Unee-T-INS / invite

API to process invitations, i.e. write data from Meteor into the Aurora DB
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Move hard coded variables to environment variables #5

Open franck-boullier opened 4 years ago

franck-boullier commented 4 years ago

The current version of the Master uses several hardcoded variables we need to move these into environment variables as much as possible.

We also need the re-write some files as we've done in the bugzilla-customization and in the frontent repo

See aws-env.[STAGE] as an example.

kaihendry commented 4 years ago

The Makefile's values can be overridden:


franck-boullier commented 4 years ago

Part of the work was done in PR#1

This work is NOT finished yet, as we still have hardcoded variables in the following files:

An idea was to use a unique file aws-env.[STAGE] to store all variables needed in this repo that can NOT be stored somewhere else.

Additional benefit of an aws-env.[STAGE] type of structure <-- this makes it simpler to understand what are the variables you'll need to set and where this can be done.

We also need to overhaul the README.md file since A LOT of things have changed.