word/Unholy word
1) merge into one spell (effect different depending on caster alignment) --> Edict
2) banished summoned creature
3) hp based (as 5e)
4) unholy: affects enemies regardless of alignment (evil don't care)

Ice Storm 1) +2d4 Piercing damage (after ice storm)
2) +1 round/3 lev after 7th

Identify: 1) Option to have gold cost of 50 or 25gp.

Imprisonment 1) Traps the target in a state of Suspended Animation (pause target). A super paralysis that cannot be removed by lesser magics. Creature type is irrelevant (golem, undead all affected).
2) Target drops valuables 3) Some effect if target saves

Improved Invisibility See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration

Invisibility See Global Consistent Invisibility Duration

Infravision: 1) See about original BG version, (picking out creatures on the map)

Invisibility Purge 1) Cast time: 6 (a bit faster)

Know Alignment 1) --> Detect Life (see new spells) 2) Give some bonus vs. target

Larloch's Minor Drain: Patch
1) Make it stackable

Lightning Bolt 1) No Bounce

Luck: Patch 1) 1 turn/level

Magic Resistance
1) does not work on enemies
2) Stacks with existing MR

Magic Stone
1) Magic weapon 3+ 1 per 5 levels (throw 3/round) dam 1d4 (2d4 undead)
2) --> Orison

Magic Weapon 1) Gives bonus to attack and damage = to enchantment

Maze 1) Target is stuck in a maze of the mind (paralyzed w pause target). Only affects creatures w/minds. 2) range of 10 ft

Meteor Swarm
1) Party Friendly
2) Faster Cast time 3) Ignores MR 4) Does Crushing Damage = to fire damage (ie doubles damage)

Melf's Acid Arrow 1) No attack roll (is there one?) 2) Moar damage! (1d6 piercing damage + the acid damage).

Minor spell turning 1) Target party members

Mislead 1)

Monster Summoning I, II, III 1) Check original game (BG1, not EE)

Nahal's Reckless Dweomer/Chaos Shield/ICS
1) Revise the Surge Table (to still suck, but not be deadly because that's no fun)
2) No Aura Cleansing
3) Remove Improve Chaos Shield, but Make CS improve at higher levels (max 25 bonus)

1) Make it an illusionist Spell (auto if Universal School is installed)
2) Protect vs. True Sight(?) Or Can allow Save to avoid True Sight (possible???)

Otiluke's Resilient Sphere 1) Allies no save(no save in IWDEE--check BG(2)EE)

Phantom Blade 1) Mordy sword summon 2) +6 Blade, 3 attacks

Power Word: All: Patch Increase HP affected by caster level Save if above HP limit

Power Word: Sleep: Patch 1) Creature does not wake if affected 2) Increase HP affected by level 3) Save if above HP limit

Polymorph Self/Other
1) One spell, but different vs. allies or enemies: baleful vs enemies; beneficial for allies (also, polymorph self works for allies). Also see p673+ 2) Polymorph: Self/Beneficial (bonus to THAC0) 3) Additional Forms at higher levels 4) Create forms with thief skills

1) Aid effect to all allies (exactly as aid, however that spell actually works)
2) Longer duration 3) Increasing Bonuses

Produce Fire (IWDEE spell) 1) As melfs minute meteors (def not as good) Inspired by knights of the chalice

Project Image 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Simulacrum Maybe fewer and weaker spells

Protection from Evil: Patch
1) Longer Duration
2) Stackable(?) Check BG1 Implementation (not EE)

Protection From Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity--> Protection from Elements Choose Fire/Cold/Acid/Electricity (as a lev 3 spell) Remove level 7 spell (or set to 100%) 8th level, Protection from energy (100% all elemental and magic damage).

Protection From Normal Missiles
1) Grants an additional 30% missile damage reduction (vs magic missiles)
2) Or +10 missile Defense 3) Protection from certain missile spells (magic missile, Melf Spells).
(In any case, change name to Protection from Missiles)

Protection from normal weapons 1) -10 AC bonus vs non missile weapons

Protection from Petrification

Ray of Enfeeblement 1) No save first round (save for additional round/level)
2) No movement while affected

Reflected Image 1) replace with displacement (as r/image but self-renewing) (delay = spell duration removes)

Resist Fire and Cold 1) Longer duration

Shadow Door 1) casting time: 1

Shadow Magic etc 1) incorporate more spells

Shapechange 1) Give special abilities to different forms 2) Cast while shapechanged

1) Hits entangle opponent (if they fail save)
2) Increased damage (e.g. cantrip)
3)Treat Wisdom as strength for dam/attack (as 5e)

Shield 1) Gives a +2 bonus to AC (stackable and can be used in conjunction with (e.g.) armor and similar spells. +4 AC vs. missiles 2) Contingent Shield (when see enemy, or some other condition)

Shocking Grasp
1) Damage increase as cantrip 2) Ranged
3) 1 round, penalty to speed (casting and weapon)

Skull Trap 1) Cap damage as per fireball (10d6)

Simulacrum 1) No Equipment 2) drains casters spells (doable?) See Project Image Maybe no spells, but improved fighting ability

Sleep 1) HP based (increased hp limit as level up) --creatures wake if struck (like 5e version)

Slow 1) No Save

Slow Poison
1) Change spell to protection from poison/disease (p709)

Spell Immunity 1) Does not make you immune to your own spells 2) Alteration: Immunity to time stop 3) Conjuration: Protection from summoned creatures. Insect plague 4) Divination: 5) Enchantment: 6) Evocation: Immunity to your own spells (with 1) including cloudkill 7) Illusion: 8) Necromancy: Protection from undead

Spider Spawn --> Giant insect 1) Can create giant spiders, as well as beetles (scorpions?)

Spirit Armor 1) No damage to target 2) Costs the target some fatigue

Spiritual Hammer
1) Create a hammer that will fight for you (as pnp)

Spook: Patch
1) No save (creature of lower level). Normal save for cre => level or cre 20hd+

Spider Spawn 1) add poison to Sword Spiders (including enemy sword spiders)

Stinking Cloud: patch 1) Save each round or be nauseated (no attack or cast spell, but can move at 1/2 speed).
2) -2 saves

Similar to SR, but requires a save every round, and also slows movement.

Stone to Flesh/Flesh to Stone 1) Combines these spells and has different effects depending on whether cast on Ally or enemy 2) Does damage to Stone golems and Earth elementals

Strength 1) Does not lower Str (+1 up to Str 23 for any cre w Str 18+). and only castable on allies

Sunfire 1) Targeted like fireball 2) Extra damage to undead (or only affects undead)

Symbol Spells 1) Grouped all together, choose which to cast at time of casting 2) Revived save penalties (pen death (-2)<stun(-4)<fear(-6)) 3) Can't dodge (change to projectiles)
4) Party Friendly

Tenser's Transformation 1) Dispel disabled casting if dispelled

Wail of the Banshee 1) -4 Save 2) Party Friendly
3) Ignores MR

Web 1) Save each round (vs. breath -2). Success means that creatures move at 1/2 speed. Failure means creatures cannot move and are -4 to attack, AC (except missile attacks, +10), and suffer 20% spell failure for round.
2) Huge creatures and creatures with str 20+ are immune.
3) fire spells remove web 4) Strength based check (global w/ spells like entangle)

Wraithform 1) Cast spell while protected by this spell 2) 50% resistance to physical damage 1) Combine Blindness/Deafness (Causes one or the other--your choice)
2) 1/2 Visual Range even if Save
3) penalty to save at higher levels 4) Deafness moved to 1st level

Writhing Fog 1) No 20% (100%) to possibly slow

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

New Spells

Assassin's Lament (better name?) Creates an area where invisibility is dispelled for any creature moving into it (a repeating projectile)

Blade of Chaos As Faerie Sword but wild magic p338

Calm Animals p 95 ad&d 3e Charm/Unselect animals--they won't attack you, but you can't select or control them

Calm Emotions p 95 ad&d 3e

Cantrip Contingency 2nd Level As Contingency, but only with cantrips (level 1 cantrips only)

Cantrip Mastery 2nd level Store up to 3 cantrips in a sequencer (level 1 cantrips only) Name??

Color Permanently changes garment color (Cantrip or 1st level). P154.

Command Undead Turn as priest p157

Commune with Nature 1) Clear fog of war outdoors (as ad&d 3e p98)

Compulsion 5e p224 Can perform command 1x/round

Confer P163

Create Arms and Armament Level: 2 Casting time: 3 Creates non-magic items, weapons, shield, armor, for 8 hours. Weapons have no special bonuses, though they hit creatures as though a +1 weapon.

Create Food and Water Only if eating system is present

Crystalbrittle Golmes save or are destroyed. Otherwise, they take 10d6 damage, and have their ac reduced by 6, and can be hit by any weapon for duration.

Clone wizard resurrections p 97 ad&d 3e

Deeppockets creates 'Store' innate that can hold items

Demishadow Magic P228

Destruction ad&d 3e p105 Anti-resurrection spell

Detect Life Lev 1: Targets 'light up' if they have HP within certain range (announces that range) - Lev 1 or 2 Can replace know alignment

Devastate P243 -5 target, -2 luck

Drain Wand 1st level Drains wand of charges to recover spell slots

Dust Devil ad&d 3e p111 invisible stalker avatar w/buzzing insects animations

Eyebite ad&d 3e p115 Invoke different conditions 1x/round

Fear Aura p324

Feign Death p349 Unconsciousness, protection from all creatures, no action

Feign Undead p350

Fiendform p351

Fire Eyes p360 fire ag scorchers (but doing more dam)

Fire Seeds ad&d 3e p118 a druid melf's minute meteors

Forget p389 Targets forgets 1 random first level spell

Forest's Fiery Constrictor p 389 modified entangle anim

Fumble: Critical Miss modifier set to 10 (test!)

Gaseous Form p 394 ad&d 3e p121

Gaze Reflection ad&d 3e Reflect gaze attack projectiles

Greater Polymorph (alteration) Works as stone to flesh, flesh to stone, polymorph other and self 1x/round as special Can replace protection from petrification

Heal ad&d 3e p125 Make sure it heals all of those conditions

Heat Metal ad&d 3e p125

Heroes Feast ad&d 3e p125

Improved Armor Gives AC: 3 (as p465 invis mail)--iff SR is installed, improve as you level up

Iron Maiden Summon Helmed Horror p467

Lasting Breath p498 (immunity to cloud like spells (e.g. cloudkill)

Lightning Ring P518 As fire shield but lightning. Also can fire 8d6 lightning bolt 1x/round

Lightning Shield As fire shield but lightning P519

Plant Growth Mage version of Entanglement (party friendly) p671

Reincarnation Raise dead (but of random species)

Restore Mind Reverse of Feeblemind (restores other mind effects)

Same level as FM, wizard spell Seeming See above

Steal Enchantment See above

Tenser's Floating Disk (wiz eye anim). Doesn't fight, but carries items 8 hours p930

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Spell Interactions

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Global Components

Global Component: All scrolls are sold Somewhere

This component ensures that all spell scrolls are sold somewhere in game

Global Component: Cloud spells silent effect

Because it seems unlikely that you can speak an incantation cast a spell while choking to death

Global Component: Add Necrotic and Radiant Damage types

Undead are particularly vulnerable to Radiant and actually get healed by Ncrotic.
Modifies many spells

Global Component: Cure spells hurt undead

Also, harm spells cure undead...

Global Component: Creatures drop items on disintegration (including cold death)

Global Component: All Non-Cantrips always do something

Doesn't it suck when you waste a 4th level spell slot on a spell that does absolutely nothing because the target made their save? This component alters all spells with a 'neg' saving throw, making them do something even if the target does make their save. The effects vary depending on the spell. Note that this component will make spells more effective against the player, as well. This component will also affect spells introduced by this mod, such as Poison mage spell.

Global Component: Consistent Invisibility Duration

Makes the duration of invisibility spells consistent. There are a number of subcomponents based on the duration (e.g. 2nd level invisibility vs. improved invisibility).

Global Component: Greater HLAs replace 'lesser' versions

When selecting Greater versions of HLAs, gain +1 use of that ability, and all lesser versions are converted to the greater version. e.g. Take greater death blow, gain+1 death blow, and all death blows are now Greater versions

Global Component: Universal Arcane Spells

Makes certain spells 'Universal' meaning that any caster can use them. This component disables the Diviner Kit, and the Abjurer kit.

The list of universal spells are as follows:


Universal Spells

Level Spells
1st Alarm(n), Anticipation(n), Cantrip(n), Detect Traps and Portals(n), Devil's Eyes(n), Farseer(n), Find Familiar, Identify, Infravision, Mending(n), Read Magic(n),
2nd Detect Evil, Detect Invisibility, ESP(n), Knock, Know Alignment, Vocalize
3rd Absorb Spell!, Alamir’s Fundamental Breakdown(n), Clairvoyance, Detect Illusion, Dispel Magic, Fabricate(n), Glyph of Spell Storing!, Legend Lore!, Minor Spell Deflection, Spell Thrust, Remove Magic
4th Enchanted Weapon, Farsight, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Minor Sequencer, Remove Curse, Secret Word, Wizard Eye
5th Breach, Contact Other Plane(I), Lower Resistance, Minor Spell Turning, Oracle, Spell Immunity, Spell Shield
6th Antimagic Shell, Contingency, Empower Familiar!, Globe of Invulnerability, Protection from Magic Energy, Pierce Magic, Spell Deflection, True Sight
7th Far Sequencer!, Khelben's Warding Whip, Limited Wish, Mantle, Protection from Time Stop!, Spell Sequencer, Spell Turning, Ruby Ray of Reversal, Seven Eyes
8th Extend Vision!, Mind Blank, Pierce Shield, Improved Mantle, Spell Trigger,
9th Absolute Immunity, Chain Contingency, Executioner's Eyes!, Freedom, Mass Sequencer!, Spell Trap, Spell Strike, Wish

!: An OlvynSpells Spell (I): An IWDEE exclusive Spell
(n): A new spell added by Spells & Magic

Global Component: Unique Spell Component

Note: Requires Universal Spells (see above)

Global Component: x y-ft radius spells radiate from target

Spells (e.g. invisibility 10' radius) radiate from target creature (or area--maybe allow one or other or both as choice when casting).

Global: charm cannot control enemy

Charm spells will not allow players (or enemies) to control their target. (though, targets will not attack them).

Also, adds a "charm monster" spell if New spells selected and this component is installed

Global: cure spells heal % hp

Recovers a percentage of targets hp rather than a set amount.

Maybe include potions add an option as well

Don't forget other spells that cure effects: List:

  1. Remove all alignment spell requirements from iwdee spells ( either in iwdee or if b_spells or iwdification is installed)
  2. Cure spells heal a percentage recipients max hp. Scales a bit better:
    • cure light wounds (level 1): 2 hp+25%
    • cure moderate wounds(lev 2): 4 hp +35%
    • level 3: 6 hp +45%
    • level 4: 8 hp +55%
    • level 5: 10 hp + 65%
    • level 6: 15 hp + 75%
    • level 7: 100% ( heal)

Global: cure spells hurt undead/inflict spells heal undead

Global: Power Word Spells

Creatures that would be immune to spell are protected from it, so the Mage can only target creatures actually affected by the relevant PW spell (i.e. and so can't waste it).

Global: Summoning creatures improve by level

Summoning spells summon stronger versions of creatures at higher levels.

E.g. Conjure fire elemental druid spell has a chance to summon improved elementals, which doesn't change as the character levels up.

Instead, the spell automatically summons the stronger version at level up.

Need to investigate specific spells (and SR versions)

Global Component: Fear spells make target flee from enemies

Global Component: Fear spells -4 to attack/ AC rather than running around

Global Component: Radiant and Necrotic Damage

Global Component: Energy Drain: Subcomponent A: Energy Drain is Constitutional Drain

Global Component: Energy Drain: Subcomponent B: Reduces max hp by % (and causes % damage) until cured

Global Component: Cast certain spells as a ritual

Global Component: Reverse Spells

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

In progress Spell Descriptions

Grammarsalad commented 3 years ago

Moved to IE Designs