Ungerfall / ekids-chatbot

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[Design] Homework storage #6

Open Ungerfall opened 9 months ago

braidsencurls commented 9 months ago

Attached are the following:

  1. ERD for the homework storage
  2. OpenAPI documentation for homework management

ekids homework storage.zip

Ungerfall commented 7 months ago

Can you please write ERD here using mermaid The github markdown can render mermaid diagrams, for example

title: Order example
    CUSTOMER ||--o{ ORDER : places
    ORDER ||--|{ LINE-ITEM : contains
braidsencurls commented 7 months ago

Updated it. Reference it as well in the README.md

Editor Link: https://www.mermaidchart.com/app/projects/9d4fd38b-1164-4768-9c7e-3a6bd1f20f96/diagrams/3b1b3640-9139-4565-93a6-9b9b31c44e39/version/v0.1/edit

SVG Link: https://www.mermaidchart.com/raw/3b1b3640-9139-4565-93a6-9b9b31c44e39?theme=light&version=v0.1&format=svg

Ungerfall commented 2 months ago

Updated it. Reference it as well in the README.md

Editor Link: https://www.mermaidchart.com/app/projects/9d4fd38b-1164-4768-9c7e-3a6bd1f20f96/diagrams/3b1b3640-9139-4565-93a6-9b9b31c44e39/version/v0.1/edit

SVG Link: https://www.mermaidchart.com/raw/3b1b3640-9139-4565-93a6-9b9b31c44e39?theme=light&version=v0.1&format=svg

The links are not working anymore. Do you have access to the diagrams? Actually, you can paste the diagram code here and it will be rendered properly