Closed wibus-wee closed 9 months ago
// core file // ===== // 验证许可证合法性 quickValidate = (e) => { const n = "L23456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; if (!/^([A-Z0-9]{6}-){3}[A-Z0-9]{6}$/.exec(e)) return !1; // 格式验证(6-6-6-6) var t = e.replace(/-/g, ""), i = t.substr(22); return ( !t.replace(/[L23456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ]/g, "") && i == ((e) => { for (var t = "", i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (var a = 0, s = 0; s < 16; s += 2) a += n.indexOf(e[i + s]); t += n[(a %= n.length)]; } return t; })(t) ); }, getComputerName = async function () { var e = process.env.USER; switch ((e || (e = require("os").userInfo().username), process.platform)) { case "win32": return process.env.COMPUTERNAME + " | " + e + " | Windows"; case "darwin": return new Promise((n) => { require("child_process").exec( "scutil --get ComputerName", { timeout: 5e3 }, (t, i) => { n( !t && i ? i.toString().trim() + " | " + e + " | darwin" : require("os").hostname() + " | " + e + " | darwin" ); } ); }); default: return require("os").hostname() + " | " + e + " | Linux"; } }, doActivation = async function (e, n, t) { // 执行邮箱地址的格式验证 Start if ( ((e = (e || "") .replace(/^[\s\u200b ]/g, "") .replace(/[\s\u200b ]$/g, "")), (n = (n || "").replace(/^[\s\u200b ]/g, "").replace(/[\s\u200b ]$/g, "")), !(function (e) { return /^[^\s@'"/\\=?]+@[^\s@'"/\\]+\.[^\s@'"/\\]+$/.test(e); })(e)) ) return [!1, "Please input a valid email address"]; // 执行邮箱地址的格式验证 End // 执行许可证的合法性验证 Start if (!quickValidate(n)) return [!1, "Please input a valid license code"]; // 执行许可证的合法性验证 End // 构造参数 Start const i = { v: getOS() + "|" + app.getVersion(), license: n, email: e, l: await getComputerName(), // scutil --get ComputerName f: await getFingerPrint(), u: app.setting.generateUUID(), type: global.devVersion ? "dev" : "", force: t, }; JSON.stringify(i); // 构造参数 End try { const e = { data: { code: 0, msg: Buffer.from( JSON.stringify({ deviceId: i.u, // generateUUID fingerprint: i.f, // getFingerPrint email:, license: i.license, // quickValidate version: i.v, // getOS + app.getVersion date: new Date().toLocaleDateString("en-US"), }), "utf-8" ).toString("base64"), }, };
// others const ActiveResponseCode = { SUCCESS: 0, OUT_OF_LIMIT: 1, INVALIDATE: -1, WRONG_USER: -2, },
// utils const getFingerPrint = async () => { if (!fingerPrint) { if (isWin) { const e = mustRequire("native-reg"), n = e.openKey( e.HKEY.LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography", e.Access.WOW64_64KEY | e.Access.READ ); (fingerPrint = e.getValue(n, null, "MachineGuid")), e.closeKey(n); } else fingerPrint = await require("node-machine-id").machineId({ original: !0, }); fingerPrint || Raven.captureMessage("[License] Failed to get fingerPrint"), (fingerPrint = makeHash(fingerPrint, "typora") .substr(0, 10) .replace(/[/=+-]/g, "a")), isMac && (fingerPrint += "darwin"); } return fingerPrint; }; // makeHash makeHash = function () { var e = Array.from(arguments); const n = require("crypto").createHash("sha256"); return ( e.forEach((e) => { n.update(e); }), n.digest("base64") ); },
Public key verification, private key cannot be obtained.