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Some Halfling Deities #65

Open Grammarsalad opened 7 years ago

Grammarsalad commented 7 years ago

Some Halfling Deities:

Yondalla, The Blessed One

Wayward Warden (Acolyte of Yondalla)

Wayward Wardens are devotees of the Halfling Matriarch Goddess Yondalla who have taken to the road to spread good works in her name and explore the world. They trust in the Blessed One’s protection and life sustaining divine energy.


-once per day beginning at 5th level Wayward Wardens can invoke an ability similar to the spell Regeneration, but lasts one round per level of the acolyte. They gain an extra use of this per day at level 10, 15 and 20.

-Wayward Wardens can cast Protection from Evil at will

Avoreen, The Defender

Trueswords are sworn servants of the Halfling god Avoreen, god of protection and war. They take their duties very seriously and are well versed in matters of martial prowesss.


-sworn to defend against evil, Trueswords gain +3 to hit and damage against evil opponents

-Blessings of Avoreen: Trueswords can specialise in the short sword and put 3 points into dual wielding

-Trueswords are resistant to physical damage and have 15% physical damage resistance

Brandoris, Master of Stealth

Shadowcloak (Acolyte of Brandoris)

All Shadowcloaks are multiclass cleric/thieves that trick, pilfer and steal in the name of their god while adventuring away the day. As such Brandoris blesses them with abilities that enhance their already formidable thieving abilities.


Grammarsalad commented 7 years ago

Credit: LupusSolus