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Fix side pane lmh installation for groups #21

Open rappatoni opened 4 years ago

rappatoni commented 4 years ago

Only archives (corresponding to git repositories) should have this option.

EDIT: It appears that groups should be installable. This does not appear to work at the moment, the repositories within a group can only be installed individually.

EDIT2: It works for some groups not for others. E.g. smglom works under Windows, Test does not. The error message is "installation has failed, please make sure that git is installed and try again". Both of these groups are fully public.

EDIT3: It appears that after all this is an Intellij Plugin issue (see my comment further down), so I moved it here again.

Jazzpirate commented 4 years ago

doesn't belong here

Jazzpirate commented 4 years ago

oh wait,it does - anyway. No,that option should not be removed. What's on MathHub is archives. If anything is on MathHub that isn't, it's in the wrong place ;)

...or do I misunderstand the issue? The "install archive" option should only be visible in the MathHub-Pane,which should only show git archives on MathHub or in the local MathHub-folder

rappatoni commented 4 years ago

If I am not mistaken, the top level entries in the Mathhub-Pane in IntelliJ correspond to gitlab Projects. Those you cannot clone, only the repositories (corresponding to archives) they contain. Hence you get an error message when you try to install a top level entry. To make matters worse you get the misleading error message "installation has failed, please make sure that git is installed and try again."

Jazzpirate commented 4 years ago

by "project" do you mean "group"? Because yes, those should have that option and that should work. E.g. you should be able to install MitM as a group, not just the individual repositories in the MitM-group (e.g.MitM/Foundation)

rappatoni commented 4 years ago

In that case the reason may be that essentially all groups are access-restricted whereas most of the repositories they contain are public?

rappatoni commented 4 years ago

Otherwise I am at a loss as to why it does not work.

Jazzpirate commented 4 years ago
  1. That would surprise me unless the group name starts with "MiKo"
  2. Even then I would expect lmh to pull all non-restricted archives in the group
  3. If it doesn't, that seems like an lmh issue to me, since the menu option simply defers to lmh install <name>
rappatoni commented 4 years ago

Ok, then I will change and move the issue accordingly.

Jazzpirate commented 4 years ago

you'll need to be more specific, because it works flawlessly for me. I've called lmh install smglom several times over the last weeks, last time today.

rappatoni commented 4 years ago

@Jazzpirate: indeed, smglom works for me too. Can you confirm that this is a Windows-only issue by attempting to clone e.g. the group Test?

rappatoni commented 4 years ago

@Jazzpirate: the issue appears to only apply to the Mathhub side pane. "lmh install" through the mmt-shell works flawlessly for groups, through the side pane it produces the above error for some groups.


lmh: Attempting to install archive FrameIT lmh: attempting to 'git clone https://gl.mathhub.info/FrameIT.git' into 'C:\Users\Max\Uni\MMT-Archives\FrameIT' lmh: trying to clone FrameIT error: (lmh) git clone https://gl.mathhub.info/FrameIT.git failed error: (lmh) installation has failed, please make sure that git is installed and try again. user: 'lmh install FrameIT' lmh: fetching https://gl.mathhub.info/api/v4/projects?per_page=100&page=1 lmh: fetching https://gl.mathhub.info/api/v4/projects?per_page=100&page=2 lmh: fetching https://gl.mathhub.info/api/v4/projects?per_page=100&page=3 lmh: fetching https://gl.mathhub.info/api/v4/projects?per_page=100&page=4 lmh: Attempting to install archive FrameIT/FrameIT lmh: attempting to 'git clone https://gl.mathhub.info/FrameIT/FrameIT.git' into 'C:\Users\Max\Uni\MMT-Archives\FrameIT\FrameIT' lmh: trying to clone FrameIT/FrameIT lmh: git clone successful user: opened archive C:\Users\Max\Uni\MMT-Archives\FrameIT\FrameIT lmh: checking for dependencies of FrameIT/FrameIT lmh: installing dependency /meta-inf of FrameIT/FrameIT lmh: Attempting to install archive /meta-inf lmh: attempting to 'git clone https://gl.mathhub.info//meta-inf.git' into 'C:\Users\Max\Uni\MMT-Archives\meta-inf' lmh: trying to clone /meta-inf error: (lmh) git clone https://gl.mathhub.info//meta-inf.git failed error: (lmh) installation has failed, please make sure that git is installed and try again. user: 'lmh install FrameIT' finished

It is noteworthy that the shell command "lmh install" triggers a https-clone here whereas the side pane install attempts an ssh-clone. So maybe the problem is that the side pane clicky thing passes on an ssh-URL and sometimes a https-URL is needed?

ComFreek commented 4 years ago

If I am not mistaken, I saw Jonny experiencing this issue in the CIP pool 2 or 3 weeks ago. The CIP pool is running Debian, I think. I experienced it on Windows as well some months ago, can't say whether it still happens. I'd need to look it up.