Feybound are elves and half-elves that serve the creator and lord of all elfkin. They seek to represent Corellon through both deed and action.
Feybound are able to specialise in the long sword, allotting two points to it
-Feybound can resist hostile magic and have a base magic resistance of 10% at level one, which increases with each level by 1%
Keen Eyes are forest wardens who walk the balance between preserving wildlife and hunting it and serving the Forest Hunter in the best manner possible, never hunting to excess or exploiting the forest.
Keen Eyes can specalise in the Long Bow, putting 2 points in it
at levels 1 and every 4 levels thereafter Keen Eyes gain a +1 to hit and +1 to damage with the Long Bow
Corellon Larethian, The Protector
Feybound (Acolyte of Corellon Larethian)
Feybound are elves and half-elves that serve the creator and lord of all elfkin. They seek to represent Corellon through both deed and action.
Feybound are able to specialise in the long sword, allotting two points to it -Feybound can resist hostile magic and have a base magic resistance of 10% at level one, which increases with each level by 1%
Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral
Multiclass: Fighter/Cleric, Cleric/Mage
Elf, Half-Elf Sphere Access: Focus: Magic Major: Life, Benediction, Protection, War, Light Minor: Destruction, Knowledge, Thought, Vigor
Labelas Enoreth, The Lifegiver
Chronicler (Acolyte of Labelas Enoreth)
Acolytes of Labelas Enoreth are called Chroniclers and serve the Lifegiver by chronicling history by experiencing it through adventure.
Solonor Thelandira, The Forest Hunter
Keen Eyes (Acolyte of Solonor Thelandira)
Keen Eyes are forest wardens who walk the balance between preserving wildlife and hunting it and serving the Forest Hunter in the best manner possible, never hunting to excess or exploiting the forest.
Aedrie Faenya, The Winged Mother
Wind Walker (Acolyte of Aedrie Faenya)
Wind Walkers are explorers that wander the world and always look to the heavens for signs of their goddess.
50% electricity resistance
beginning at level 5 and increasing in use every 5 levels thereafter, Wind Walkers can cast Call Lightning once per day
at level 10 and every 5 levels thereafter, Wind Walkers can cast Chain Lightning
Alignment: Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral
Multiclass: Cleric/thief
Elf, Half-Elf Sphere Access: Focus: Air Major: Life, Benediction, Vigor, Animal, Water Minor: Protection, Deception, Thought, Light, Magic